Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Interest Rates an Exchange Rate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Interest place an Exchange Rate - Essay ExampleThe disposal raised vex pass judgment to increase the solicit for pound in the international market, this increase in demand was anticipated to make the pound stronger against an separate(prenominal) major currencies, however a speculative attack by trustors led to the loss of strains, the government disordered and some investors gained huge profits on that day.This ideal depict that there is a alliance betwixt the accustomed interest rates and the exchange rate, using historical data a arena ass use the data to estimate an appropriate model that will help in forecasting prospective values. The model depicts that a overdress in interest rate will lead to a prove in the value of the currency, when interest rates fall accordingly the value of the currency pooh-poohs, the following plat shows the relationship between the both variablesFrom the above diagram it is evident that an increase in the interest rates will lead to an increase in the value of the currency, however a decline in interest rates will lead to a decline in the value of the currency. However the assumption of this model is that there are no speculative attacks and that the exchange rate depends on the demand and supply of the currency.The relationship between the exchange rate and the interest rates can be demonstrated using two currencies from countries with different interest rates, we take hypothetical values and countries to demonstrate this and we choose realm A and country B, for country a the interest rate is 4% and for country B the interest rate is 6%, those who have their funds deposited in country A will earn 4% for their investment, however it is more than profitable to invest the funds or deposit the amount in country B collectible to high interest rates and therefore higher earning.For this reason therefore investors will move their fund from country A to country B, investors from country A will exchange their mon ey to get country B currencies, as a final result of this the demand for country B currency will rise and therefore will the value of the currency. Therefore higher interest rates will encourage investors to invest in country B, if country B was to increase the interest rates from 5% to 10% then the higher will be the demand for their currency.British forecastThe exchange of the pound in 1992 was laid by the market demand and supply, in September the British government experienced a decline in the demand for their currency, many investors started selling the pound to acquire other currencies, as a result of this demand declined and therefore the pound lost value against other currencies.The government had a role to accept to resolve the crisis and this was done by increasing interests rates as described by the above model, the prevailing interest rates at the time was 10% and the government increased the interest rates to 12%, however despite this effort the investors still sold the pound to hold other currencies.Realizing this problem the government on the same day announced an increase in interest rates to 15%, this was the heartbeat attempt to resolve the problem, however it was unfortunate that investors kept on selling the pound and purchasing other currencies, as a result of this the value of the pound declined and this resulted into a decline in the value of the
Monday, April 29, 2019
MENOPAUSAL TREATMENT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
MENOPAUSAL TREATMENT - Assignment ExampleSuch symptoms include hot flushes and alteration of the vagina field of study (Newson, 2013). On the other hand, there are various ways of alleviating symptoms. One of such(prenominal) is through endocrine gland replacement therapy (HRT). However, HRT being avoided due to the various risk associated with it (Newson, 2013). Hence, such risks have forced nearly patients to opt for herbal treatments. The paper will focus on herbal treatments as a first-line survival of the fittest for their menopausal symptoms. It will also address their effectiveness as well as side do or interactions with the herbal treatments.There are various herbal treatments for menopausal symptoms. The first herbal compounds are known as phytoestrogens. These are plant compounds and have the same chemical comp atomic number 53nts as the female depend upon hormone oestrogen (State Government of Victoria, 2015). Hence, they act as oestrogen receptor parts in a womans b ody and helps in reducing symptoms (State Government of Victoria, 2015). The first is known as isoflavones. The subjective source for this phytoestrogen is soybeans, beans, and red clover (State Government of Victoria, 2015). The other one is known as lignans. It is easily fix in fruit, vegetables, grains, and oilseeds. The third one is known as coumestans. It is easily found in sprouting seeds such as alfalfa. The only challenge is that soy products are thought to lead to the development of breast crabby person in women. Therefore, there is advice to avoid such products in those women that are at high risk of ontogeny breast cancer (State Government of Victoria, 2015). The drugs have been shown not effective in alleviating hot flushes (Cleveland Clinic, 2014).The other treat is St Johns wort (Hypericum perforatum). It has been shown useful in reducing symptoms. The only challenge is that this medication may interact with other drugs one is taking causing severe side effects (S tate Government of Victoria, 2015). The other one
Sunday, April 28, 2019
US Intel Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
US Intel Community - bear witness ExampleTherefore, the confederate and the union leadership valued erudition and thus established spy networks.oer the years, both the legislative as comfortably as executive arms have devised committees and commissions that have proposed for the reorganisation of the US Intelligence Community. The goals of these proposals reflect the international environment and the American foreign policy trends as well as all domestic concerns regarding governmental accountability3.The constitution gives Congress the power to authorize militia role to execute the unions laws, repel invasions and suppress the insurrection4. The Intelligence Community has so far stark(a) counterintelligence and foreign intelligence. Counterintelligence involves gathering information, protection against espionage, sabotage or assassinations by foreign governments or terrorists. Foreign intelligence refers to the information about foreign governments activities or the activities of international terrorists5. Since the Acts creation, which coincided with the governing body of the modern Army, only four men have held the demanding job of the Armys Chief of mental faculty (Top Soldier)6.Best, Richard A. Proposal for Intelligence Reorganization, 1949-2004. CRS Report for Congress, Last Modified 24Th September 2004, Accessed tertiary September 2014, http//fas.org/irp/crs/RL32500.pdfDoyle, Charles & Elsea, Jennifer, Elsea, K. The Posse Comitatus Act and Related Matters The Use of the Military to Execute Civilian Law. Congressional query service, Last Modified 16Th August 2012, Accessed 3rd September 2014,
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Investing in Portfolios and CAPM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Investing in Portfolios and CAPM - Essay ExampleIf the dressor chooses pick 1 and invests all the money in cone-bearing, then he tramp solve a establish of 13.8%. Since Evergreen is a safe company, therefore the standard deviation of returns is quite low and put on the line coefficient is simply 0.11. One must keep in mind that by put in this company, the investor is foregoing happen of earning high returns. In other words, the investor is foregoing chance of earning high returns for increased safety by investing in this company. On the other hand, in the case of alternate 2, if the investor decides to invest in more high-octane of the two companies ACE limited, then the investor is foregoing safety of enthronement for high returns. This leave behind enable the investor to earn a return which is as high as 25%. However, the guess coefficient and standard deviation for this investment is also higher at 0.31 and 7.6% respectively. A third option is to invest in the form of an nonethelessly weighted portfolio. In this case, the returns dedicate increased from what the investor could earn by investing solely in Evergreen and at the same time the high risk of infection of investing in brilliance Ltd has also been reduced. The returns have increased from 13.8% to 19% and at the same time risk coefficient has decreased from 0.31 to 0.2. In the case of alternative 4, the investor will invest heavily in Evergreen and take very small exposure in ACE. This option is probably the worst alternative because the returns of this option are not very high, but the risk has greatly increased to 0.47. In the above scenario, we can see that the returns have increased when the investor has decided to invest in portfolios and at the same time risk coefficient has gone down. This tells us that diversification leads to lower risk and high return. However, one must keep in mind that diversification only minimizes one lineament of risk that an investor faces. There i s another kind of risk which is known as systematic risk and it cannot be eliminated no matter how well diversified the portfolio is. Hence, there is always some chance of investors losing money even if the money is invested in the form of a portfolio. The correlation coefficient above shows that the investment in Evergreen and Ace is negatively fitd. A shrewd investor always try to invest in companies that are negatively correlate so that the downward trend in the returns of one business can be offset by the increased returns on the other investment in the same portfolio. However, since these two investments are not abruptly correlated, the portfolio is not well balance and some side will be higher than another and investor can face periods of high returns or loss depending on the market situation. It can be concluded from canvas the above alternatives that it is wise for investors to not to take large exposures on one single stock. The investors should try to creation portfoli os that should give equal or close weightage to all the companies in the portfolios in order to enjoy the benefits of risk diversification. If there is one company in the portfolio which has higher weightage than the other companies ten the portfolios performance will be highly dependent on that one company and benefits of diversification will disappear. TASK 2 Capital Asset Pricing Model is a tool to
Friday, April 26, 2019
Hitler's greatest mistake Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Hitlers greatest mistake - Research Paper warningHitler was very much overconfident about invading Russia. The troop was not provided with winter clothing or equipments. More than half of Germen troops were frozen to death. The invasion was started on three fronts, in the south towards the Ukraine, in the north towards Leningrad, and centre towards Moscow. The moves were initially considered as successful advances. Within few days the Luftwaffe achieved air supremacy. German troops started encircling Russian defenders. Nazi legions soon conquered 1200 tanks and 600 big guns. They also gained more than 150,000 prisoners. Hitler attempted to program line Russia to a great extent. Their crucial aim was to gain ensure over Leningrad-Moscow-Volga line. Germanys three-pronged invasion was mean for seizing production areas in Ukraine and the Donetz basin. Germanys plans were to acquire mineral deposits, oil and grain. They attempted to capture the raw and Baltic seas. Russian citizens were encouraged to accept the scorched policy. They were instructed that if they were forced to evacuate from their place they should not leave anything behind. They should evacuate fully. Germans at the same time started feeling trouble as weather was meet disadvantageous for them. Russian partisan groups were gaining strength as they began imposing big tolls on supply convoys. Germans gained control over Riga, Smolensk and Kiev. They invaded Stalingrad to acquire the oilfields of Cacasus in August 1942.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Problems and Parallels Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Problems and Parallels - Essay ExampleThe species human erectus was almost human, because it was an advanced hominid which walked upright on two legs. This species disappeargond 230,000 years ago and was replaced by serviceman sapiens. The word sapiens comes from Latin and means knowing and it refers to the larger brain sizing and greater comprehension of homo sapiens. Humans sh ar a large percentage of their genes with apes and chimpanzees but their larger brain size and differences in the physical structure of their hands and their speaking organs make it easier for humans to adapt and run into new skills like tool use and language. Quite a lot of the social behaviors of humans and apes are identical and some chimpanzees have even been taught to speak sign language, and so the overlap is perhaps big than we might expect just by looking at the hairy bodies of other primates.2. It was once archetype that Neanderthals with their larger body size and heavier skulls were an earli er fig of humanoid but scholars now accept that they are part of the aforesaid(prenominal) species as homo sapiens and probably interbred with the more slender form of human that we resemble today. Archeologists have discovered that the two species overlapped in time by many thousands of years, and it whitethorn be that the higher intelligence and better adaptability of anatomically modern humans gradually squeezed the Neanderthals to the edges of the known manhood until they died out. Homo florensiensis skeletons found just a few years ago have set the scientists rethinking the unharmed definition of homo sapiens because these tiny 1 meter tall pygmy like hatful have some similarities with older forms of hominid, and yet apart from their reduced size, seem also very similar to modern humans. They, too, seem to have co-existed with modern humans in the same area at the same time, and may have lasted until about 12,000 years ago, which is longer than the
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Package Marking RFID 351 wk 8 forum Research Paper
Package Marking RFID 351 wk 8 forum - Research Paper drillFor long RFID has been of great influence especially in manufacturing and packaging industries in that, their tags are fixed on each object and used to track as well as manage any inventory, as well as assets. However, RFID erect be used in a variety of applications including tracking of goods, regain management, contactless payment, toll collections, smart dust, and verification of authenticity, airport tracking logistics, and timing sporting events (Angell, 2006).While RFID is presently utilize within an expansive scope of uses, stress is woful progressively to use in the store network. RFID can have an immense effect on every feature of inventory system administration from the common, for example, moving merchandise through stacking docks, to the overwhelming, for example, overseeing terabytes of information as data about products close by is gathered continuously. The regard of RFID on the supply chain leads to opti mization and enhancement of passenger experience especially in airports (Angell, 2006).In conclusion, RFID technology as the Radio frequency identification system that transmits a unique serial deem termed as identity on a wireless platform and by help of radio waves eases the amount operation in the packaging industry and saves time for any work in progress for any prevailing industry. This in turn leads to profit maximization since supply chain is of great influence and in continuous perception that the consumers receive their preferences just on
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
The Ancient Art Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The antediluvian Art Analysis - Essay ExampleThe Indra and Surya are engravings as depicted in this picture. Nonetheless, the two cuttings are a depiction of the final existence and the past lives the Buddhism founder, Siddhartha Gautama. The size of the sculptures is also similar as it ranges from 50 to 200 feet in height. The four-ram Fangzum is a bronze cast sculpture while the Reliquary Buddhist Stupa is cast in gold. The two sculptures have a great implication in the culture of the Chinese and the Indians respectively. These two sculptures depict the respect given to the dead, and especially to sages and religious teachers. However, there is a great difference in the age of their molding with the four-ram fan zun cast in the second millennium BCE, during the era of the Shang dynasty with the Reliquary Buddhist Stupa cast in the 3rd century CE, which was during the Kushan dynasty. The two sculptures are also a symbol of commemorating significant occurrences in the Chinese an d Indian religion. Hence, their main subject or significance is more of spiritual beliefs than political. Their complexity and evident in the way that the bronze is carved into the four-ram Fangzum and the way the pillars set up the Reliquary Buddhist Stupa. This artistic feature is a clear evidence of the prowess and the passion of Chinese and Ancient Indian sculptures of the time. The sculptures also have a gloss finish that clearly distinguishes them from the past sculptures that had a become flat finish. The roller is red and made of earth. The bowl also has designsof a human head that are swartincolorandimposingfish designs. The bowl was made for worshiping the ancestors in Ancient China during the neolithic Period, which was crucial in the Chinese history. Despite the non-development of the potters wheel during the time of making the bowl, the bowl is perfectly round with highly polished surfaces. In
Impact of Evaluations on Principal's Instructional Leadership Capacity Assignment
Impact of Evaluations on Principals Instructional Leadership Capacity - Assignment ExampleNevertheless, we critical review what we have gathered for their rigor and reli faculty and identify from the query the direction for future research. Validity refers to the ability of a particular research instrument to measure what it purports to measure (Cohen et al., 2005, p. 105). Cohen et al. (2005, p. 105) clarified, however, that there are several types of daring. gibe to Cohen et al. (2005, p. 105), some of the concepts of harshness relevant for research are as follows content validity, criterion-related validity construct validity indwelling validity external validity concurrent validity face validity jury validity predictive validity systematic validity catalytic validity descriptive validity interpretative validity theoretical validity and evaluative validity. Many of the concepts of validity mentioned are discussed in Cohen et al. (2005, p. 105-117). Meanwhile dependableness refers to body and replicabilty over time (Cohen et al., 2005, p. 117). According to Cohen et al. (2005, p. 117), reliability is in any case concerned with precision and accuracy. They emphasized that for research to be reliable it must demonstrate that if it were to be carried out on a similar group of respondents in a similar context, similar results would happen (Cohen et al., 2005, p. 117). Some of the other concepts related with reliability are stability, equivalence, and internal consistency (Cohen et al., 2005, p. 117-120). According to Cohen et al. (2005, p.120-133), validity and reliability should be simultaneously considered in education research. My review of research done on evaluation systems for principals indicate that further research on evaluation systems for principals should be on these lines 1. Identifying the elements of the principal evaluation systems adopted by schooltimes making great progress in instruction naturalize and the role played by principal evaluation. 2. Identifying whether there is a correlation between academic executing of schools and the evaluation systems they have adopted for principals. 3. The role played by VAL-Ed or the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education or VAL-ED in improving school performance, if any. The VAL-Ed supposedly met the high standards for content validity and reliability among the principal evaluation systems investigated by the New Leaders for New Schools in 2010. 4. The constraints encountered by schools in implementing a good evaluation system for principals. II. Sun and Youngs (2009) Sun and Youngs (2009, p. 2) described their work to have used hierarchical multivariate linear models to investigation the relationships between principal evaluation purpose, focus and assessed leadership activities in 13 school district in Michigan. Sun and Youngs (2009, p. 2) argued that their study found that principals were more likely to lead in learning-centered leadership behaviors when th e purposes of evaluation included principal professional development, school restructuring and accountability. However, Sun and Youngs (2009, p. 2) also clarified that when the focus of evaluation was related to instructional leadership in the school setting, the thrust of the school principal activities have been in curriculum design, teacher professional development and evaluation, and monitoring student learning. In
Monday, April 22, 2019
Bridging the Gap Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Bridging the Gap - engagement ExampleOn nursing education, the study is vital in reviewing the techniques and physiology of wound healing. Nursing students, while stillness undergoing training need equipment with full information that relate to the larval therapy as a strategy in debridement of wounds (McFarland & Smith, 2014). Because of the efficiency of larval therapy in aiding treatment of chronic wounds, practicing nurses need an update on the vital features of the technique. Patients who crap chronic ulcer wounds may require an enrolment on larval therapy as an intervention program of management.As a nurse in a general surgical unit, there are assorted methodologies through which I can share the information about larval therapy. Assuming the role of a mentor to my peers in matters that revolve around larval therapy in the management of wounds is an important method (Nickitas, 2014). It leave alone present the opportunity to showcase the procedure and the benefits associate d with larval therapy. Another strategy for ensuring that the peers have the full information about larval therapy is by publishing a pamphlet that will act as centering to the intervention
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Wynn Las Vegas Business Level Strategy Assignment
Wynn Las Vegas Business Level strategy - Assignment ExampleControl procedures are in place. Lastly, a general sensitization will be carried with an aim to improve the work of the strategy. An audit of Wynn Las Vegas resulted in the following (Wheelen, 2008).The marketing strategy audit revealed that Wynn targets high-end customers and its convergence line is luxury in nature. This kind of strategy is on point for the company however they emergency to incorporate pricing strategies and promotion practices such as advertisements on the internet. Promotion services are withal crucial. Their operations strategy has led to a choice of an advantageous location while its planning and scheduling activities ensure efficient handling of customers. Wynn also indispensabilitys to include capacity planning to ensure that their unspoiled capacity is. There is also need for quality assurance to enable feedback and standards are. Information systems is also a strategic area for Wynn Las Vegas although they have disaster recovery, and information security is maintained business intelligence need to be a notch higher. There should also be in-house experts to help them avert from any disaster. Wynn pecuniary strategy is such that they allow for capital budgeting, and an increase in shareholders returns is observed this means that financial reassure is, and success is guaranteed. Human resource should include recruitment for entry-level professional and allow for employee training. Innovation in Wynn should be should incorporate rewards for entrepreneurship (Strategy Audit,
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Proposal paper; Claim of policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Proposal paper Claim of policy - Essay Example battleful Objectors have no right to claim this status in America today. The United States Armed Forces, each branch, only inducts volunteers. Unlike many foreign countries, Turkey, China, and Israel, where military service is mandatory, the draft is non in deed today in America. Since joining the American military is voluntary, a soldier cannot later claim they did not want to be a soldier.The Iraqi war is not a popular one with American citizens or even Iraqi Veterans. One soldier, Senior Airman Tim Goodrich, even felt compelled to create a website called Iraq Veterans Against the War at http//www.ivaw.org/ (Dahr). Although Tim Goodrich created this site, he served his time in Iraq (Dahr). He is against the war, but felt the need to assemble his duty. Tim Goodrich did not go AWOL like some of his fellow servicemen.Another soldier has entered politics to admit the war. Tammy Duckworth is the only seriously wounded combat veteran l ead this year for Congress, whose ranks of members with military jazz are at their lowest since World War II, according to Congressional Quarterly (Stone). Creating a website and running for Congress are productive ways of protesting the war, unfortunately not all soldiers protest the war in these healthy ways.Sixty transactions II reported hundreds of American soldiers have broken the law and departed AWOL since the beginning of the Iraqi war (Rather). These Contentious Objectors are numerous, but on Sixty Minutes II the focus was on Staff Sgt. Camilo Meji (Rather). Staff Sgt. Meji refused to return to Iraq because he felt President scrub and other leaders lied about weapons of mass destruction, but his platoon leader Tad Warfel responded by aspect His dutys not to question myself or anybody higher than me, and Were not paid in the military to form personal opinions or to doubt what our leaders say (Rather). Both men chance very strongly about their opinions.
Friday, April 19, 2019
Politics versus need in politics of disaster payments Essay
Politics versus need in politics of cataclysm payments - Essay exampleIt also provides funding for rebuilding purposes to the put ups as well as to offer smaller relief loans at low interest rates to individuals in order to rehabilitate themselves. As a part of its preparation effort, agency also provides training support to States and other territories in order to increase the overall reactivity of the States to deal with such catastrophic events on their own. It also offers funds to impart training to the local State employees to better deal with the disasters.The arguments presented by Garrett & Sobel suggest that this funding to the States however have been political motivated. By quizzical the public choice model, authors have actually attempted to outline the politics behind the public choices. The arguments render that the Congress and Presidential influences are key to the rate of declaration of disasters and subsequent provision of funding to the States. The arguments pass on suggest that States which are politically more important to the President tend to have higher disaster declaration. Further, the arguments also pointed out stronger correlation with election years and States having Congressional representation on FEMA committee. (Garrett & Sobel, 2003)The above arguments essentially indicate the political motives of President and the States to get FEMA funding for the disasters. The overall distribution of FEMA funds thereof is not according to the way public choices should be made. The inability of the bureaus and departments to actually independently and submissiveness to the will of members of Congressional Committees therefore suggest that the overall distribution whitethorn not be just and equitable and that the political motives may be significant in making funding decisions.Over the period of time, various criticisms have been brocaded regarding how the grants and funds are distributed in US. During October 2004, grants were given to five of the most competitive States for
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Revised paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Revised paper - Essay usageThe challenge is that the pay for some may not be as expected especially in areas where there are many people practicing be. It is notable that many people who major in business relationship possess love for the profession due to the prospective nature of work and the lucrative payout.I micturate selected the option of accounting because I bear the love of calculations especially with relation to cable since my tender age. My family has business and I found interest in how their finances were, and how I could use the financial data to think the future of the business in terms of financial returns. Additionally, I find interest in the dynamics in the economy and businesses with a larger perspective. Thirdly, the remuneration fissureed on securing a good job with an accounting firm can allow me to live, as I prefer while also enhancing my expertise and doing what I find interesting. I am hopeful that I can develop the necessary expertise in several are as of accounting such as financial accounting, management accounting, tax accounting or auditing.I acknowledge that I require the input of a professional in the accounting field to offer me some orientation. I resolved to set up an interview with a recognized accountant whose realise is John Thorn. The interviews aims at providing me with the relevant information about the qualifications, the job requirements and the expectations placed on an individual in the accounting field.Mr. Thorn comes from a ache line of accountants in his family. It was not because there were other accountants that he decided to be an accountant. He loved the idea of doing accounting regardless if it was related to taxes, auditing, and finances or for management decision-making. He first did his bachelor of science in accounting at the University of Boston where he qualifies well. He was able to get a job at the L.I in his native Boston where he did minor accounting jobs such as preparing weekly reports o n sales. He did not stay long
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Adam Smith vs. Samuel Smiles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Adam Smith vs. Samuel Smiles - Essay Example agree to Smith, this entailed a non-interference or hands-off turn up by authorities/governments towards private enterprise. His postulates were geared towards advocacy for the establishment of a laissez faire apportion policy both on the local and international scene. Samuel Smiles is a nonher free thinker whose postulates on the sparing wellbeing of the society heavily echoed Smiths postulates almost a century later. Smiles notion was based on the need for enhanced self-actualization and exploitation, which would ultimately lead to a more spirited individual and societal economic prosperity. Adam Smith was centre more on self-interest and Smiles directioned more on morality. This paper seeks to highlight both authors arguments with relation to economic liberalism before and during the industrial revolution, and how their focus influenced their works. Economic liberalism can also be regarded as fiscal liberalism because it entails t he freeing up or self-aggrandising a free reign to all matters pertaining to financial activities both at the individual and societal direct (Perry, Peden & Von Laue, 2006). The basic aim of economic liberalization is to eliminate the involvement of organizations and institutions in making economic decisions that mint peoples economies.... He attributes the ages productive powers and increase of quantity of work to lead aspects or circumstances. He argues that division of weary enhanced every workers ingenuity, it saved conviction and the great number of machines that facilitated and abridged labor, enabling man to do the work of many (Perry, Peden & Von Laue, 2006). Division of labor also enhanced what Samuel Smiles attributes to failure of society because division of labor encouraged selfishness and individualism. These attributes according to Smiles did not do much in terms of developing societal economies, but encouraged in its stead a culture that bred social vices. These vices negatively impacted on the economic development of communities and nations. Individualism and the self-centered approach towards economic liberalization that Smith advocated for during his time did not help a lot in terms of improving the wellbeing of society. Samuel smiles on the hand, lauds division of labor as a great benefactor to the development and realization of capitalistic ethics. Smiles postulates that true growth in an individual and society in general is further possible through the spirit of genuine self help at a personal level. According to Smiles, no amount of intervention from institutions and legislation can contribute to individual advancement if the individual is not willing. Too much guidance and direction from government policy only leads an individual to exist in a helpless state (Perry, Peden & Von Laue, 2006). This is because they get used to the situation where everything is done for them, and they have no accountant of their decision-making in lif e. The prosperity of a nation is dependent upon the sum of individual uprightness, industry and energy only like national
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Carbon, Phosphorus, and Nitrogen Cycles Essay Example for Free
Carbon, friction match, and Nitrogen Cycles EssayHumans impact the cycles in different ways. All tether elements are affected by us as clements and our activities. Humans can either lose the ecosystem or we can help it. The cycles include in our ecosystem are Nitrogen, Carbon, Phosphorus. They are all important to us and all living things to go hand in hand to survive on earth and to cipher together to produce new materials. All three of the cycles have been tremendously sped up by our human impacts. The carbon cycle is very significant to us as humans its made up of several processes from our forests to our oceans. The cutting down of our trees, the carbon cycle is in danger or being disrupted. It has been prepare in very large amounts in our atmosphere in a form that can be directly taken in from our plants the carbon has a limiting factor in the growth of our vegetation.The Phosphorus Cycle is the representative of the cycles of all the biologically important mineral nu trients. Of those elements that have their own origin in our rocks and soil minerals in our atmosphere such as our iron, calcium, and potassium. We generally focus on this cycle because it has a shortage that tends to be limited in a number of the ecosystems. This cycle can cause surplus stimulate that have unwanted algal growth in our freshwaters. Nitrogen is an important factor for the wideness of the bacteria that is in our driving cycle to fertilize our soul to produce plants with the air needed to grow.
Lutheranism and Zwinglianism Essay Example for Free
Lutheranism and Zwinglianism EssayThe Catholic Church reformation rotter be attributed to personal motives which were supported by political influence and gains. For instance Lutheranism was introduced by Martin Luther because he was against the lenience act that the Catholic Church perpetuated and used to raise charitable funds to build and maintain their performes. Luther was raise in a middle class family thus was able to enjoy economic benefits such as attending school.This fact made him win over the crowd by demanding for their attention and sympathy . The lot of the Zwinglianism religion can also be attributed to the personal benefits that Zwingli was see business leader. Zwingli a catholic clergy was against the celibacy and chastity vows because he had more than once had sexual relationships with women that were his concubines. Therefore, he demanded a change to the doctrines and principles of the Catholic Church to allow wedding of the clergy to curb the immoral v ices they practiced .Gustav vas a the Swedish King perpetuated the spread of the Lutheranism religion when he dominated the national church in Diet of Vasteras by controlling all the church possessions, church appointments and demanded Lutheranism to be taught in churches and schools. Furthermore, the Denmark King Fredrick 1 protected Lutheran followers, reformers and preachers from persecution . Denmark had Catholic followers who excommunicated Lutheran believers stock-still Lutheranism gained a strong hold in Denmark when Christian Fredricks son, a Lutheran follower, won the kings throne after the civil war and thus fully supported Lutheranism.On the early(a) hand the Grand council of Zurich favored Zwingli who perpetuated the spread of Zwinglianism over the Catholic councils thus managed to influence Switzerland to practice Zwinglianism. Furthermore, the Zurich residential district supported Zwingli a fact that influenced the decision of The Grand council because they wanted t o maintain political favor of the Zurich residential district . Word Count 303 Bibliography Bruening, W. Michael. 2006. Calvinisms First Battleground Conflict and Reform in the Pays De Vaud, 1528-1559. Warren, MI Springer.
Monday, April 15, 2019
How Values Affect Decisions in Personal and Professional Life Essay Example for Free
How Values bear upon Decisions in individual(prenominal) and Professional Life EssayAbstract Many people pay endorse a set of subject matter determine, every personal, organizational, or cultural, that economic aid guide his or her life, and that dish up him or her in making decisions in their passing(a) existence. Most of my decisions are based on how they result affect my family, me, and my career. My family is the key component part in any decision I make. I invite to consider what influence my qualitys result fuck off on my family ahead I act on them. My success in my career choice of Information Systems is too an important value to me. I strive to improve my k flatledge of information systems to the stovepipe of ability in order to farther my career.This value has brought me to be results oriented, a hard worker, and a team up player. Companies are now doing business with other companies in different countries. Organizations are now set up to where emplo yees accommodate to move with different people to get the job done. If someone wants a long, prosperous career, they have to control to work with various(a) people of different stopping points. Everyone has a set of core value that assist him or her in making decisions in their daily existence, and many people expect these values to authorise them to live a wonderful life.Many people have a set of core values, either personal, organizational, or cultural, that help guide his or her life, and that assist him or her in making decisions in their everyday existence Values such as my family, friendships, and personal growth contribute to the choices that I make in my personal life. Values such as being results-oriented, a hard worker, a team player, and the desire to be successful guide me in making decisions in an organizational environment. I evaluate my core values before making any decisions that will influence them in anyway.According to author David Peters (2003) Personal eth ics have been defined as principles of good behavior, a moral code of conduct, or a system to decide between competing options. But simply stated, personal ethics are nothing more than the rules impose on ourselves that g everyplacen our daily actions. (p. 30) For many people different factors and beliefs shape their values but, I believe that everyone shares one goal of living the best life possible not just physically but spiritually and mentally. Many of my decisions are based on how they will affect my family, me, and my career.My family is the key factor in any decision I make. I have to consider what influence my choices will have on my family before I follow through with them. For example, my returning to school keeps me from spending as more period as I would like with my loved ones. I thought about returning back to school long and hard and came to the conclusion that I rent to return to school now before I have more children, my daughter gets to an age were I have to r un her all over town for things that she wants to participate in, or any other life-changing event takes place.I came to the conclusion that I need to go now because it will only take between a year and half or two years to complete. By the time I am done with school, my daughter will be four and starting kindergarten, and that is a good time to also think about having another child. So I decided to go ahead and return to school and get my masters degree in information systems. If I know that a decision will drastically affect my family, I will go to them to get their input on the situation. My success in my career choice of Information Systems is also an important value to me.Roy Posner states, One of the interesting values in life is ones innate desire for dogging improvement. (Roy Posner 2006). I strive to improve my knowledge of information systems to the best of my ability in order to further my career. This value has brought me to be results oriented, a hard worker, and a te am player. In the environment of information technology, everyone has to be team player because most of the positions require people to interact with each other.Whether the person is a systems psychoanalyst or a mail clerk, he or she will be part of a diverse group of people who have to work together effectively and efficiently to meet the goals of the organization as a whole. Culture is the key to peoples way of living, accepting changes and doing business is rapidly loosing geographical borders. (Kanungo, 2006, p. 23). Companies are now doing business with other companies in different countries. Organizations are now set up to where employees have to interact with different people to fulfill his or her job duties. If someone desires a long, prosperous career, they have to learn to work with diverse people of different cultures.At one time or another, everyone has had life experiences that help guide his or her decision making process. Nancy Haught (2006) states the following For many people, from many different belief systems, their righteousness is the only factor that they see shaping their personal ethics. But most Americans would admit that other factors do play a part parents or other relatives? experiences such as a stint in the Peace Corps or a brush with the law.The factors that shape our ethics are varied, but it religion that often gets the credit, or the blame (p.C1) Many people have come to the realization that they dont have to have the world to live a good life. Although, someone may want a successful career, they shouldnt have to sacrifice other aspects of their life to obtain it. Other aspects of life are more fulfilling, such as a wonderful relationship with God, family, and friends. Many people have a set of core values that assist him or her in making decisions in their daily existence, and many people expect these values to lead them to live a wonderful life References Haught, N. (2006, March 11). Ethics values definitions ethics, mo rals, values.The Oregonian, C1. Kanungo, R. P. (2006). Cross culture and business practice are they coterminous or cross-verging? Cross Cultural Management, 13(1), 23. Peters, David. (2003) Your Personal Ethics ? is it time for a check up? National Jeweler, 97 (7), 30. Posner, Roy. (2006). The Power of Personal Values. Retrieved July 05, 2007 from http//www. gurusoftware. com/GuruNet/Personal/Topics/Values. htm.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Master Harold and the Boys Essay Example for Free
Master Harold and the Boys EssayMaster Harold and the boys, by the albumin South Afri stinker playwright Athol Fugard, is a naturalistic play pin come out in a tea leaf manner in Port Elizabeth on a rainy day in 1950. Two black servants, surface-to-air missile and Willie, and their w completee masters son Hally (Master Harold), score deep conversations about the good time they had in concert when Hally was young. In the swallowning of the play, Sam and Willie, practice their dancing techniques and talk about an upcoming dance contest. Fugard has created starting sentiments of situation and characters in the opening of the play by using set design, stage directions, duologue as well as speech and tone. The opening of the play is interpreted as being up to Hallys first entry. Firstly, the unprofessional and for the audience surprisingly casual and light-hearted situation is created by Fugards choice of set design, stage directions and duologue. Secondly, Sam and Willies r elationship is proven of unequal status, yet paint a picture and deep, by the remnant in speech and tone, and by the choice of topics in the duologue. Finally, initial perceptions of a childish and rude Willie and an searching and experienced Sam ar constructed through mostly speech and tone.The unprofessional impression of the Tea Room and the carefree and easy going ambiance is created by set design and stage directions, and duologue. Firstly, the amateurish impression of the business is created by the blackboard on which an untrained hand has chalked up the prices of the items, and by the few poor ferns in pots in the path. Furthermore, the fact that Fugard has chosen to clear all tables to one side, suggests that the business is non doing well, because the Tea Room is not likely to be expecting any customers. Secondly, the audience notices immediately that the mood in the room is casual, by letting Willie start off with singing a song as he mops down the floor.This strong mood is then reinforced when Willie suddenly gets up and starts dancing, Sam eagerly encouraging and correcting Willies dance technique. The audience must have been surprised by this casual situation, because one must not forget that at the time of the performance, around 1982, apartheid in South Africa was considerably further developed than the shot of the play. The fact that two black men, obviously workers, are without supervision of a white person and that they are enjoying themselves during work must have raised a sense of unease from the spectators, unsure how to react.The relationship amongst Sam and Willie is profound, yet Sam seems to have a higher status compared to Willie, as suggested by Fugards choice of topic of conversation and by the contrast betwixt the equipment casualty of address and physical position. To begin with, the way in which both men communicate is very informal. Willie uses plenty of swear words, like fuckin prostitute or bitch, whereas Sam uses a higher register, but is still joking around with Willie (Hows your pillow with the quickstep?). This use of language suggests that both men feel at ease and that they have known each other for a very long time already. A sense of intimate relationship is also created by the topics of conversation. Willie is very open with Sam about his relationship with Hilda Samuels, as when he talks about the problems buying food for their baby of which he isnt thus far sure it is his son (Only his hair looks like me.) he shows no hesitation to discuss the matter with Sam.Sam even knows that Willie often beats up his girlfriend, suggesting that they have been living alongside for a long time. The audience realises that it is ceremonial an intimate conversation, which makes them attentive, curious and involved in the discussion. Secondly, Sams higher social position is suggested by the contrast between the way Sam addresses Willie and vice versa, almost like a teacher-student relation. Sam sugge sts improvements for Willies dance technique, as Dont look down or But youre alike stiff, as well as how he could be more successful in his relationships with girlfriends (You hit her too much.) and Willie reacts willingly to take up the advice.Also, Sam demonstrates the dance as it should be, suggesting that Sam is more experienced. Lastly, a subtle but symbolic detail is the physical positioning of Sam and Willie at the very beginning of the play Willie is mopping down the floor on his knees, working, while Sam is flicking through a nonsensical book, standing, and obviously not working. Fugard has visualised their relationship by the contrast between kneeling and sitting, and working and relaxing, and this can in fact be applied to the entire rest of the play.Sam is portrayed as a confident, intelligent and experienced character through his speech and tone. The way Sam guides Willie through the learning bear upon of the quickstep, and even demonstrates a much more accomplished dance than Willie, indicates he is a skillful terpsichorean himself. Fugard has made the audience feel sympathy towards Sam, as he encourages Willie, Look happy, Willie Relax Willie, although Willie is a abject dancer.Fugard represents Willies character as slightly vulnerable, unexperienced, and as a bad lover through his reactions to Sams teasing, the difficulties he has with learning the quickstep and through his description of his relationship with girlfriends. Willie is very quickly thwarted by Sams advice, like Yesterday Im not straight nowadays Im too stiff and I try hard because it is hard.. Willies incapability to shell out with Sams teasing once even results in a small brawl between the two of them Its finish between us. Furthermore, Willie is clearly a bad love partner, confirmed when he describes his girlfriend as a whore and a bitch, but which is, quite ironically, provoked by himself hitting his girlfriend every once in a while. This, together with his vulgar choic e of language, results in an aversion from the audience to Willie.To conclude, Fugard has managed to create strong first impressions in the opening of the play in terms of situation and characters. He has used set design, stage directions and duologue to create an unprofessional and casual ambience. In terms of characters, Fugard has succeeded in associating strong characteristic features to Sam and Willie, both intimate friends, yet separated in a way by an intellectual line.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Affects of Westernization on Youth and Culture Essay Example for Free
Affects of Westernization on callowness and Culture EssayY bring outh atomic number 18 the back bone to a nation. The young generation occupies a special place in a society. They can change the future of the society with their spirited behavior. In a broader sense, the future of any society depends on the early days. The spring chicken ar ready to adapt changes because they argon young, in search of truth and they are open to different ideas. Young heap have go concentrating span contrary to superannuated ones and that is how changes are brought in a society. All societies pay special circumspection to the youth. The youth acts as the motivating force of revolution. No revolution can be successful without the efforts of youth in a course of action. Their youthful energy enables them to perform great in every topic and enables them to be innovative and skillful. Culture is the complete range of learned human behavior patterns.It includes a lap of Customs, beliefs, and traditions. Culture is also shaped by Religion, language, festivals, dress, arts and craft. Culture is passed down from generation to generation. Youth of a society preserves its coating. All Cultures are naturally prone to change and, at the same time, to elude change. There are three general sources of influence that are responsible for both change and justification to it Forces at work within a society, Contact between societies and Changes in the natural environment. Within a society, processes leading to change include invention and culture loss. Inventions may be either technological or ideological. Technological inventions include new tools, energy sources, and transportation methods. Culture loss is an unavoidable result of old cultural patterns being replaced by new ones.For example, not many Pakistanis today know how to care for a horse. A century ago, this was parkland knowledge among many people because buggies and horse-riding were the only means of transportation. S ince then, vehicles with internal burn engines have replaced horses and horse care knowledge lost its importance. As a result, children are rarely taught these skills. Instead, they are trained in the use of the new technologies of automobiles, televisions, cellular phones, computers, and iPods. The processes leading to change that occur as a result of contact between societies are dissemination, acculturation and transculturation. Diffusion is the movement of things and ideas from one culture to some other. When diffusion occurs, the form of a trait may move from one society to another but not its original cultural meaning.Acculturation is what happens to an entire culture when unfamiliar traits diffuse in on a large scale and significantly replace traditional cultural patterns. Transculturation is what happens to an individual when he or she moves to another society and adopts its culture. The word westernization is defined as The social process of becoming familiar with or conv erting to the usance and practices of Western civilization. The youth of Pakistan is talented and dedicated. Unfortunately, the youth today is involved in activities which are uncomplete useful to them nor the nation. All that keeps them busy during the day are games, TV shows, movies and socializing with their peers which these days, is commonly called hanging out. At night, theyre busy chatting on the internet, listening to music, attending late night parties and some are even involved in illegal activities like smoking and drinking.They have no vision and kind of of improving themselves or doing something productive, they choose to waste their time. All this is because of westernization of youth in Pakistan. Over the past decade, the youth of Pakistan has been adversely affected by western culture. A significant change has been observed in the culture of Pakistan. Many regional rituals have either been forgotten or replaced by western rituals young people prefer western attire over national dress, fast food is preferred over regional food, family values are not practiced the way they used to, dating has become very common and violent behavior has become a trend among youngsters. In such a situation, culture cannot be passed on in its original form it would rather be modified or to be much specific, westernized.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
The media in Pakistan Essay Example for Free
The media in Pakistan EssayFrom their independence, Pakistani lot fed a surfeit of Islamic and estate ideology, (anti India) via (restricted and tightly controlled) newspapers, radio and later state owned and ran TV, Pakistan Television (PTV) one and only channel broadcasting multi nature of TV content for 8 minute of arcs in a day, since its commencement. In the beginning of new millennium, General Pervez Musharrafs government activity facilitated the national and multinational private TV channels through assembly line TV networks.Cable TV networks spread all over the country in a flash from big cities to smaller towns and remote villages because of cheap monthly charges and zero installation expense, The private TV media revolution was welcomed by ordinary people and this phenomena is now integral part of their life and acculturation, In every home, shop, or at Tea stall there is cable TV network connection as in Kellners words We be immersed from cradle to encipher in a media and consumer society, Many of the private channels are owned by newspaper companies and crease corporations. So they were/are truly commercial entity and therefore can always be expected to cater, number one and foremost, to its profit-making needs. According to Kellner, Media culture is industrial culture, organized on the model of kettle of fish production and is produced for a mass audience according to types ( musical styles), following conventional formulas, codes, and rules. It is thus a form of commercial culture and its products are commodities that attempt to attract private profit produced by giant corporations interested in the accumulation of capital. or so of the Pakistani private channels started as News channels (Breaking News craze) but later they ceremonious other channels along with news channels, broadcasting Current affairs, Music, Entertainment, Sports, Children programming, and Religious (own and overseas) contents 24 hour in a day with hundred s of advertisements (main resource to generate revenue).Above short introduction is about my taste which I am drawing on the basis of Douglas Kellners media spectacle theory (global culture is actually Media culture) Kellner wrote this ledger in American perspective but I will try to analyze and explain the Pakistani Media (TV, Film and advertisements) in the decade of 1980s and later. In the history of Pakistani media, significant events were/are affiliated with political situation in country.Four time army takeover of government, Military rulers took thirty eld of the nation since 1947, ruling the country and media as well by mean of strong reflection of their policies at paper, speaker and screens. In 1977, The third and most prevailing military ruler, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, coup the democratic government of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, first Prime Minister of Pakistan after(prenominal) fall of East Pakistan (Bangladesh).PTV became propaganda machine for Zia ul Haq, his polici es and personality dominated the altogether era of TV in Pakistan, the footage of General Zia, saluting, reviewing parades, meeting foreign dignitaries, shaking hands with wounded soldiers. His modify daughter, dressed in a military uniform of her own, never far from his side on stage, saluting her suffer like any good soldier. He filled the screen, he filled the country. He was larger than life, a figure somewhere halfway between president of Pakistan and a religious icon.Throughout 1980s he implemented the so called Islam, Islamic laws (Pakistani Paper and electronic media worked as his mouth piece) and for his long survival and to sham Russian communism (not the Chinese) in the region with the help of Ronald Regan (1981 1989) as this decade was the end of cold fight and beginning of the proxy war between US and formerly Russian federation in Afghanistan fought by (Mujahidin) Soldiers of God (declared by former US deputy defense chief Zbigniew Brzezinski ), the supportive r ole Zia contend for the anti-Soviet mujahidin in Afghanistan continuous and free supply of Arms and ammunition to Mujahidin and to war lords, have control over north-western boarders had been rewarded as free availability of Narcotics and weapons in Pakistani society.The martial law of Zia-ul-Haq and the culture of Kalashnikov, heroin and violent religiosity struck a crushing blow to the acquire industry and and so films multiplied this phenomenas and gradually the culture changed completely and a new genre of cinema grew where glamorization of violence and brutality in extracting vengeance were common subjects of film making. Wahshee Gujjar, Maula Jat and Jat da kharaak are some of the films from that distributor point which effectively captured the subject. Film Maula Jutt is symbolic representation of Hero in Pakistani films.Maula Jatt is arguably the most iconic, not to mention violent, character in Pakistani cinema. While the character of Maula Jatt appeared in three cult filmsWashi Jatt, Maula Jatt and Maula Jatt in Londonin which he killed his opponents with impunity, his blood drenched exploits inspired a highly lucrative genre of films centered upon bloody rivalries between Jatts (biggest population of Punjab) in a seemingly lawless Punjab (most populated responsibleness of Pakistan). Films from that era were based on representation of Islam, identities (caste, religious, and national), especially under the Zia ul Haq regime, to regulate or Islamize the film industry.Islamic Ordinances, sharia laws and punishment system especially Hudod ordinance (limit, or restriction) is the word often apply in Islamic social and legal literature for the bounds of acceptable behavior) were introduced, implemented and practiced by newly make Sharia courts. The Hudod ordinance has/had strong influence on Pakistani society and contents of all media outlets. Film censor board was already working in the country but after General Zia ul Haq TV censorship had been implemented, Female News casters, drama actresses, and even girls like 12 yr old on TV put the Hijab to cover the head, their dressing code was changed, drama writing style, stories and subjects are confined in the container of General Zias policy. Stories from Islamic history were dramatized and many of the Silver screen films made on ideology of Islam and anti-India.The term (Afghani and Kashmiri mujahidin) caught on and eventually entered the mainstream media. Zia ul Haqs name and his policies will be remember by succeeding generations, he completely changed the Pakistan, Muslim culture in sub-continent and its social fabric, stated by famous TV actress of that time Mehtaab Akbar Rashidi, she shared her experiences during Zias era and how she was barred from hosting two shows Farozan and Apni Baat ( remonstrate shows on social issues) just because she refused to cover her head. Through the media, Zia wanted to portray his personally idealized image of Pakistani women and how the y should look, she said. She did not appear on TV for the next eight years of Zias rule.Male artists were newer allowed to touch female actresses, dialogues, and impressions were be in kind of limits which approved by the censor board or committees, just about all leading Pakistani TV actors had beards Talat Hussain, Rahat Kazmi, Shafi Muhammad, all had beards. It was a fashion of that time expressing creativity and humanness First time in the history of Pakistani TV, images and videos ofwomen and men punished durray or korray for breaking of hudod the people broadcasted nation wide in news Islamic religious scholars were often seen in TV talk shows and in solo shows describing religion, religious issues discussing moral values of Muslims. Islamic scholars like Moulana Asrar ahmed, Tahir ul Qadri, kausar Niazi.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Reconstitution of a Partnership Essay Example for Free
Reconstitution of a Partnership EssayPartnership is the similitude between persons who have agreed to lot the pull ins of the business carried on by all or every of them acting for all. An essential element of collaboproportionnistship is to have an agreement and wherever a tilt over takes place in this relationship it results in reconstitution of the supplyship fast(a).Reconstitution of the firm may happen under any of the following circumstances and as a result there will be a change in the make sharing ratio1) Change in the profit sharing ratio amongst the animated partners2) Admission of a juvenile partner3) Retirement of an existing partner4) Death of a partner and5) Amalgamation of two partnership firmsChange in the profit sharing ratio of existing partnersThe partners of a firm may decide to change their profit sharing ratio and in such eventuality, the gaining partner (i. e. the partner whose share has been reduced) unless otherwise agreed should be paid some c ompensation and the compensation is the rate of goodwill represented by the gain because the change in profit sharing ratio inwardness that bingle partner is purchasing from another partner of the profits.For example mob and Jones, two partners of a firm are sharing the profits of the firm in the ratio of 31 and if it is decided that in future both will be equal partners, it means that James is selling to Jones th (3/4-1/2) share of profits. Therefore, Johns will pay to James an amount equal to one fourth of the total value of goodwill. In concrete terms, suppose, the profit is $20000 previously James would get $15000 and Jones would get $5000. After the change in the profit sharing ratio, each would get $10000. James, therefore, loses annually $5000 and Jones gains $5000. If the goodwill is valued at $40000, Jones must pay James one fourth of $40000 namely $10000. This adjustment is usually made by passing an adjustment entry. In this case, Johns capital account will be debite d and James capital account will be ascribe with $10000.In addition to the adjustments for goodwill, the change in profit sharing ratio also requires the adjustment of profit/loss on revaluation of assets and reassessment of liabilities, accumulated reserves and profit (or loss) etc.Sacrificing ratio and gaining ratioChange in the profit sharing ratio of existing partners will necessarily mean that one or more partners are surrendering a part of their share in the profits in kick upstairs of one or more other partners. A part of share being so surrendered is termed as sacrificing ratio while the share gained by each partner is termed as gaining ratio. Sacrificing ratio is computed by deducting the new ratio from the old ratio. Gaining ratio is computed by deducting the old ratio from the new ratio.Referenceshttp//classof1.com/homework-help/accounting-homework-help/
Monday, April 8, 2019
Communication Leaflet Essay Example for Free
Communication Leaflet Es produceIdea occurs this is when you commemorate of an idea that you want to communicate. We all communicate for a reason, which is usually to pass on information to roughly a nonher(prenominal) person. Message coded once we spend a penny thought of an idea we compose this at bottom our thoughts, how we are leaving to say our idea to the recipient in a way the recipient will assure. For example, is the communicate going to be spoken to them, do they speak English. Is the meat going to compose down for them or are we going to use sign wrangle, if so, what signs are we going to use to portray our pass. Message sent idea/message sent to the recipient. Message received message is received by the other person. The recipient senses they have a message, for example either by seeing the message youre signing or have written to them or hearing the message youre speaking to them. Message decoded recipient looks at the message and has to surgical proced ure what you have communicated for them to understand what has been spoken, signed or written, the message could be misunderstood easily by construe words differently.Message understood the message has been received, decoded and understood by the recipient. If it has been communicated clearly, for example if there were no roadblocks within the communication cycle, the recipient will show their understanding by replying to your message. As the conversation continues, the sender of the message will then become the receiver of the replied message and so on and so on. Example of a message being sent using the Communication Cycle.The cycle will only continue if twain parties understand what one another are sending, they merchantman only do this by listening and touch on what is being sent, understand then you can reply appropriately. In the communication cycle, things dont ceaselessly go smoothly and communication can chance on down when the cycle is broken. The cycle can break if the sender is unclear when they are sending their message or the receiver can misunderstand the message due to other distractions and then assume something else was being sent.Working in health and social care, your communicatory skills are one of the most alpha skills youll need and use everyday. When communicating with patients/ servicing users it is important they understand what discussions are taking place so they can join in them and it is equally as important for you to understand them so you know what they need and the choices they want to make. Communication barriers There are so more barriers that could affect communication between people.For example Noisy surroundings these can be a barrier as you may not be hear what is being spoken over the noise. For example, The manager of a care home was having a staff meeting when they were distracted with a noisy drilling and lb sounds from workmen using loud tools in the room next door.. To surmount a noisy distraction you cou ld get the workmen how long they are going to be and if it isnt too long you may take a break or postpone your meeting until they have finished. You could ask if they could delay theirs works for the remainder of your meeting.If this is not possible, rearrange your meeting for a later day, move room location for the remainder of the meeting. Disabilities A physically disabled person attending their gist appointment and there is no lift at the opticians. To overcome this barrier you would enquire to see if the have another means to transporting the service user up the stairs and if this was not possible, enquire if the appointment could take place downstairs and if this was not possible, arrange an appointment where they can accommodate a wheelchair.Cultural differences same meaning but different beliefs in different cultures. For example, eye contact when initially greeting some cultures is important but continuing eye contact is seen as a sign of disrespect. Some cultures like yo u to introduce yourself, they like a smile and a commove of hands. They are particular with the way they shake hands, extend the hand out and gently touch the other persons hand, they dont like the strong grasping shake of hands that the some cultures have.Bad lighting bad lighting can be a distraction for example, someone who is visually impaired and wears glasses is at a meeting and the bright florescent lights are reflecting off their lenses or flitter distracting their sight. To overcome this barrier, you would enquire of any disabilities people may have, such as visual impairments or epilepsy and would not use lighting that will affect their condition or change room locations if the problem of flitter lights persists.Jargon is technical linguistic process used by professionals for example, when a doctor uses full medical terminology when speaking to a service user and they do not explain what they mean in a way the service user can understand. colloquialism is wording and phrases that are used by service users that could have several ways of being misinterpreted by others, for example, the elder service users may say they have water problems, and they are meaning they have toileting problems, we may think they mean tap water problems. Slang can be used when all parties understand.Language barriers someone who doesnt speak in a language you understand, for example, they are foreign or they can only communicate with sign language. To overcome a language barrier, enquire what language they communicate and have in place a signer if requisite or a translator. Body language is an aid to expressing what we want to communicate, verbally and none verbally. Body language that can be misinterpreted, for example, a manager stood at their office door with their arms folded may be seen as they are angry when really they are stood there listening as they are postponement for a visitor.Aggression an aggressive attitude is often a barrier as this behaviour is terro rization to others and can be intimidating. Mobile phones ringing at the wrong time, for example, you are at Sunday potentiometer with a service user and whilst your at the alter with the service user, your active phone rings. To ensure mobile phones do not ring, put signs in place to ask people to kindly turn their mobiles on silent if they cannot turn them off for any reason.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Customer Lifetime Value - A Case Study Essay Example for Free
Customer aliveness Value A Case Study EssayA Your manager asks you what you think might rationalize the differences in p, r, and AC between the three groups. What would you say? i root 1s high p could be due to the fact that this group of students doesnt have the meal plan that undergraduate students who live on (or close to) campus have. Additionally, some MBA students may have longer classes than the typical undergad student, especially on weekends. The MBA students may be more inclined to buy more food to save and snack on during class sessions. The retention probability with a certain time r is expected to be higher for undergrad students who live on or closer to campus and can easily walk to the organize shop. MBA students still have a high retention ordinate, but following the completion of their MBA program, theyre less(prenominal) in all likelihood to drive to Ikes for food since they commute to school (especially if they have a thoroughly depart up shop from where they commute). Regarding AC, the cost to promote Ikes for people familiar with the area ( separate 2) is expected to be lower because the Bay Area natives already have some knowledge of Ikes.The AC for Groups 1 3 are higher because Ikes must promote their business to people who have most likely never heard of the sandwich shop through ads, Facebook, or coupons. b What do you think could be done to improve CLV for any of the groups? Describe a specific action that can be taken by Redhead and explain how it alters the variables and CLV in the table for one or more groups. ii I expected the CLV for Group 3 to be higher considering the distance from the school. It could be so low due to the meal plan those students might have, but by decreasing the AC from 25 to 20, CLV will sum up from 2. to 7. 5.The can be done by focusing their ad efforts aimed at students to strictly on campus efforts. Perhaps they could also utilize social media for free advertising and familiarise a pun ch card where after a certain amount of sandwiches bought, the customer can get a free one. This would possibly help increase the retention rate of all groups, especially Group 1 where these MBA students dont have an on campus meal plan and often look for good food and money saving incentives off campus.Additionally, if the retention rate for Group 1 went from . 0 to . 825 through the use of the punch cards and even coupons for a free drink or chips, the CLV would increase from 7 to 11. 667 almost putting Group 1 even with Group 2. And if the retention rate for Group 3 went from . 825 to . 85 through the use of the punch cards again, the CLV would increase from 2. 5 to 6. 875. I believe that by using more free social media advertising (decreasing AC) and increasing retention rate r through punch cards and coupons, the CLV for all groups will increase.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Joe’s Fly-By-Night Oil Company Essay Example for Free
Joes Fly-By-Night Oil Comp all move Prepare a proportion abstract for the fiscal year ended Dec 31, 2012. Organize your analysis per the following out note(1) Liquidity Current ratio 25,000/17,000=1.47%Quick ratio 25,000-17,000/17,000=25,000Comments on liquidity- The results cant genuinely determine how well or bad the friendship is doing until you compare it to another company. This ratio helps show the efficacy to pay wrap up short term obligations as they are due.(2) plus management Total Asset turn over 10,000/40,000=.25Average collection period (ACP) 10,000/365=273,000/27=111 daysComments on asset management- individually $1 of asset is producing . 25 in sales. Using assest utilization shows why one firm turns over assests more rapied than another. Average collection period states that its taking the customer around 111days to pay off their bills. This indicates how long sales stay on companys books.(3) Debt management Debt ratio 20,000/40,000=50%Times interest earn 3,000/200=15 timesComments on debt management- Times interest earned shows the number of times that income in the first place interest and taxes covers the interest obligation . The higher the ration the stronger the interest paying ability of the firm .(4) advantageousness remuneration profit margin1800/10,000= 18%-Return on Assets (ROA) 1800/40,000= 4.5%-Return on Equity (ROE) 1800/20,000= 9.0%Extended Du Pont equation .25x.18-0.045(4.5%)Comments on profitability to include your comments on the book of factss of ROErevealed by the Du Pont equationThese types of ratios indicate if the firm is making any money, and how much in relation to whats invested. They also give you an indication of how the firm is doing in controlling its costs.Net profit margin sales minus all expenses, including interest and taxes . So the net profit margin ratio measures the proportion of each sale dollar that remains after all expenses are paying(a) for . Joes is at 18% .The ROA should be compared to past years ROA to determine wheather it is good or bad. The ROE is the bottome line which can be compared to other investments and see where they are. It evaluates the return the firm produces. The Du Point equation allows you to understand the source of return but it need to be compared to a similar industry to see truly where the company is.(5) Market protect ratios PE ratio Market price of company comport /earnings per share of stock 50.00/1.80=27.7 Market to book ratio Share price of stock/book value per shareTo get hold the book value per share you take total equity /common shares outstanding 20,000/1,000=20 then you take share price /book value per share 1.80/20=.09Comments on the trade value ratiosThe M/B ratio gives you an indication of the value of a firms intangible non-listed assests. These metrical composition help you get an idea what it will cost you to get $1 of the firms assets. Stocks market price represents how much investors are willing to pay today for that claim. I the M/B ratio is higher than 1.0 therefore , you can say that the value of the equity claim has gone up. If you look at the M/B ratio for Joes the equity claim has gone up since its at 27.2.For the purposes of this exercise, light upon the following data for Joes Fly-By-Night OilStock price on Dec 31, 2012$50.00 build of common shares outstanding on Dec 31, 20121,000
Friday, April 5, 2019
Sodium Alginate and Polymer Drug Delivery Systems
atomic number 11 Alginate and Polymer Drug Delivery Systems atomic number 11 alginate is a hygroscopic material, although, unchanging at low humidities and at feeble temperatures. Aqueous solutions of atomic number 11 alginate argon most stable at ph 4-10. Below ph3, alginic acid is precipitated. sodium alginate solutions are susceptible to microbial spoilage during storage, which may effect on solution viscosity. Subsequent freeing of viscosity delinquent to depolarization was observed when sodium alginate was heated above 70c. Preparations containing sodium alginate for international white plague may be preserved by the addition of 0. 1% chlorocresol, chloroxylenol, or parabens and if the medium is acidic, benzoic acid may be employ. Bulk material should be stored in an melodic phrasetight container in a cool and dry place.Sodium alginate is incompatible with acridine derivatives, crystal violet, phenyl mercuric acetate and nitrate, heavy metals and neutral spirits in co ncentrations greater than 5%w/v. Low concentrations of electrolytes cause an step-up in viscosity but steep electrolyte concentrations causing salting out of sodium alginate salting out hands if to a greater ex hug drugt than 4% of sodium chloride is present.Sodium alginate is utilise in variety of oral and pharmaceutical abidanceulations. In tablet regulateulations, sodium alginate may be apply as both a binder and disintegrant. It has also been use as a diluents in capsule conceptualisations and also been used in the preparation of sustained acquittance oral formulations, since it can stick around the dissolution of a dose from tablets, capsules and aqueous suspensions.Recently, sodium alginate has been used for the aqueous microencapsulation of medicines in contrast with the to a greater extent conventional microencapsulation techniques which use organic solvent systems. It has also been used in the formation of nanoparticles.The adhesive personality of hydro gelati ns lively from sodium alginate has been investigated and the drug release from oral mucosal adhesive tablets based in sodium alginate has been reported. Hydrogel systems containing alginates hasten also been investigated for words of proteins and peptides.Therapeutically sodium alginate has been used in the combination with an h2 receptor antagonist in the management of gastroesophageal reflux and as a haemostatic actor in surgical dressings. Alginate dressings, used to treat exuding wounds often contain significant centers of sodium alginate as this improves the gelling properties. Sodium alginate is also used in cosmetics and food products at concentrations given in table 4SafetySodium alginate is wide used in cosmetics, food products, and pharmaceutical formulations, such(prenominal) as topical products, including wound dressings. It is generally regarded as a nonpoisonous and non-irritant material, although excessive oral consumption may be harmful. The WHO has not specif ied an acceptable day-to-day intake for alginic acid and alginate salts as the levels used in foods do not represent a danger to health.Handling precautions. Sodium alginate may be irritant to eye or respiratory system if inhaled as dusteye protection, gloves, dust respirator are needed while handling. Sodium alginate should be handled in a well ventilated environment.Related midpointsThe various substances related to sodium alginate include alginic acid, potassium alginate, calcium alginate, propylene glycol alginate.CHITOSANChitosan is a derivative of chitin and it is a unique polysaccharide and deliquescent polymer.Non Proprietary puddleBP Chitosan hydrochloridePh Eur Chitosan hydrochloridumChemistryPreparationThe principle derivative of chitin, namely Chitosan (C6H11O4N)n is a unique polysaccharide and hydrophilic polymer which is taken from the chitin, a polysaccharide found in exoskeletons of crustaceans. it is processed by removing the shells from shellfish such as shr imp, lobusters and crabs. The shells are then ground into a pulverous powder. This powder is then deacetylated. This involves boiling chitin in concentrated base (50%) for some(prenominal)(prenominal) hours. This bequeath yield chitosan with a degree of acetylation amid 20-30%, the most popular commercial form of Chitosan. In such a chitosan, the acetyl groups are uniformly distributed along the polymer chain. This is in contrast with the Chitosan of similar degree of acetylation, but isolated from fungal cell walls in which the acetylresidues are grouped into clusters. Special chemical treatments are required to obtain completely de-acetylated forms of chitosan.CHITINFunctional categoryIt is used as a cover agent disintegrant film forming agent mucoadhesive, tablet binder viscosity increasing agent etc. chemical characterChitosan is a cat bonce polyamine with a high charge density at phThe amino group group in chitosan has a pka value of approximately 6. 5, thus chitosan is positively charged and soluble in acidic to neutral solution with a charge density depend on ph and the %da. numerous studies render demonstrated that the salt form, molecular weight, and degree of deacetylation as well as ph at which chitosan is used all entrance how this polymer is utilized in pharmaceutical application. Chitosan is incompatible with strong oxidising agent.Typical propertiesChitosan is a cationic polyamine with a high charge density at phAcidity / alkalinitypH=4-6(1%w/v aqueous solution)Density1. 35-1. 49g/cm3Particle size distributionStability and storage conditionsChitosan is a stable material at room temperature although it is hygroscopic after drying. Chitosan should be stored in a tigjtly closed container in a cool and dry place.IncompatibilitiesChitosan is incompatible with strong oxidizing agents.SafetyChitosan is being investigated widely for use as an excipient in oral and other(a) pharmaceutical formulations. It is also used in cosmetics. chitosan is generally regarded as biodegradable, nontoxic and non irritant material. it is biocompatible with both healthy and infected skin.ApplicationsChitosan is found useful in many fields akin sustained drug delivery, components of mucoadhesive dosage forms, rapid release dosage forms, improved peptide delivery, colonic drug delivery systems and use for gene delivery. Chitosan is processed into several pharmaceutical forms including gels, form, films, microspheres tablets and coatings for liposomes.PROPRANOLOL HYDROCHLORIDE(-adrenergic blocking agents)Adrenergic nonselective -receptor antagonist. (antihypertensive, antianginal and antiarrhythmic. )STRUCTUREChemical name ()-1-isopropylamino-3-(1-naphthyloxy) propan-2-olhydrochlorideMolecular formula C16H21NO2. HClMolecular weight 295. 8Description A white powder, odourless and harsh in tasteSolubility Soluble Soluble 1 in 2 of pee and ethanolSlightly soluble in chloroformI . PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIONSa. Cardiovascular-Propranolol diminishe s cardiac out posture, midpoint rate, and force of contraction. These do are useful in the treatment of angina.b. Peripheral vasoconstriction-Blockade of -receptors prevents 2-mediated vasodilation. The reduction in cardiac output leads to rock-bottom blood pressure.c. Bronchoconstriction-Blocking 2 receptors in the lungs of susceptible patients causes contraction of the bronchiolar smooth muscle. -blockers are thus contradicted in patients with asthma.d. increased Na+ retention-reduced blood pressure causes a decrease in renal perfusion, resulting in an increase in Na+ and plasma volume. in some cases this compensatory response tends to elevate the BP. For these patients, -blockers are often feature with a diuretic to prevent Na+ retention.II. THERAPEUTIC EFFECTSa. Hypertension-propranolol lowers BP in hypertension by lessen cardiac output.b. glaucoma-propranolo is effective in diminishing intraocular pressure in glaucoma.c. migraine-propranolol is also effective in trim down migraine episodes by blocking the catecholamine stupefyd vasodilation in the brain vasculature.d. angina pectoris-propranolol decreases the oxygen requirement of heart muscle and therefore effective in reducing the chest pain in angina.e. myocardial infarct-propranolol and other -blockers have a protective effect on the myocardium. thus, patient who have had one myocardial infarction appear to be protected against a siemens heart attack by prophylactic use of -blockers.III. ADVERSE EFFECTSa. broncho constriction-when propranolol is administered to an asthmatic patient, an immediate contraction of the bronchiolar smooth muscle prevents air from entering the lungs. thereof, propranolol must never be used in treating any individual with obstructive pulmonic disease.b. arrhythmias-treatment with the -blockers must never be stopped quickly because of the risk of precipitating cardiac arrhythmias.c. disturbances in transfiguration- bloackade leads to decrease glycogenolysis and d ecreased glucagon secretion.d. drug fundamental interaction-drugs that interfere with the metabolism of propranolol, such as cimetidine, furosemide and chlorpromazine may raise its antihypertensive effects. conversely those that stimulate is metabolism, such as barbiturates, phenytoin and rifampicin can mitigate its effects.PHARMACOKINETICSPropranolol is well absorbed after oral administration but has low bioavailability due to high first pass metabolism in liver. it is highly bound to plasma proteins.Metabolism of propranolol is dependent on hepatic blood flow. pointOral 10mg BD to 10mg QID (average 40-60mg/day)I. V 2-8mg injected over 10min with with constant monitoring. it is not injected S. C or I. M because of irritant property.MATERIALS soma OF THE MATERIALSNAME OF THE COMPANYPropranolol hydrochlorideSodium alginate ARHi-Media biosciences Ltd, Mumbai.Calcium chloride ARS. D Fine chemicals Ltd, MumbaiBarium chloride ARQualigens Fine Chemicals Ltd, MumbaiChitosan ARFluca Bi ochemicals Ltd, Switzerland. (Viscosity 200-four hundred mPa. s)Acetic acidEQUIPMENTS USEDName of equipmentName of companyUV/Vis SpectrophotometerJASCO V-530IR SpectrophotometerJasco-FT-IR 8201 PCDifferential scanning calorimeterDSC-60 (Shimadzu, Tokyo, Japan)Optical Microscope and Stage MicrometerErma. JapanScanning Electron MicroscopeJSM 6400 roentgen ray diffractrometerBruker AXS D8 adjournment apparatusElectrolab TDT-08L, USP XXIV Type I Apparatus. ChennaiRemi Hi-speed motorUniversal motors. MumbaiDigital balancecapital of Colorado Instruments18002098899 simiINTRODUCTIONMICROENCAPSULATIONA process in which very thin coatings of polymeric materials are deposited around particles of solids or droplets of liquid.Different call for solid particle systems are employed in drug delivery among them pellets, form, microcapsules, microspheres, millispheres are few. The terminologies of most relevant multiparticulate systems are provided here.Pellets can be defined as Small, free flowing worldwide particles manufactured by agglomeration of fine powders or granules of drug substances and excipients using appropriate processing equipment. The size of these particles rae ordinarily between 0. 5 and 1. 5mm. sphericity and intra granular porosity are the two important quality attributes of pellets. The terms spherical granules and beads have been applied interchangeably to pellet system.Microspheres are solids approximately spherical particles ranging in size from 1 to hundred0m. They are made of polymeric, waxy, or other protective materials, that are biodegradable synthetic polymers and modified natural products such as gums, proteins, waxes etc.Microsphere the enbtrapped substance is dispersed throughout the microsphere matrix.Microcapsule the entrapped substance is completely surrounded by distinct capsule wall.The similiarities between microsphers and microcapsules are clear and illustrations of these particles are shown in FigEncapsulation ordersTwo major co nformationes of encapsulation methods have evolved, viz chemical and physical. The first class of encapsulation involves polymerisation during the process of preparing the microcapsules. examples of this class are usually known by the name of interfacial polymerisation or in situ polymerisation. The second type involves controlled precipitation of a polymeric solution where in physical changes usually occur.The precipitation and or gelation listed in table cover many techniques. one example isthe precipitation of water soluble polymers such as gelatin with water miscible solvents such as isopropranol. other examples include the precipitation of ethyl group cellulose from cyclohexane agin by cooling, and gelation of sodium alginate with aqueous calcium salt solutions. in all cases the objective is to precipitate a performed polymer around the core (sometimes a multi-particulate) to cause encapsulation.ProcessCoating materialSuspended mediuminterfacial polymerization urine soluble an d insoluble monomersAqueous/organic solventsComplex coacervationWater soluble polyelectrolyteWaterSimple coacervationHydrophobic polymers native solventsThermal denaturationProteinsOrganic solventsSalting outWater-soluble polymerWater effect evaporationhydrophilic or hydrophobic polymerOrganic or WaterHot meltHydrophilic or hydrophobic polymerAqueous/organic solventsSolvent removalHydrophilic or hydrophobic polymerOrganic solventsSpray dryingHydrophilic or hydrophobic polymerAir, northwardPhase separationHydrophilic or hydrophobic polymerAqueous/organic solventsPOLYMER BASED DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEMThere has been growing interest in polymer based bioadhesive drug delivery systems. one of the goals of such systems is to prolong the residence time of a drug carrier in the Gastro Intestinal tract(GIT). The bioadhesive bond can be of a covalent, electrostatic, hydrophobicor hydrogen bond nature. ionic polymers are reported to be more adhesive than neutral polymers, and an increased charge density forget also give better adhesion suggesting that the electrostatic interactions are of great importance. except for the oesophagus, the entire GI tract including the stomach is covered with a continous layer of insoluble mucus gel. The mucus gel generally consists of glycolproteins and due to their content of ester sulphate and sialic acid groups, the mucus layer has an overall strong net proscribe charge. The mucus layer has been considered as a possible site for bioadhesion and drug delivery by several groups.Natural polymersRecently, the use of natural polymers in the design of drug delivery formulation has received more attention due to their excellent biocompatibility, biodegradability, non toxicity and easy in availability.Polymers as carriers used in drug delivery systemThe different types of polymers for extended release preparations are given below.Biodegradable polymersThe biodegradable polymers comprised of monomers associate to one another through functional groups and have unstable linkages in the backbone. They are biologically tumultuous or eroded by enzymes or generated by living cells.NaturalAlbumin, alginate, collagen, starch, chitosan, dextran, casein, gelatine, fibrinogen etc. man-madePolyalklyl-cyanoacrylate, poly ethyl cyano acrylate, poly amino acids, poly amides, poly acryl amides etc.Aliphatic polyestersPoly(maleicacid), poly (glycolic acid), poly(hydroxyl butyrate), poly (lactic acid), poly vinyl group alcohol(PVA) etc.Non-biodegradable polymersPoly ethylene vinyl acetate(EVA), poly ether urethane(PEU), cellulose acetate, poly vinyl chloride(PVC), ethyl cellulose etc.In recent years a lrge number of biodegradable polymers have been investigated for their electromotive force use as drug delivery systems. among them, sodium alginate and chitosan are very promising and have been widely exploited in pharmaceutical industry for sustained drug release. polysaccharides such as alginic acid, agar, chitin and chitosan have been used to agglomerate drugs for controlled drug delivery systems.Chitosan is a a by nature occurring polysaccharide comprosing of glucosamine and N-Acetyl glucosamine with unique poly cation distinctions. The polycationic nature of chitosan leads to a strong interaction with negatively charged alginate. when alginate is dropped into chitosan solution, the electrostatic interaction of carboxyl groups of alginate with the amino groups of chitosan results in the formation of a membarane on the move up of sodium alginate and improves the stability and drug content. This process has been widely used in the preparation of alginate chitosan membaranes with a solid calcium-alginate gel core. There are many advantages of the chitosan coating, such as the improvement of drug fill up and bioadhesive property, as well as the prolonged drug release properties etc.Alginate(ionic, hydrophilic polymer) is a negatively charged polysachharide with high charge density and has been reported to be bio adhesive. among polyanionic polymers, alginate has been widely studied and applied for its misadventure to modulate the release according to the properties of its carboxyl groups as well as its biodegradability and absence of its toxicity. alginate is a naturally derived anionic polysaccharide mainly from algae belonging to the family of phaeophyceae. Alginic acid is an algal polysaccharide and a species of poly carboxylic acid. alginate consists of two staff of life moieties -D mannuronic acid and -L guluronic acid which exist either in blocks or random sequences and their sexual relation proportions determines the biofunctional properties of alginc acid. alginate is known to form complexes with divalent cations, such as Ca2+, Ba2+, and Sr2+ in aqueous solution. depending upon the composition of two sugar residues and sequential distribution inwardly the molecules, the complexes form either precipitates or hydrogels. guluronic acid blocks are known to form a rigid buckled struct ure, the so called egg box array, in which chelating calcium ions are nestled in the aqueous environment of the ordered gel structure due to the spatial arrangements of guluronic block oxygen atoms of carboxyl and hydroxyl groups.Alginate has been widely used as food additive, a tablet disintegrator or gelation agent, and the mechanism of its gelation have been extensively investigated. when an aqueous solution of sodium alginate(SA) is added dropwise to an aqueous solution of calcium chloride, spherical alginate beads with fixedness shape and size are give awayd, since an insoluble calcium alginate matrix is formed by the cation trade between sodium and calcium ions. alginates are known to form reticulated structure when in contact with calcium chloride ions and this characteristic has been used to produce SR particulate systems for a variety of drugs.GEL FORMATION (GENERAL MECHANISM)A gel in classical colloidal terminology, is defined as a system which owes its characteristic p roperties to a compensate linked network of polymeric chains which form at the gel point. a considerable amount of research has been carried out in recent years to elucidate the nature of the cossetlinks and determine the structure of alginate gels. alginate beads can be prepared by extruding a solution of sodium alginate containing the desired drug or protein, as droplets, into a divalent crosslinking solution such as Ca2+, Ba2+, and Sr2+ . monovalent cations do not induce gelation while Ba2+, and Sr2+ ions produce stronger alginate gels than Ca2+. other divalent cations such as Pb2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, CO2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Mn2+ will also cross link alginate gels but their use is limited due to their toxicity. The gelation and cross linking of the polymers are mainly achieved by the exchange of divalent cations and stacking of these guluronic acids with the divalent cations, and the stacking of these guluronic groups to form the characteristic egg-box structure shown in figLARGE BEAD bree dingIn general, beads greater than 1. 0mm in diameter which can be produced by using a syringe, with a chivvy or a pipette. sodium alginate solution that contains the solubilised drug or protein is transferred dropwise into a gently agitated divalent cross linking solution. The diameter of the beads formed is dependant on the size of the needle used and the viscosity of the alginate solution . a larger diameter needle and higher viscosity solutions will produce larger diameter beads. The viscosity of SA can also influence the shape of the microbeads produced. The beads croak more spherical as the concentration of SA increased. however, in general SA solutions of greater than 5% are rugged to prepare.Since, gelation occurs in an aqueous environment, alginate is a promising material as a food additive, drug formulation and useful even for encapsulation of living cells to protect them from immune responses. utilizing this stable complex formation with divalent cations, alginate gel s have been utilized for investigation of cells are considered to be the ultimate system for the pulsatile release of biologically active compounds. verbal expression of delivery devices for protein and peptide drugs under aqueous conditions are desirable to avoid the undesirable decrease of bioactivities which may occur when using organic solvents or heat during formulations. since comparatively stable alginate gels can be formed in aqueous environments through chelation or complexation, which are promising delivery of matrices for bioactive compounds.It has been suggested that the crosslinks were caused either by ionic bridging of 2 carboxyl groups on adjacent polymer chains via calcium ions or by chelation of single calcium ions by hydroxyl and carboxyl groups on each of a pair of polymer chains. although these bonds may play a enjoyment in the gelation mechanism which are not sufficiently energetically favourable to account for the gelation of alginate. it has been shown on the basis of fibre diffraction data and model-building calculations that the shape of both poly-mannuronic acid segments and the polygulutended, and that these extended ribbons can stack together in sheets. on the basis of these data and the properties of gels it has been suggested that the cooperative association of either polymannuronic acid segments or polyguluronic acid segments are touch on in the formation of the crosslinked network of polymer chain.This technique has shown attractive applications in different fields, including cell immobilisation, owing to its gentle operating conditions. as the encapsulation method is mild, and done at room temperature in aqueous medium, several photosensitive drugs, proteins, living cells, enzymes, spermatozoa etc have been successfully encapsulated through alginate beads.The primary structure of alginate depends on the producing species and for the marine species, seasonal and geographical changes might result in variations in alginates e xtracted from the same species. The polymer is nown to form a physical gel by hydrogen bonding at low pH(acid gel)and by ionic interactions with polyvalent cations such as calcium, the cation performing as a cross linker between the polymer chains. The viscosity and primary structure of polymer are important features find out it swelling and gelling properties.At neutral pH, sodium alginate is soluble and hydrates to form viscous solutions, but below pH3, alginic acid, water swellable but insoluble, which is rapidly formed. since the hydration characteristics of the polymer and the subsequent physical properties of the hydrated gel layer may critically influence drug release.When CA beads are treated with 0. 1M HCl, alginate gels hydrolysed to lower molecular weight fractions of alginic acid. due to renewal of COO- groups into unionised carboxylic groups, the electrostatic attraction between Ca2+ ions and COO- ions in the egg-box junction almost disappears. moreover, there may occ ur in ion-exchange between H+ ion(presence in the external HCl solution) and free Ca2+ ions inside the beads. thus a reduced Ca2+ ions concentration within the beads results in a weaker Ca2+ cross linked beads when put in phosphate buffer at pH 6. 8. Therefore, the acid-treated beads are loosely crosslinked structure more soluble alginate as constituent. when such beads are put in the phosphate buffer pH6. 8, the beads swell at a faster rate but do not attain a higher water uptake value due to loosely bound structure of the beads which is unable to retain large amount of water within the beads. moreover, there is possibility of ion-exchange between H+ ions produced due to ionisation of carboxylic groups in the buffer at pH.A group of scientists developed a method of enclosing viable cells, tissues, and other labile biological substances within a semipermeable membrane. preliminary in-vitro studies of several types of microencapsulated cells and tissues(redblood cells, sperm cells, hepatica cells, hepatocytes, pancreatic endocrine tissues, and islets) were described by them. essentially, the process involves suspending the living cells or tissues in sodium alginate solution. The cell or tissue suspension is extruded through a device producing micro-droplets which fall into a calcium chloride solution and form gelled microbeads with the cells or tissues entrapped. These cell containing gel microbeads are next treated with polysine which displaces the surface layer of calcium ions and forms a permanent polysalt shell or membrane. finally, the interior calcium alginate is liquefied, either to bide in or to cum out(depending on molecular weight and size of the starting alginate) of the capsule with a calcium sequestrant such as buffered citrate solution.Gohel et al ., prepared diclofenac sodium microspeheres by using sodium alginate as a polymer and CaCl2 as a cross linking agent. in this investigation stirring speed, concentration of crosslinking agent and heavy liquid paraffin were studied, on the time required for 80% of drug dissolution. a statistical model with significant interaction terms was derived to predict t80 and drug was released by diffusion of anomalous type. The results of quaternary regression analysis and F value statistics revealed that, obtaining of controlled drug release and microspheres were to be prepared using relatively lower stirring speed.Literature reports indicate wide spread use of sodium alginate for achieving sustained release of drugs, targeting gastric mucosa and increasing the bioavailability of drugs because of sodium alginates ability to form a stable and bioadhesive gel with calcium ions.Alginate also has several unique properties that have enabled it to be used as a matrix for the entrapment or delivery of a variety of proteins, macromolecules and cells.USES Of Alginate BeadsA relatively inert aqueous environment within the matrix.A mild room temperature encapsulation process free of organic solvent A high gel porosity which allows for high diffusion rate of macromoleculesThe ability to control this porosity with simple coating procedures.Dissolution and biodegradation of the system under normal physiological conditions. trite graph for propranolol hydrochlorideA stock solution of propranolol hydrochloride was prepared by dissolving 100mg of the drug in 100ml of the phosphate buffer of pH6. 8 to give 1mg/ml solution. ten millilitres of stock solution was diluted to 100ml using phosphate buffer f pH6. 8 to produce 100g/ml working stock solution. from this working solution, dilutions were made with phosphate buffer of pH6. 8 to produce 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 g/ml. The max of the drug was determined by scanning the dilutions between 400 and 200nm using a Shimadzu 1400 UV visible spectrophotometer. At this wavelength, the absorbances of all the other solutions were measured against a blank. Standard curve between concentration and absorbance was plotted.COMPATIBILITY STUDIESOne of the requirements for the selection of suitable polymers or carriers for pharmaceutical formulation is its compatibility. Therefore in the present work a compatibility study was done by using Infra inflamed spectroscopy (IR) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) to find out if there is any possible chemical interaction between propranolol hydrochloride and the polymers.DIFFERENTIAL SCANNING CALORIMETRY (DSC)Differential Scanning calorimetric analysis was used to characterize the thermic behaviour of the drug substances. It was performed by using DSC-60(Shimadzu, Tokyo, Japan) calorimeter to study the thermal behaviour of selected formulations. The instrument comprised of calorimeter (DSC60), flow ascendency (FCL60), thermal analyzer (TA60) and operating software(TA 60). The samples were heated in hermetically sealed aluminium pans under nitrogen flow (30ml/min)at a scanning rate of 5C/min from 24 + 1C to 300C. An empty aluminium pan, sealed in the same way as the sample was u sed as a reference.SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPYScanning electron microscopy is used to obtain the surface topographical characterization of beads. SEM photographs of prepared formulations were taken with (Instrument JSM-6390)at different magnification ranging from 30 to 5000x at room temperature. The samples were mounted on double sided adhesive tape that has previously been secured on copper stubs. The acceleratio
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