Saturday, August 31, 2019
Power Learning Essay
Many students are surprised at the difference in studying for college courses versus how they studied in high school. No matter how successful a student you were, the learning skills you used in high school will likely not be sufficient to guarantee success in a college course. Students discover that they need to adapt their study habits to the college setting. There are certain dependable skills that you will read about that will make the difference between failure and success for a student in college. Success in college depends on time control. Time control means learning how to control your time instead of procrastinating. There are three important steps that will help to improve controlling your time. The first step is to prepare a large monthly calendar to mark important dates for tests, due dates, and study plans for the semester. The second step is to mark a chart for a weekly study schedule that will last the semester. The last, most valuable time-control method is to make a daily or weekly â€Å"to do†list. To perform well in a college course it is most important to take effective class notes. Follow these hints to become a better note-taker. First, attend class faithfully to increase your understanding of the teacher’s ideas by hearing them in person. Second, make use of abbreviations while taking notes to save time when trying to get down information. Third, look for signals of importance, if the teacher repeats a point assume it is important. Fourth, write down the instructor’s examples and mark them with an â€Å"X†to help understand abstract points. Lastly, write down the connection between ideas, that way you’ll have them to help tie your notes together. In college, success means being able to read and study a textbook skillfully. Taking the time to preview a section or chapter will help to get a birds-eye view of the way the material is organized. Make sure you study the title and read quickly over the first and last paragraphs of the section; these may contain important introductions to, and summaries of, the main ideas. Also use a highlighter to mark the textbook at the same time you read it than go through the chapter or section and take notes. After all of that is done, study your notes than use the method of self-testing to learn the material. As a student transitions into the college atmosphere, they find out that the skills they used in high school are different than the skills they will need for college. The key to success in college is learning how to learn. The three most valuable skills that need to be learned by students are time control, classroom note taking, and textbook study. These skills won’t free you from doing the work, but they will make your work more productive. Using these skills carefully and consistently will make academic success possible for you.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Affirmative Action: Racial Inequality
Michael Parkes Professor Minichillo Writing 1020 25 March 2013 Affirmative Action: Racial Inequality After many years of immigration, the United States has become a melting pot for people all over the world with a wide-range of races and ethnicities. Although American culture emphasizes diversity and equal opportunity, its unique history of immigration has shown that people of different races are not created equal. The White race is dominating throughout all aspects of the American society.Fact: â€Å"White males are 33% of the population, but 80% of tenured professors, 90% of the U. S. senate, 97% of school superintendents, and 100% of U. S. Presidents†(Jackson 9). What happens to the rest of the American races? Where are the Blacks, Latinos and Asians? Some experts believe that, people who belong to those groups are grossly misrepresented. In 1964, racial inequality in American was being recognized as a problem that needed to be addressed on a national level. A systematic s olution was urgently needed to address the racial inequality.Affirmative action was thus born in 1964 with the ideal of creating a better society with equal chances of success for people from different backgrounds and races. Broadly defined, affirmative action refers to efforts to increase educational and employment opportunities for minorities and women. More specifically, it applies to various policies and programs designed to increase the number of minorities and women hired by government and industry and admitted into colleges and universities. As good as the ideal sounded, we have encountered many obstacles implementing the idea into reality.For many decades, because of its impact on individuals, races, and social economic classes, affirmative action has become a source of controversy and a focus of many heated debates. In his book, Hunger of Memory, Richard Rodriguez expressed his belief that affirmative action has devalued the achievements of people of color, and that a syste m that prefers one race over another is nothing more than another form of racism. For some individuals of minority the existence of affirmative action is a threat rather than an aid to their personal success.They believe that affirmative action undermines their personal achievements. Granting certain privileges to minority groups creates the perception that their positions were given to them rather than earned and that minority people are incapable of competing with white people. Richard Rodriguez testifies to this with his personal experience. Growing up in a poor Mexican immigrant family, he has invested a tremendous amount of effort to achieve the academic level of a scholar. To him it was a scholarship boy's dreams come true (Rodriguez 164). However, his academic success was always associated with his minority status.Mr. Rodriguez speaks his unpleasant feelings towards such an association. Mr. Rodriguez was extremely sensitive about the issue. He believes that being â€Å"label ed†as a â€Å"minority†has put him in a position that he can never compete with other people without prejudice. Meanwhile, the supporters of affirmative action believe that being racially conscious is merely acknowledging one's social identity. Understanding one's own social identity means recognizing the differences as well as the advantages and disadvantages of being an individual in a diverse society.Affirmative action simply gives people who are socially disadvantaged a â€Å"leg up†so that they can compete equally with rest of the society. In an 800-meter race, the runner at the outermost lane gets to start ahead of the runner at the innermost lane, simply because it is a longer run to complete the race at the outer lane than the inner lane. This analogy can be applied to the racial disadvantages of minority students as well. Because of their lack of educational resource and unfavorable study environment, they have to endure many more difficulties to achi eve the same academic goals of the majority.Affirmative action is simply putting them ahead of the starting line to finish the longer run. Not all minority races are on an equal ground. Statistics show that about 12 % of Whites, 15% of Asians, and 30% of Blacks and Latinos are under the poverty line; 42% of Asian, 25% of White, and only less than 14% of Black and Latino adults finish college. The numbers clearly show that Asian Americans are way ahead of other racial minorities with respect of income and education, despite the fact that Asian Americans have the least amount of population and shortest history of immigration among the key minority races in the United States.Some people question that, Asian Americans have made it without affirmative action so why can't everyone else? It is a recognizable fact that Asian Americans have extraordinary performance on their educational achievements; they are nowhere near being misrepresented in higher educational institutions. Thus, Asian A mericans have sometime been imaged, as model minority by opponents of affirmative action to perpetuate the idea that affirmative action is unnecessary for racial-class advancement.However, if we step back from the campus and look at the bigger picture, we cannot overlook the reality that the racial discrimination still exists in all aspects of modern society. Asian people as a minority group are no exception as victims of a much broader system. At government jobs and management level jobs in large corporations, Asian Americans are in no doubt under the confinement of the â€Å"glass ceiling. †Because Asian Americans continue to be subjected to racist stereotyping and scapegoating, there is still a need for affirmation action to break the â€Å"glass ceiling†and make it a fair game for all.While the ideal of affirmative action is to assist the disadvantaged, and give them an aid in the race of social competition, the racially based system certainly could not accuratel y identify the poor and socially disadvantaged from a few elite individuals within the same racial group. Eighty five percent of African Americans are under the poverty line, while two percent of them have a yearly income over 150K. There are also a considerable number of Whites who are categorized as under-class. The priority given to race over class has inevitably exacerbated white racism.Purely race determined preference does not justify the purpose of affirmative action on many occasions. The reverse discrimination seems to have a firm ground at some higher educational institutions, which practice affirmative action on their admission processes. Cases like those of University of Michigan have certainly heated up the smoking controversy. Jennifer Gratz, a White university applicant sued the University of Michigan for denying her application because of the school's racially conditioned admission policy.At the University of Michigan as well as many other universities around the cou ntry, minority group students receive 20 extra points when they apply. This gives them a considerable jump to their chances of being accepted over White students with same academic level. It may sound disturbing to many people: one person may be accepted by the top university over another person just because of his/her race. In an effort to improve the current affirmative action, many scholars have proposed that we should consider social class as a determining factor instead of race. Among them,Richard Rodriguez believes that a class based, as opposed to a racially based system may be a better solution to help the disadvantaged. By judging an individual based on his or her class instead of race, schools and other social institutions can assist those who are really are in need. As good as the idea sounds, still others believe that class oriented affirmative action is misleading. Affirmative action was designed to help racial inequality with respect to class stratification, not to res olve class inequality. The class stratification is a by-product of a capitalistic economic system.It exists now, and will exist for as long as the capitalist society persists. Social class stratification is universal to all countries with capitalist economic systems in varies of degrees, even in â€Å"racially pure†countries like the UK, France, and Japan. When race is not a factor, the hierarchical structure of class stratification remains the same, but the people that make up the class may change over time without the barrier that concerns about their race. This forms a dynamic, stable class system. However, when race is being introduced into the matter, there are physical features to stereotype people's class allocation.Discrimination becomes institutionalized. It prevents class movement for colored people. The systematical solution – affirmative action thus was designed to compensate for these discriminating factors that are inevitable in a diverse society such as ours. After hearing all the voices, both satisfied or disappointed, enthusiastic or pessimistic, it is evident that affirmative action is certainly an exciting and yet elusive topic. It is far from perfect, and flawed in many aspects, but the goals and ideals of affirmative action are unquestionably encouraging.Like all grand missions over history, its goal of creating a utopia of equal opportunities for people of all backgrounds and colors is no doubt a difficult one, if not impossible. Democracy does not come overnight, and it is under constant challenge, debate, and amendment. Therefore, I believe that we should not abandon such a policy, but to embrace it, perfect it, and apply it to all areas of social institutions where discrimination is evident. While living in a diverse society, we should accept our differences, and not conserve our compassion for people in need.We should let all people who value freedom and the idea of equal opportunity share the â€Å"American Dream. â⠂¬ Works Cited Bender, David. Affirmative Action. San Diego: Greenhaven Press Inc, 1996. King, Sabrina. Racism and Racial Inequality : Implications for Teacher Education. Washington, D. C. : American Association Of Colleges, 2002. Web. Rodriguez, Richard. Huger of Memory The Education of Richard Rodriguez. New York: Bantam Books, 1982. Rosenblum, Marc. Racial Inequality. Seattle, WA: Monthly Labo Review, 1986. Print.
Rich vs. Poor
? A man’s economic status is based solely on his wealth and his material possessions, or lack thereof to define him as being â€Å"rich†or â€Å"poor. †Similarly, these two words, â€Å"rich†or â€Å"poor,†should also describe a man’s character. Rich is characterized as having a lot of money or possessions: valuable, meaningful, or significant. Poor is characterized as deficient in amount or indicating poverty. Yet, when we look at a man or woman, do we judge them by their wealth or by the â€Å"richness†or â€Å"poorness†in their character? Through observations of the rich, a man or woman who has obtained richness often times are lacking in character traits that makes up a good man or women. For example, Donald Trump as a billionaire is shrewd in making money and his personality is one of hostility. We all are familiar with his famous two words,†You’re fired! †Donald Trump, although rich as a child, n ever grasps the fundamental character traits of kindness, gentleness and peace. We can come to this conclusion based on the number of times he was married.This shows the lack of character Donald Trump has because a marriage should be a long term commitment, and it was easy for him to give up on many of his marriages for the next pretty woman who came by in his life. I believe that most people, like Donald Trump, who are rich in material possessions, typically are â€Å"poor†in character. They tend to be very aggressive toward others, not taking into consideration the feelings of others. Most rich people remind me of Ebenezer Scrooge, an unpopular, grumpy, elderly British male human. He was a banker and a usurious moneylender.He worked at a counting house. He was disgusted by the poor and praised workhouses. And he hated Christmas! The point here is, during the night before Christmas, Scrooge was visited by four spirits, who showed him that he hadn't always been so miserable, that he should love Christmas, and that his actions have massive consequences, and if he didn't change his ways, it would be all the worse for him! Many rich people carry a similar attitude of superiority and that there is no need to demonstrate acts of kindness to anyone that is financially below them. Consequently, a man who is â€Å"poor†in material possessions many times is â€Å"rich†in character, which is spiritually defined as the nine fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. Having friends and family members who grew up poor and who worked hard to survive to obtain material possessions, their character was strengthened or made â€Å"rich†as a result of it. They had to do the jobs that many rich people would never do, such as being a maid, construction worker, janitor and many more domestic type jobs.Although they differ in terms of definition, being â€Å"rich†and being â€Å" poor†in character can be one of the same as â€Å"poor†in spirit or humble. For example, my great grandmother was an Indian who was very poor, but you never would have known it because she was humble, kind, loving and a peaceful woman who always shared everything she had. ? Without a doubt, those who are â€Å"rich†and those that are â€Å"poor,†in terms of material possession, share a similarity: the desire to be rich or richer. No one really wants to be â€Å"poor. Those who are rich are rich through inheritance or have mastered the know-how to become rich. Such as Prince Williams, who obtained his wealth from his mother and father, Princess Diana and Prince Charles of Whales. Those who are poor have lived in poverty, for the most part, all of their lives. Many of them have not mastered the know-how to obtain riches. This is evident from looking at the statistics in the inner cities and in very rural areas. Regardless of their economic status, howev er, one desires to be rich and the other desires to be richer.The poor would like to live a stress free lifestyle without worrying if there will be food on the table, and the rich want to obtain their fortunes as well as continuing to have their success grow. ?In terms of how the rich communicate with others, the rich typically show confidence and are normally very secured individuals. The rich communication skills have embellished their ability to obtain wealth and to succeed at many other aspects in their life. The Rich, like Donald Trump have many people looking up to them. So it’s almost a responsibility to show no fear and to take charge in everything they do.If Donald Trump were to show lack of Confidence many people would not respect him or believe he had the skills to succeed as a multi billionaire. ?On the other hand, in terms of how the poor communicate with others they generally lack confidence and many times they are very insecure. The poor’s communication skills are generally slang, bad grammar, or rap which decreases their ability to communicate effectively. My cousin Brittney, who grew up in North Philadelphia, was surrounded in bad neighborhoods, run down schools, and no one to look up to.When her mother finally decided to get her out of the area it was very difficult for my cousin to adapt to a better lifestyle. Brittney was use to the ghetto lifestyle that she thought it was the norm. When Brittney’s mother enrolled her into a public school in Fairfax it was a challenging scene for Brittney. She didn’t know how to interact with the other children because her dialect was nothing like theirs and she was not secure with who she was. Therefore she lost all hope and confidence.There are several ways to work on ones confidence but they have to be willing to work on them. ?Being â€Å"rich†or being â€Å"poor,†as Webster Dictionary defines it, does not determine a man’s richness or poorness in his o r her character but defines it as his economic status. Therefore, regardless of your material possessions, we should all strive to achieve the nine fruits of the spirit. Then we can honestly say that we are rich and/or poor. It’s up to us to follow acts of kindness, whether we are â€Å"rich†or â€Å"poor,†if we want to achieve a better quality of life.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Logistics Software Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Logistics Software Application - Essay Example vey conducted by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) reveals that the global air cargo will increase by 4.8% annually as calculated from 2007 to 2011 including the Asia Pacific air cargo growth rate that is around 6.3%. However, the Boeing Company has reveals that in the year 2004 and 2005 the air cargo will grow around 6% annually up to 2024 globally. As mentioned by the HKIA, the industry related to the air cargo will develop about 13% annually and the cargo handled by the Hong Kong’s air cargo will increased up to 13% annually. The long-term research has reveal that the Civil Aviation Administration of China sates that the air traffic going toward Mainland will increase immensely and the cargo facility will be developed by 10% per annum. The total cargo will increased till 30 million tones till the year 2020 and also the Mainland will start exporting its goods through other direct flights. Thus the annual cargo transferred facility provided by the Hong Kong w ill not be used by the Mainland in future. â€Å"Hong Kong International Trade receives over 10,000 trucks and 15 vessels a day, about six million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) a year†(Murty et al. 61-75). The logistics service providers include high demand related to their services in order to compete in this industry. They should have maintained high efficiency, high value added services, high quality of services and high security services. In order to provide these services, fully professional personnel must be hired who possess good hands on experience, knowledge as, well as super current information regarding facility providing. Also, the company has to provide manpower training to its employees, develop air freight information platforms, improve management mode, strengthening international collaboration, and continuous updating of standard to international level are all directions for developing Hong Kong airfreight logistics industry. E-commerce operation mode has affected the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 58
Essay Example They were strong dogs tamed for freighting purposes. More so, these dogs have strong endurance and enthusiasm. Alaskan malamutes are friendly, devoted companion, loyal and affectionate that is jovial, playful yet dignified. Natural selection implies that the species that survive and reproduce are the ancestors to the next generation of the specie. Those animals that fails to reproduce, die and will not survive or continue to exist. Therefore, natural selection means nature selects which specie survive in the sense that if their adaptation to the environment helps them to survive since they are able to pass their genes to their offspring’s, but if they cannot fully adapt, they die and get extinct (Darwin 65-6). Scientists state that the first group of beetles appeared during Jurassic era. During this time, major groups of dinosaurs appeared too. Beetles are good adaptors to new environment by changing their lifestyle and feeding habits when acquiring new environment. Beetles managed to survive because they are herbivores. Because the environment cannot support unlimited growth of beetles, not beetles in the forest tend to survive and reproduce to their full capabilities. In this context, the green beetles tend to survive and reproduce because they camouflage and not easily seen by birds but the brown ones are easily seen and eaten by birds thus they reproduce less and hence wiped out. Protein synthesis is the production of protein molecules in accordance with DNA sequences. Protein synthesis takes place many as required. Contrary, DNA replication is the process of DNA copying itself. DNA replication takes place only once in cell generation during the S phase of the cell cycle (Baldi 70). After RNA has delivered the amino acids to increasing polypeptide chain, it leaves the ribosome, goes back to cytoplasm and takes another amino acid. As the ribosome
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma (Part Two) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma (Part Two) - Essay Example Life is a gift from God and no human being has the right to do whatever they please with it. She believes death is gods will and wish and everyone has their time of death and there is no turning back from this time. She is opposed to all forms of euthanasia, not just because she believes God is the creator of life or because of the teachings of the catholic church, but also because these churches and biblical teachings are supported by philosophical, ethical and reasoned argument that can be availed (Armstrong, 2009). As a Christian, Mary Gonzalez believes it is against her religious background and moral perspective to take her life or even request someone in doing so. She believes no one has the right to kill or assist in killing no matter how hopeless the situation. In relation to euthanasia being a way to relieve pain, to the suffering individuals, Mary insists that it is wrong and against the Hippocratic oaths of doctors. The oath states that, â€Å"I will not give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect or in swearing the giving of poison when asked for it.†The American Society of Internal Medicine and American College of Physicians do not encourage or give support to physicians regarding euthanasia (ACP-ASIM, 2010). Physician assisted suicide, she believes, deteriorates the trust that patients have in the physicians. The government is wrong to give any right to a certain group of people to kill other people. This is illegal and should be abolished. Instead, people should encourage the suffering and give them hope until God decides when to take their life. The biblical worldview according to Mary Gonzalez is a well reasoned and gives a moral value to the sanctity of life (Cox, 2009). This is because it is possible to point to a moral right or wrong. It is concerned with the good of the community at large while the secular worldview is more focused on the individual
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Impact of Mobile Computing Technology on Traditional Mobile Dissertation
The Impact of Mobile Computing Technology on Traditional Mobile Telephony - Dissertation Example The researcher would like to thank his supervisor for guiding him at every step along with supporting him in the due process. The support and guidance of all professors has been phenomenal and commendable that enhanced the overall appeal of the research in a great manner. The researcher would also like to thank his University for offering great support in accessing the library and other electronic sources. All these helps proved to be beneficial in enhancing the overall beauty of the research. The researcher would also like to thank his family for all the support, care, cooperation that made it possible to put extra hours in order to come up with a desired piece of splendid research work. They acted as a source of motivation and pillar of strength that added value to the research. The help and support of friends in terms of sharing views and opinions broadened the overall mindset of the researcher along with thinking from different point of views. Overall, the researcher is thankful to everyone who played a direct and indirect role in enhancing the overall purpose of the research along with adding value to it through compassionate support and guidance. The researcher is full with gratitude towards them and wishes them all the best in their life. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT 4 Chapter 1.Introduction 5 1.1Reserach Aim 8 1.2 Research Objectives 8 1.3 Research Questions 8 1.4 Rational for the Research Topic 9 1.5 Scope of the Research 10 1.6 Structure of the Research 11 1.7: Summary 13 Chapter 2.0 Literature Review 14 2.1 Introduction 14 2.2 Mobile Computing Technology 14 2.3 Expanding Networks and Opportunities 16 2.4 Mobile Computing Technology in the Modern World 17 2.5 Dawn of Mobile Computing Technology 19 2.6 Benefits of Mobile Computing Technology 21 2.7 Limitations of Mobile Computing Technology 22 2.8 future of Mobile Computing Technology 23 2.9 Summary 23 Chapter 3.0 Comparative Analysis of Nokia and Apple 24 3.1 Introduction 24 3.2 An Overview of Nokia 25 3.3 An Overview of Apple 26 3.4 Comparative Analysis of Nokia and Apple 27 3.5 An Analysis of iPhone and Nokia Lumia 34 3.6 Future Analysis of Nokia and Apple 35 3.7. Future Trends 36 3.8: Summary 37 Chapter 4.0 Research Methodology 38 4.1 Introduction 38 4.2 Research Philosophy 38 4.3 Research Approach 39 4.4 Research Strategy 40 4.5 Data Collection 40 4.6 Sampling 41 4.7 Sample Distribution 42 4.8 Questionnaire 43 4.9 Data Analysis 43 4.10 Ethical Considerations 43 4.11 Strengths of the Methodology 44 4.12 Limitations of the Methodology 44 4.13 Summary 45 Chapter 5 Findings and Analysis 46 5.1 Introduction 46 5.2 Questionnaire Analysis 46 5.3: Critical Analysis 56 Chapter 6 Discussion 58 6.1 Introduction 58 6.2 Summary 65 Chapter 7 Conclusion and Recommendations 66 7.1 Introduction 66 7.2 General Conclusions 66 7.3 Recommendations for Future Research 72 7.4 Recommendations for Apple and Nokia 74 7.5 Final Conclusion 76 References 77 Appendices 80 A: Questionnaire 80 B. Consent For m 82 ABSTRACT The importance of mobile computing technology in the success and development of mobile manufacturing organsiations is not a hidden fact. The research presents a thorough analysis of impact and influence of mobile computing technology on the success and development of organsiations like Apple and Nokia along with conducting a comparative analysis over their hardware and software
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Quality Improvement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Quality Improvement - Assignment Example Quality Improvement lth care services have the ability of bringing about substantive changes in the health status of a particular patient target group. It is based on this perspective that this paper discusses the different aspects attributed to quality improvement and an analysis of quality improvement story covering the seven steps involved in quality improvement. It is a critical aspect that for organizations to achieve a new level of performance, then there are various aspects that would have to change and provide evidence for quality improvement. Despite having different programs in Quality Improvement, substantive evident results in the incorporation of the four basic principles including focus on patients, focus on working as a team, focus on the use of data, and the aspect that Quality Improvement operate through the means of processes and systems. In order to understand Quality Improvement effectively, one has to have a substantive idea on what attributes Quality Improvement story. Quality Improvement story refers to a seven-step process and procedure on the various ways through which business processes can be improved. All the seven steps towards improvement of performances integrate each other, ensuring a collective way of performance towards the realization of a common goal. In the first step, there is the selection of appropriate theme, which should ideally focus on the particular problem that requires solution of a particular opportunity that requires exploitation.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Expectancy Violation theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Expectancy Violation theory - Essay Example EVT is used to understand and to evaluate their interactions and the outcomes of those interactions in this scene. EVT asserts that every person has an expectation regarding other people’s behaviors that affect their personal space. Personal space pertains to the invisible and varying spatial levels that people put around their bodies. Their idea of personal space guides their spatial expectations from other people. For instance, Fran has a small personal space, where she talks closely to people, such as one to two feet away from them, regardless of her personal and professional relationship with them. To further understand the scene, the concepts of expectancy, violation valence, and communicator reward valence are applied. Expectancy is what people think will happen (or what they expect to happen) and not what they desire to happen. Context, kind of relationship, and communicator characteristics affect expectancy. Context includes cultural norms and setting. Relationship lev el and status depend on similarity, familiarity, liking, and relative status. Communicator characteristics are comprised of demographics, as well as physical appearance, personality and communication style. During the interview scene, Maxwell expects deference from Fran, since she is applying as a nanny. ... Her cultural beliefs and practices influence her open, honest, and warm attitude and actions toward Maxwell and his children. The context calls for a large distance between Fran and Maxwell during the interview process, but Fran deviates from the social norms when she repeatedly comes close to Maxwell and invades his intimate distance. In addition, the relationship level of the two suggests that as a job applicant of a low-status job, Maxwell expects Fran to be not so familiar in her attitudes toward him. He does not expect to like her immediately, and in fact, he does not think Fran has enough experience and background to be a suitable nanny for his children. Fran acts and feels the opposite once more when compared with Maxwell. She feels at home at the Sheffield’s residence already, as she walks around confidently and speaks closely to Maxwell and his children. She also shows liking toward her employer and treats him like a friend by invading his intimate distance. Finally, for communicator characteristics, Maxwell is detached in dealing with his children and employees. He has a respectable demeanor and he communicates in a formal manner, which is not surprising because he is a Broadway producer. He talks to them rarely within his intimate distance. Furthermore, Maxwell is a handsome bachelor, which makes him appealing to Fran. Fran does not have many similar communicator characteristics to Maxwell because she is friendly, outgoing, and frank. She is attractive and sexy too, which makes her confident in her actions and allows her to easily violate Maxwell’s personal space. Violation valence is the next concept of EVT, which pertains to positive or negative values placed on particular unexpected behaviors. In the interview scene, Maxwell
Friday, August 23, 2019
Visual Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Visual Identity - Essay Example Honestly, when I have looked at the first Apple logo, it becomes clear why the company decided to replace it right away and turn it into more simple and meaningful visual symbol. Initially, over time the Apple logo in its form of apple has changed beginning with a ‘rainbow apple’, than continuing with an aqua color scheme, and ending with white and raw-aluminum color schemes that is well-known for all users now and still remains recognizable and associated in people’s minds with Apple Inc. Yet, the Apple logo has a very symbolical meaning and tells its customers that an apple, being the ‘fruit of the Tree of Knowledge’ gives people an opportunity to cognize science and leave piece of knowledge in own hearts and minds. Thinking about basic design elements and graphic techniques that were used in the creation of this visual identity we can mention that the last polished chrome logo is an ideal variant for a serious computer company, because it has not any extras, while a silvery chrome finish freshens up the icon in the best
Thursday, August 22, 2019
God Does Exist Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
God Does Exist - Research Paper Example What makes man the most superior to everything in the world is his brain. It is our senses that fundamentally make us stand out and distinguished from all other organisms. Since humans’ common sense has led them to achieving all they have today, if common sense says the God is there, God must be there. God does exist. This is self-evident. Nothing gets made unless it has been intended and somebody has done it. We want a chair and we go to the carpenter. We want a skyscraper and we approach the engineers and the architects. We want a treatment for some medicine and we go to the doctor. All of this is done purposefully because we have a belief that when somebody tries, there is an outcome. So we tend to approach the right people for the task at hand. So this is understood that there has to be a creator for everything. There is definitely a limit to what humans can create. Through research, we have come to know that man has the maximum brain as compared to all other organisms and this is the reason why man is able to create much more and far better things than all other plants or animals. While there is a limit to human brains and so to the humans’ creations, there is somebody who has got more brains than the humans and is thus able to create the whole universe. Like we create buildings, airplanes, trains, computers, internet and all the technology, there is somebody who has created us, the plants, the animals, the sun, the moon, the stars and everything that we see around us and are not able to create no matter how much we try. That somebody is God. If we place a piece of paper upon a table, it would stay there for centuries and centuries unless someone comes and removes it. When a piece of paper cannot move on its own, we are bound to think of someone that is moving the sun, the moon and the Earth and is taking care of the whole solar system. There is somebody that is transforming the day into the night and the night into the day, and that is God. Whatever happens in this world, happens for a reason. Nothing is meaningless. A woman’s breast doesn’t milk unless she gives birth to a baby. We know that in the nascent stage, milk is all that a baby asks for, and there is somebody who is not only intelligent enough to understand this, but is also powerful enough to provide the baby with the milk from the source that is the most authenticated and the best well-wisher of the baby i.e. the baby’s mother. Witnessing all this, man that has been made with brains is bound to think of somebody who understands everybody’s needs and provides everybody with them. It is not the mother who can ever produce the milk unless there is someone who intends it and is powerful enough to do, and that is God. This universe has one rule. W hat is right feels right and what is wrong feels wrong. Nothing bad that one does makes one feel good. One lies and one feels bad about it. One cheats and one feels bad about it. One steals and one repents. One murders and one faces the consequences. All these acts i.e. lying, cheating, stealing and murdering are strictly forbidden by religion that comes from God. If there is one entity that abstains us from doing everything that we know is wrong, that entity is bound to be right and just. Not only this, we have even stronger reason to believe in God. After every sin, when we make apology to God, it makes us feel good. While only good things make
Water Supply in India Essay Example for Free
Water Supply in India Essay India has a land size of 3. 29 million square kilometers with a diverse population which has narrowly exceeded the one billion mark. The demand for water has continued to rise fast due to urbanization where a significant percentage of the population lives in the urban areas. In addition, the increase in demand of water is further attributed to industrial growth and increase in agricultural consumption (Omvedt, 1993). Access to clean drinking water is a basic necessity of life. However supply of clean water in India remains to be insufficient despite the measures that have been taken by major institutions in India in curbing the problem. Most of the cities in India, though densely populated, do not have continuous access to clean water supply on a daily basis. Water is distributed for only a few hours per day. According to a study that was carried out in 2007 by the Asian Development Bank, twenty out of the thirty five states in India had an average duration of 4. 3 hours per day of clean water supply (Deorah, 2006). This proves the unreliability in management and distribution of piped water in major cities as well as in small towns in India. Although piped water is not well developed in rural areas, the same problem still thrives, sometimes hand pumps remaining out of order for a long time. It is quite embarrassing to find that even with the great advancements in technology in the 21st century, there are still some people in certain areas of the world who face the danger of ill health due to lack of enough and quality water. Sustainable management of water resources is quickly turning out to be a necessity with a looming crisis that seems to be a threat to the livelihood and security of the general public in the coming years (Siegfried, Brown, Heikkila, Lall, 2008). Basing on this background, it is therefore the objective of this paper to center on the problem of water supply in India. 2. 0 Literature review A number of authors and scholars have carried out studies on the issue of water supply in India. The main focal point of these researchers was on the causes and possible solutions to the problem of water supply in India. According to Deorah, the major cause of low amounts of water supply whose quality is also poor is majorly as a result of mismanagement of water as a resource (2006). According to studies done by Mustafa it is revealed that the story of water in most parts of the Indus Basin which is largely in India, is related to the political landscape of the area (2007). Some of the authors highlight the possibility of an imminent danger facing India due to the conflicting figures in relation to the rising demand for water against the decline in supply of the same (Homer-Dixon, 2000). In a bid to solve this problem, Uitto and Jansky proposes that the public be incorporated in the process of efficient management of water sources (2005). In addition, it has been sugested by some scholarly material that the implentation of â€Å"the water conservation campaign awareness†is a great step in finding a lasting solution (Birkenholtz, 2009). Into the same bargain are authors Siegfried, Brown, Heikkila and Lall who recommend the idea of recycling waste water as well as harvesting of rainwater as part of the solution (2008). On the same note, Omdvet in his book â€Å"Reinventing Revolution: New Social Movements and the Socialist Tradition in India â€Å" gives the importance of preserving water catchment areas such as the Himalayas Mountains which plays a pivotal role in provision of water in the country (1993).
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Password Management System Advantages and Disadvantages
Password Management System Advantages and Disadvantages Project Aim: Passwords management is an important aspect of computer security, it’s the front line of protection for user terminals and it is by far the most common user authentication method within the largest multinational organizations. A poorly chosen password will increase the probability for an information system to be compromised. As such, all organization employees are responsible for taking the appropriate steps, to select good password security policies. Does that happen in reality? No, that’s why software password generators are activated to handle password management problems and enforce password management policies requested from the organization in order to comply with national standards, and undertake problems of selecting strong passwords. So the aim of this project is to analyze and test a standard password generator system and propose a technique for helping people to remember strong passwords easily. Project Objectives: According to the above facts the objectives that must be undertaken and strongly research in this Bachelor project report are the following: Identify the importance of passwords as it concerns the advantages and disadvantages in their daily use in home and corporate environments. Identify the weaknesses raised from these poorly chosen passwords and describe the modern attacking techniques against these passwords. Besides propose possible countermeasures to address and eliminate these attacks. Examine the characteristics of an effective password policy which can be applied in a corporate environment in order to establish and manage the appropriate defenses to eliminate the dangerous posed by insecure passwords systems. Conduct a critical analysis of different techniques used to facilitate users to remember strong passwords easily. Propose a mnemonic system which is based on users’ favorite passphrases. Analyze the operating principles of the Password Mnemonic System (PA.ME.SYS) and the processes that it enforces in order to produce â€Å"safe passwords†. Test this password generator system (PA.ME.SYS) for the strength of all passwords it generates. In order to achieve the above purposes of this project a series of logical steps were taken: In order to achieve the first and second objective of this project, a survey was conducted in the Internet, in books and in the Web application design 1 and Web application design 2 lecture notes. This survey was concerned with the importance of passwords in an organization’s security framework, the reasons they are widely used in today’s businesses and the catastrophic consequences posed by the exposure of insecure passwords to unauthorized people. Another survey in books and in the Internet was necessary to identify the weaknesses raised from these poorly chosen passwords, the attacks which are forced by modern attackers to gain unauthorized access to users passwords and the possible defense mechanisms used to address and eliminate such attacks. For the third objective of this report, a survey was conducted in the Internet and in books. The aim of this survey was to find and understand different password policies which can be applied in an organization’s global security policy to establish and manage the defenses used to eliminate the dangerous posed by insecure passwords. A university password policy analyzed for the rules they apply in order to define the secure creation and storage of strong passwords. In addition the relationship between the users and the password policies was examined together with the risks that businesses face due to the implementation of inadequate password policies. For the fourth objective, which defines the added value of this project report, it was important to conduct a search on the Internet for different techniques used to help users to remember strong passwords easily. These techniques were analyzed for their operation and the disadvantages they have. For fifth objective, it was important to propose a mnemonic system which is based on users’ favorite passphrases. The proposal of this mnemonic system was based on the research we made of different mnemonic techniques described on the previous chapter. For the sixth and seventh objective which also defines the added value of this project report it was to analyze and test the proposed Password Mnemonic System (PA.ME.SYS). After the end of the survey a mnemonic system based on users’ favorite passphrases was developed and implemented. For the development analysis and design data flow diagrams were used to clearly show the processes and data that make up the system. For the implementation and testing visual basic language was used which shows in a graphical environment how this mnemonic system works 1. Introduction to Authentication and â€Å"Something you know†1.1 Identification and Authentication Techniques Controlling access to system resources is an important aspect of computer security. Access control is about managing which users can access which files or services in an organization’s computer system. All entities involved with receiving, accessing, altering or storing information in a computer system, are separated to active and passive ones. The term â€Å"active entities†is used to describe all subjects (users, processes, threads) that are accessing, receiving or altering information in a system. The term â€Å"passive entities†is used to describe all objects (files, database) that actually hold or store information accessed by subjects. Without having access control mechanisms it is not possible to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA triad) of system resources. Access control is used to force users to provide a valid username and password to gain access to a system resource. The two vital components of access control are the identification and authentication processes. In the identification process the user is obligated to present an identity to a computer system. The information provided by the user trying to log on could be a username or by simply placing his/her hand/face to a scanning device. This action triggers the start of the authentication, authorization and accountability processes.  Today, authentication processes are usually classified according to the distinguishing characteristic they use. These characteristics are classified in terms of the three factors described in the following section. Each factor relies on a different kind of distinguishing characteristic used each time to authenticate people in a system. 1.2 Authentication Factors In a typical system, there are basically three ways for human users to authenticate themselves to a client such as a computer, a mobile phone, a network, or an ATM machine. These three authentication factors are the following. ÃÆ'ËÅ" Anything you know: a password The distinguishing characteristic is private information that only authorized people know. In modern computer systems, this characteristic might be a password, a Personal Identification Number (PIN), lock combination or a pass phrase. It is the least cost effective factor and most popular method that can be employed easily in any modern system to authenticate authorized users within the organization. They are simpler and cheaper than other, secure forms of authentication but also because they do not require to spend large amounts of money for the implementation of them in comparison with other more modern security mechanisms. Additionally, Users don’t have to spend time and effort learning how to use them. The passwords are the only user-friendly way to identify a user in a network or computer system and it is believed that they can provide the same level of strong security as a more modern security mechanism. However the usage of passwords as an authentication technique presents some disadvantages that are directly connected to the way that users are managing these passwords. In more specific the users On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages that need to be taken into consideration such as the need to create complex and strong passwords,, the obligation to change their passwords frequently and the instructions and guidelines on how to keep their passwords secret. ÃÆ'ËÅ" Anything you have: a token The distinguishing characteristic is that authorized people own and present a specific item to be authenticated. This characteristic is enclosed in a token device such as a magnetic card, smart card, a memory card or a password calculator. ÃÆ'ËÅ" Anything you are: a biometric The distinguishing characteristic is some physiological feature (static) that is always present in a person, or a certain behavior pattern (dynamic) that is unique to the person being authenticated, and is measured and recorded once in the enrollment process. When the same person requires access entry the biometric identifier compares the current characteristic provided by the user with the previously collected pattern from the original authentic person. This characteristic could be a voice print, fingerprints, face shape, written signature, iris/retina pattern or hand geometry. 2. Attacks on Passwords 2.1 Introduction Passwords are a very important aspect of computer security. They are the front line of protection for user terminals and it is by far the most common user authentication method within the largest multinational organizations However the usage of passwords as an authentication technique increases the probability for an information system to be compromised. That happens because these passwords are directly connected to the way that users are creating, remembering, storing and distributing them. In fact passwords are the weakest element inside the security chain of an organization’s network system and are susceptible to different types of attacks. The next section presents the weaknesses on users’ passwords and modern attack techniques performed by malicious attackers to gain unauthorized access. 2.2 Attacks on Passwords Easily Guessed Passwords: The first weakness lies in the composition of the password itself. Most attackers rely on the fact that most people do a bad job in creating passwords and keeping them secret. Most passwords that people select depend on the following: Favorite football player and actor names, Simple strings, such as passwords consisting of the same character (e.g. 11111). Job titles and nicknames. Important numbers, such as insurance numbers, home addresses, telephones, credit card numbers, driver license, birthdays, or vehicle tags. Favorite words found in dictionaries. Children, family or relative names. The most common attack on passwords is that where malicious hackers exploit human nature and try to guesswhat passwords people select. In this case, hackers build a list with all information related to the victim and make attempts to log on hoping to find out the victim’s password quickly.  Brute-force Attacks: In cryptography, a brute force attack or exhaustive key search is the strategy that can in theory be used against any encrypted data by an attacker who is unable to take advantage of any weakness in an encryption system that would otherwise make his task easier. It involves systematically checking all possible keys until the correct key is found. in the worst case, this would involve traversing the entire search space. The key length used in the encryption determines the practical feasibility performing a brute force attack, with longer keys exponentially more difficult to crack than shorter ones. Brute force attack can be made less effective by obfuscating the data to be encoded, something that makets it more difficult for an attacker to recognize when he has cracked the of the measures of the strenth of an encryption system is how long it would theoretically taken an attacker to mount a successful brute force attack against it. Consequence of this attack is that all users cannot use the network recourses and must wait until system administrator reserts or unlock that account. It is obvious that this kind of attack causes confusion and big delays to user’s critical job tasks. Dictionary Attacks: In cryptanalysis and computer security, a dictionary attack is a technique for defeating a cipher or authentication mechanism by trying to determine its decryption key or passphrase by searching likely possibilities. (Shape1.1). Shape1.1 Dictionary attack A dictionary attack uses a targeted technique of successively trying all the words in an exhaustive list called a dictionary. In contrast with a brute force attack, where a large proportion key space is searched systematically, a dictionary attack tries only those possibilities which are most likely to succeed, typically derived from a list of words for example a dictionary (hence the phrase dictionary attack) or a bible etc. Generally, dictionary attacks succeed because many people have a tendency to choose passwords which are short (7 characters or fewer), single words found in dictionaries or simple, easily-predicted variations on words, such as appending a digit. Social Engineering Attacks: Another weakness lies on the fact that people are not capable to remember and keep their passwords secret. In computer security social engineering is described as a non technical intrusion that is based on the psychological characteristics of the human nature. It is the art of persuading people to reveal vital secrets or to perform actions that comply with the hacker’s wishes {Shape 1.2}. Social engineering can be conducted into several forms. Reverse Engineering: In this method, a legitimate user is induced into asking an attacker questions to obtain information. The attacker poses as a person of higher authority and tries to deduce the needed information from the questions, which are asked by the user. [emailprotected]: This mode of social engineering involves sending an e-mail to a user asking confidential information. The e-mail is meant to trigger an emotional response from the user. It makes the user unwittingly participate in the hacking by disclosing the confidential information. Webpage’s: False Webpage’s, that require users to enter e-mail addresses and passwords, are created by attackers. Hackers hope that users will enter the same passwords at the false websites, as they use at their organization’s computer systems. Shoulder surfing: In this type of attack a malicious attacker could look over a user’s shoulder and watch him while he is typing his/her password to grant access to a system. However shoulder surfing attacks are not always successful but can give important information and strength to a malicious attacker to achieve his goal. Dumpster diving: One of the most intelligent techniques to retrieve users’ passwords within large commercial organizations is the dumpster diving attack. In this type of attack malicious attackers search through discarded material to find passwords, credit card numbers, confidential records or other useful information related to security policies and passwords. Sniffing Attacks: Except brute-force guessing, dictionary and social engineering attacks today’s hackers are using more clever programs and methods to retrieve users’ passwords. These methods include software sniffer programs which are used to capture and sniff passwords either a) when they are typed during the authentication phase of a network login session (Trojan Login, Van Eck Sniffing, Keystroke sniffing, hardware key loggers) or b) when they are transmitted across complex networks via email and other document delivery systems (network sniffers). {Shape 1.1}. Shape 1.1 Sniffing Attacks The next paragraphs describe in more detail each of these techniques used to sniff user’s passwords: ÃÆ'ËÅ" 1.Network Sniffing: Net sniffer is a program, who capable of capturing all traffic made available to one or more network adapters. ÃÆ'ËÅ" 2. Trojan Login: A Trojan Login sniffer program is a software tool used to capture users’ passwords during the authentication phase of a network login session. A malicious user who has access to a personal computer connected to a network can easily install a Trojan Login program. The strength of this malicious program is that it has the ability to display perfectly imitations of the operating system’s standard login program. As a consequence the user enters his/her username and password without any knowledge of the situation, while the Trojan login program saves this authentication information in a secret file. ÃÆ'ËÅ" 3. Van Eck Sniffing: These signals, which are called Van Eck radiation, are visible from as far away as 1 kilometer. It is obvious that a malicious hacker using the appropriate  equipment and without specialized skills could easily sit outside a building and eavesdrop passwords and other secrets displayed on any nearby user’s video screens and monitors. ÃÆ'ËÅ" 4. Keystroke Sniffing: Shape 1.2 shows clearly a classic keystroke sniffing attack associated with most modern operating systems. In this type of attack usernames and passwords are captured directly from the keyboard input buffer. When the user enters the required authentication information in order to gain access to a computer system, this information is stored in a special area of memory RAM. While the user enters information, another malicious attacker could run a sniffer program and retrieve the contents of the keyboard input buffer. As a result the user’s username and password is obtained by the hacker and can be used for later attacks {Shape 1.2}. Shape 1.2: Keystroke Sniffing ÃÆ'ËÅ" 5.Hardware Key Loggers: A key logger is a hardware device that intercepts and stores strokes of a keyboard. This type of attack can be conducted very easily by a social engineer. The social engineer simply walks into the location of interest and plugs very professionally this small piece of hardware between the keyboard port and the keyboard.Assuming that most users place PC towers under their desks and most of them are unaware of hardware technology, key loggers can record all typed keystrokes and store them to their internal memory without user knowledge. Attacks on Password Storage: Passwords have often been vulnerable to different kind of attacks when they are stored in huge databases and password files.Most modern operating systems ask from the user trying to grant access to systems resources, to enter his/her valid username and password. Then the operating system searches on the system’s password file for an entry matching the username. If the password in that entry matches the password typed by the user, then the login procedure succeeds and the user is authorized by the system. Shape 1.3 shows clearly how the password checking procedure works [1.3]. Shape1.3 Password Checking The storage of any password immediately breaks one important rule concerned with password security: â€Å"Do not write passwords down†. If the password file containing all users’ passwords is stolen then automatically the intruder has direct access to all system’s passwords. The primary arguments against password storage can be stated as: Single Point of Failure:If the password file is compromised then all passwords are compromised. Compromise of password file can happen due to: Poor encryption mechanisms or use of a weak master password, so its contents are easily accessed by a malicious hacker. Poor protection of the file itself. Poor Audit Trails:Most operating systems keep logs used to review login failed password attempts. Usually these logs contain a large number of wrong usernames and passwords typed by users while they are trying to login on a computer or network system. If these logs are not well protected ,then attacks become easier. For example, a malicious attacker who sees an audit record with a nonexistent username of 7rs or eri67 can be sure that this string is a password or a part of the password for one of the valid users. Software Bugs: One important reason for the success of password attacks is sometimes based on badly designed operating systems and application programs running on them. These badly designed features because software bugs which do all the hard work for malicious hackers and continue to be a major source of many security problems.  One recent software bug was found in the Solaris operating system. Users with low level privileges could force a network application program to end abnormally. As a result this program dumped its memory contents to the hard drive in a file available to all users. This file contained copies of the hashed password values that were normally stored and protected in a shadowed file. As a consequence this file could be used as input to Crack software for an off-line brute-force attack. 2.3 Countermeasures against these Attacks Assuming all the above, it is obvious that attackers use several techniques to capture users’ passwords. In this section countermeasures against all attacks on passwords (describesin section2.2 Attacks on Passwords) are analyzed and listed in order: Countermeasures against brute-force attacks: A possible solution against login guessing attacks (or on-line brute-force attacks) is to have a password policy which specifies the maximum number of login failed attempts. System administrators by configuring the operating system could limit the number of failed login attempts allowed for each user. If the threshold is reached then the account should be locked and users will not be able to log until the system administrator arrives to reactivate the login process for the specific account. It must be mentioned that using such defenses against login guessing attacks will only delay a hacker from accessing a system and gaining access to confidential information. Failed login thresholds will not prevent a brute force attack from occurring but will identify the attacking attempt to the security administrator. This defense method will deter a malicious attacker from initiating a brute force attack and increase the level of difficulty for executing this attack. There is no actual defense mechanism against an off-line brute-force attack. This type of attack can be applied to any given password database. There are many cracking software’s available on the Internet which are capable of generating character sequences and working through all possible character combinations until the user’s password is found. The only defense mechanism against this type of attack is to have users that select and use â€Å"strong†password. Countermeasures against dictionary attacks: This type of attack could be eliminated by having a policy which simply prohibits the use of common words found in dictionaries or attacker’s word lists. If all generated passwords do not appear in such lists, then dictionary attacks will not succeed. Besides system administrators should perform themselves dictionary attacks to test users’ passwords within an organisation. If any passwords are compromised, then they must inform the users directly of the results and obligate them to change their passwords to more secure ones. Countermeasures against Social Engineering attacks: Education and user awareness must be supported by the organization’s global security policy. The users should understand the importance of keeping their passwords secret and be familiar with the different ways that a social engineering attack can be conducted against them. In this case, people are able to take the necessary steps to react accordingly when such a situation occurs. Besides this, companies shouldshred all printouts having usernames, passwords and other similar confidential information in order to prevent dumpster diving attacks. Countermeasures against Network sniffing attacks: Today’s hackers are using many network sniffing programs to retrieve users’ passwords, while they are transmitted over distant networks or inside organization’s corporate network. Most businesses facing this threat and considering the consequences due to this type attack implement and use different network protocols for the secure transmission of confidential information. More often organizations indicate detailed security policies that specify ways, encryption methods and protocols to be used for the secure transmission of any important information. The most important defense mechanism against network sniffing attacks is the use of well-known secure network protocols such as SSL/TLS and IPSec protocols. These protocols have the ability to build secure channels based on cryptographic keys, shared between trusted parties, for the safe transfer of passwords and other confidential information in any system’s network Countermeasures against Trojan Login: A defense mechanism against Trojan Logins is to have a trust path for all functions that require users to enter or present authentication information for purpose of authentication. This trusted path must be established between the user trying to login and the operating system. Secure Attention Sequence (or SAS) is a trusted path mechanism used in many modern operating systems such as Windows 2000. When user requires to log on, by executing the sequence Ctrl+Alt+Del is guaranteed that he is communicating with the operating system and not malicious software such as Trojan Login. Another important countermeasure against this type of attack is the installation of commercial available anti-virus software programs (such as Norton Antivirus and MacAfee Antivirus). These anti-virus softwares have the ability to detect and prevent sniffing attack programs such Trojan Logins to be installed, downloaded and operate in operating systems. 9 Countermeasures against Van Eck sniffing attacks: The types of countermeasures used to protect against Van Eck Sniffing attacks are known as Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Equipment Shielding Techniques (TEMPEST). The U.S TEMPEST standard is one guideline that manufacturers have to follow in order to reduce electromagnetic signals and prevent these types of attacks against passwords and other secrets displayed on video screens and monitors. TEMPEST mechanisms include Faraday cages, white noise and control zones. A Faraday cage is a box, a room or an entire building that is designed with an external metal skin that fully surrounds an area on all six sides. As a result all electromagnetic signals transmitted from PC’s monitors are blocked inside the building, preventing eavesdroppers from revealing users passwords.  Countermeasures against Keystroke sniffing attacks:.  A good defense mechanism against keystroke sniffing attacks is to protect CPU’s memory. In particular the keyboard input buffer is the exact location where keystrokes typed by users are stored. It is clear that this area should be protected using various encryption techniques in order to become impossible for an intruder to retrieve its contents in plaintext form when they are intercepted. Countermeasures against Hardware Key Loggers: There are not well-known defense mechanisms against Hardware Key Loggers. The only countermeasure against them is to state clearly in the organisation’s password policy that all sides of electronic equipment, and especially computers, should be visible to users and security officers. Moreover system administrators may be obligated to check all hardware and electronic devices plugged on users’ computers, or forced to check all hardware connections in computers rooms periodically.  Countermeasures against Password Storage attacks: The types of defense mechanisms against password storage attacks include the use of various encryption and hashing techniques. These techniques are used to encrypt password files and never leave passwords exposed in plaintext form. Usually modern operating systems (Windows, UNIX) use one-way encryption systems to encrypt users’ passwords. In one-way encryption systems the password is transformed in such a way that the original password can not be recovered. When a user is logging onto such a system, the password that is entered by the user is one-way encrypted and compared with the stored encrypted password. The same encryption method and key must be used to encrypt the valid password before storage and to encrypt the entered password before comparison. Besides the use of one-way encryption, strong access control mechanisms (such as Role-Based and Clark-Wilson access control models) should be enforced and applied to the files that keep system’s hashed passwords. Without implementing tough access control mechanisms, the operating system is unable to check who is accessing these files. As a consequence an adversary could easily copy them and mount different kinds of attacks on them. Countermeasures against Software Bugs: As was mentioned in the previous section (section 2.2 software bugs), sometimes badly designed features in operating systems and applications can lead to software bugs which do all the hard work for malicious hackers. A defense mechanism to prevent such software bugs is to have a good software design. Software should be designed in an organized way keeping procedures simple, reviewed periodically for vulnerabilities and threats, and hardened with the latest patches. Where a software bug is found in any operating system or application, people discovering it should report this problem directly to the security officer and the correspondent company selling and providing licenses for this specific product should be informed to solve this problem. 3. Password Policies 3.1 Introduction Password policies are necessary to protect the confidentiality of information and the integrity of systems by keeping unauthorized users out of computer systems. Usernames and passwords are the fundamental protection of computers and networks against intruders. Password policies specify rules about the secure administration of usernames, rules used to define valid passwords and the type of protection needed for secure password storage. Α password policy is a good place to start to build the security of a company’s network and protect its assets. The next sections discuss issues related to the secure usage and management of both usernames and passwords. 3.2 Administration of Usernames The front gate within an organization’s network is where the user or the service identifies themselves and presents some type of authentication information only known to them in order to grant access. The failure to have a reliable Login Security Policies activated is like having a big building with the best guards and security mechanisms around it with the main front gate open to anyone. 3.2.1 Login Security Policies and Usernames Within a secure system, the first thing that should be expected for any login attempt is to identify who is the person requesting entry. Regardless of the protocols used, you need to know who is trying to access the network services and who they want the network services to think they are. In high-security military environments the user identifications are assigned based on a random sequence of characters. Other organizations, such as commercial, use something that can uniquely identify the user without worrying about how to create usernames. If the usernames can give away information about the organization, then the implementation of random names could be a good solution. Although by using these random
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Impact Of Social Networking On Customer Relationship Management Marketing Essay
Impact Of Social Networking On Customer Relationship Management Marketing Essay Abstract-Dealing over the Internet is becoming extremely important. Now the organisations have a tremendous opportunity through using the internet by specifies how to increase revenue and how it can reduce the cost of sales through using the Internet power. Internet at the present time is not just an additional business channel, but even more, it is a strategic business channel through which organisations can showcase their products and services. E-Business Relationship Management, Customer Relationship Management is managing of all customers and business partners through the Internet and social networking. It is not anything else but the management of customer relationships, which contains two of the scenarios, Business to consumer scenario and Business to Business scenario. Customer Relationship Management is the strategic process to put the customers in the middle of the business world. CRM is the solution that will give the organisation all the necessary information for successful managing the customers. Index Terms-Customer relationship management, E-business, Social networking. INTRODUCTION THE Social community sites have now become available to the mainstream and individuals as from over the world have adopted this new phenomenon in the making and sharing of content. When this phenomenon started, the small online communities were the leaders of social community sites and are partly responsible for their extraordinary growth. Nowadays, social community has become one of the most popular applications on the Internet since the burst of the dot-com bubble (Chan, 2007). Also many social community sites surpass even the great Google in page hits in 2006. In addition some social community sites are targeting the business community. This tendency makes viable new business models that are semi-private and by subscription only. New e-commerce benefits to the side, the popularity of these sites have seriously heightened the threats of criminal elements, such as predators, hackers and copyright violators lurking in them. Introduction to CRM in the context of e-business Organisations are facing rapid paced changes in their business environment and this change relates to evolving customer needs, evolving technologies for meeting customer needs. Change is the only constant in an organizations life (Drucker, 1992). using technology able the companies to applied the automation in trading area this new technique leads the markets to create new policy to customer relationship management in old days markets used face to face trading thats mean you should be in the store and the body language and speaking with the worker will motivate you to buy or not, put in the now trading approach no need for being in hand, its the on-line business method. Now by changing the over all paying method from physical to virtual thats mean you should change your CRM policy and create now aides to managing customer relationships by using technology in e-business. Customer relationship management has many definitions and thats referred to the researchers or organisations view; Customer relationship management is neither a concept nor a project. Instead, its a business strategy that aims to understand, anticipate and manage the needs of an organisations current and potential customers. It is a journey of strategic, process, organisational and technical change whereby a company seeks to better manage its own enterprise around customer behaviours (Brown, 2000). In general from the definitions, CRM created to managing the customer files which contain basic information about the clients to understand and predict the customer needs and the customer behaviours. In accordance to Gefen and Ridings (2002), Can be divided the CRM into three functional categories and that is operational, analytical and collaborative CRM. Operational CRM category, as well-known as front-office CRM, Enables and simplifies communication and areas which involve direct contact with customers occur, such as e-mail promotion (Romano, 2003). Operational CRM efforts to provide smooth integration of back-office processes with customer interfaces and described CRM products on the market. Analytical CRM category, as well-known as back-office CRM, regards understanding the activities of customer that happened in front office and enable an organisation to analyse customer relationships using data mining to increase loyalty and profitability (Gefen and Ridings, 2002). Collaborative CRM category, a centre of communication and coordination network that provides the tracks for customer and supplier (Schubert Koch, 2002); It can also mean the channels of communication such as the Internet or e-mail or voice applications. Customer Relationship Management, which contains two scenarios, Business to Consumer scenario (B2C) and Business to Business scenario (B2B). From compared B2B scenario and B2C scenario will be noted that B2B closing with a supplier-vendor relationships based on history, performance and trust as well as after-sales service is of great importance; B2C market may a small but fast growing and require different kinds of relationships, information and communication approaches (Zeng and Wen Yen, 2003), B2C relationships are usually of shorter duration with shorter sales cycles and more transactions driven. B2C consumer may be seeking a combination of comfort, price and capabilities of product. The information collected around the consumer usually include demographics, past and present purchase behaviour, psychographics and preferences. A new expression for taking care of customers over the Internet, eCRM, is applied lately by some organisational and academic societies (Ragins and Greco, 2003). Social networking revolution and implications for business Humans in all cultures form complex social networks; the expression social network at this point means ongoing relations between people who are engaged in the group, either for particular reasons (such as fantasy basketball, diabetes support groups) or for more general expressions (like families, friends, social clubs). Membership of these networks may be relatively permanent (like extended families) which couldnt be changed. Or flexible (like club support groups) which may be changed. Studying social networks, makes interaction between individuals, has been considered as a main research topic in sociology (Wasserman, 1994). Many theoretical models were built to study such models and later on and Based on computerized data capability of managing large data, it is possible now to analyze real social networks that were purely theoretical researches. Boyd Introduced the following description for Social Networking Sites as, Social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system (Boyd, 2007). Building online communities of people who wish to share interests, knowledge and/or activities, or who are concerned in exploring the interests, knowledge and activities of others. Social networking websites not only allow the ability for persons to communicate with each other but too enable persons to find individuals with the same of interest. Once they find out each other, members can form specific societies On the basis of their mutual interests. Social networking websites continues to growing up in popularity, companies can no longer only rely on traditional methods (print, radio, television, etc.) to impose the public perception of their products. On the contrary, these new channels of communication too provide organisations means to discover and maintain a persistent contact with their constituents of the most vocal. This information can be harnessed by organisations to use social networks to help consumers identify the most influential and participate in the campaign of product development, and improve the feeling of the brand. Finally the organisation marketing and services efforts can be enhanced by social networking. But to take advantage of social networks in a manner consistent, sustainable and open for analysis, the organisations need to customer relationship management solutions that present the right capabilities. The organisation that will enable individuals to build relationships and societies at the most easily way with other they trust, that organisation will win. The powerful idea in social networks is the concentration on making geographic place irrelevant. Social Community recognizes that people love to connect with people similar to them. But it may be more powerful if people use these communities and making them. Relation between Social network and E-commerce Sinha and Swearingen (2001) found that customers are more likely to accept recommendations and suggestions from other people they know and trust, for example family members or friends, rather than from automated systems in E-commerce websites. In reality, people decision when buying a product is strongly affected by his or her friend and business partner more than strangers. Also communities on the Web allow the users to express their personal choices and to share their recommendations. Social network sites become an opening point for Web users who are interested in E-commerce. Therefore, E-commerce corporations may take this advantage to increase their sales and support consumer relationship management. Many social network sites have been so attractive recently for a huge number of people. For example Facebook site has gathered around 47 million very active customers in the last three years, according to Shuen (2008), who argues that Facebook is the social network advertising platform. The importance value of these installed base over 47 million free users is immediately monetized via target advertising revenues. The writer maintains that the transition from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 has been marked with the dynamism and interaction of participants. She rightly notes that Techniques, architectures, and technologies that combined to trigger a phase transition, from a Web 1.0 technology collection of static websites to a Web 2.0 technology platform for anew generation of social dynamic web applications and services. The author further argues that Billions of clicks per day contribute to the collectivist Web and a rethinking of ourselves via sharing, collaborating and trading. THE Impact of social networking on e-CRM A main topic of debate between customer management and business, attention process leaders right now is making sure the business value of social CRM. The techniques and technologies of social are proliferating rapidly. Recent survey of 286 companies displays that while only 21% have established, for instance, customer community interaction sites, an amazing additional 42% are piloting or interested in executing customer communities (Forrester, 20009). Another Forrester research also spotlights that the ROI for social media applied to specific use cases, like customer service, can be attractive. (Forrester, 2009) Cutting through all the hype, companies are challenged to make difficult decisions around the level of investment they should work in Social Computing technologies such as wikis, blogs, forums, tools for customer feedback, social networking websites and customer community platforms. And they need to know how these advanced capabilities should be and how it can be integrated and structured with their transactional CRM systems. To understand this, Forrester defines e-CRM to the key of technologies that support the business processes and procedures for targeting, acquiring, retaining, understanding, and very importantly collaborating socially with customers (Forrester, 2008). The phenomenon of the social networking which is forcing business process to expand the thinking beyond the target of optimizing a two-way relationship between the companies and customer to also include the synchronise interactions that customers have between themselves. CRM is improving from its traditional concentrate on optimizing customer-facing transactional operations to include the strategies and technologies to evolve collaborative and social relations with customers, suppliers, and even competitors See the below figure (Forrester, 2008) Fig. 1. Old world and new world (social relations with customers, suppliers, and even competitors). In this new world (simultaneous and collaborative relationships), traditional CRM solutions will continue to gathering data for customer, analysis that data, and automate workflows to improve business processes. But business process must search for new and innovative solutions to engage with emerging social consumers, enhance the customer experience and knowledge through architect solutions and fundamental community-based interactions that are flexible, support and foster strong intra-organization and client collaboration. So in order to innovate the e-CRM and make the benefits of the social community, the following points may be used: Initiate e-CRM experiments immediately, specify a near-term opportunity to apply e-CRM viewpoints to a customer-facing challenge at company; Building some practical experience that will get out of old mindsets. Refine the strategies later as new insights emerge. Define social customer objectives, of the most important decision is not what the technique or technology to use; the most important is specifying what are trying to achieve and how the plan to modify and change relationships with customers. Map out e-CRM capabilities-building plan, the social CRM plan should be tightly related to business objectives, focused on customer benefits, clearly determine the processes and procedures that will be affected, and identify the associated information and capabilities required. Social networking application with exploring opportunities, benefits and risks The future of the advertising is personal. This not only means personalised in the sense that companies can prepare of custom messages to individual customers, but also personalised in the sense that product recommendations, tips and notes come directly from friends, for friends. The early examples of this new type of advertisement are called virtual marketing campaigns on the World Wide Web: the company may leak some apparently unauthorized pictures, videos, or specifications of a soon-to-be released product such as blog, that is mean the information will spreads quickly by word of mouth on all over the world. Companies such as Amazon, Netflix, ebay and Tripadvisor have popular and powerful marketing tools in the case of the Amazon website it concerns books and videos, in the case of Tripadvisor concerns hotels and restaurants, where customers write the shows of the products they liked or disliked. In that way, additional to advertisement and the mission of marketing department the company can rely on first-hand experiences through previous customers. Social networking websites take this approach additional one point: instead of receiving reviews and other information about the products from third parties is not known, consumers receive related information about the product such as experience reports or buying decisions from people they know like a friends. Facebooks Beacon program was attempt at implementing such a word-of-mouth or whats on your mind? campaign tool in a social networking website: As soon as a user of Facebook would buy an item from online shop such as buy a book at Amazon all of her friends on Facebook would be told her friends about that in the form of a status message. This allowed to easily staying up to date about friends shopping behaviors. The Facebook developer launched the Like button, Visitors may now declares their sympathy with a company or product simply by pressing the (conspicuously placed) like button. This predilection is then communicated not exclusive to the visitors entire social network website, but also to all the companies participating in the Facebook advertising platform. So the Companies may take advantage of this property by create application on the Facebook website and that will publish on all over the world and the users can see that and press on Like buttons or participate in the group and be a member and this allows the visitors to feed information into Facebook. According to Nicole, et al. (2007), in these days social networking websites have become powerful tools for customer through acquisition and retention, employee recruiting. And these form one of opportunities and benefit for social networking. Virtual Marketing also enter new dimensions through the use of social networks, With social networks, a virtual marketing campaign can rapidly and easily establish interest groups for recently launched products or upcoming events. So far, few commercial heavyweights can bear not to have appearance in these social networks (Livingstone, 2008). The customer relationship management based mainly on information and data customers, providing social networking sites a huge database can be managed through CRM. Through the social network website may the companies advertising that is product and that will reduces the cost and reach to all customer in easy way. According to Fogel and Nehmad (2008), of the most important things that constitute a risk to social networks is the information privacy and perceptions about the security of personal data, lack of interest in the field of technology from some of the people and belief that it is only for young people, perceptions about its value, truth of the information or lack of it, lack of understanding how to use these websites and lack of interest in contacting and sharing knowledge. Conclusion The most important for CRM in e-Business objectives is reduce the cost and time-saving and that happen through using the technology revolution such as social networking website and knowledge sharing and understand customer buying behavior by collect and analysis the information of customer. eCRM is not created to change the marketing however instead to enhance it, eCRM tools available to marketing manager to help them to achieve their goals and objectives. eCRM and marketing manager together can successfully carry out new products and launch new marketing campaigns to satisfy customer needs and wants. With many of the features intrinsic of embracing social networking websites and other social media channels of communication, companies need to carefully assess not solely the opportunities of such a move, but must also face the risks.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Explanation, Understanding, and Subjectivity Essay -- Philosophy Philo
Explanation, Understanding, and Subjectivity ABSTRACT: Many theorists of explanation from Hempel onward have worked with the explicit or implicit assumption that considerations of the subjective sense of understanding should be kept out of the formulation of a proper theory of explanation. They claim that genuine understanding of an event comes only from being in an appropriate cognitive relation to the true explanation of that event. I argue that considerations of the subjective sense of understanding cannot be completely removed from the process of formulating and justifying an acceptable theory of explanation. Although understanding is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for an explanation, understanding is necessary as an initial guide to the nature of explanation. The widespread method of providing counterexamples for criticizing theories of explanation presupposes that there is a neutral method of identifying at least some clear cases of explanation and some clear cases of non-explanations. I argue that the only plausible method to fill this role relies essentially on the subjective sense of understanding. Objective validation of judgments about explanatoriness comes only through a complex process of social correction of our initial intuitive judgments regarding explanation. It is clear that understanding and explanation are related. It is unclear exactly how they are related. We speak both of explaining-why and understanding-why some event occurred. Explanations typically produce understanding in those who consider them, and the sense of increased understanding typically comes from consideration of an explanation. Consideration of an explanation can, however, fail to produce in someone an increased level o... ...3-256. Reprinted in Explanation, ed. David Hillel-Ruben, 160-181. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. 1989. "Explanation and Metaphysical Controversy." In Scientific Explanation, ed. Philip Kitcher and Wesley C. Salmon, 220-252. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Salmon, Wesley C. 1970. "Statistical Explanation." In The Nature and Function of Scientific Theories, ed. Robert G. Colondy, 173-231. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. Reprinted in Salmon et al. (1971). Salmon, Wesley C. 1984. Scientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Salmon, Wesley C., with Richard C. Jeffrey and James G. Greeno. 1971. Statistical Explanation and Statistical Relevance. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. van Fraassen, Bas. 1980. The Scientific Image. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Plath’s Daddy Essays: Loss and Trauma -- Daddy Essays
Loss and Trauma in Plath’s Daddy   In addition to the anger and violence, 'Daddy' is also pervaded by a strong sense of loss and trauma. The repeated 'You do not do' of the first sentence suggests a speaker that is still battling a truth she only recently has been forced to accept. After all, this is the same persona who in an earlier poem spends her hours attempting to reconstruct the broken pieces of her 'colossus' father. After 30 years of labor she admits to being 'none the wiser' and 'married to shadow', but she remains faithful to her calling. With 'Daddy' not only is the futility of her former efforts acknowledged, but the conditions that forced them upon her are manically denounced. At the same time, and this seems to fire her fury, she admits to her own willing self-deception. The father whom she previously related to the 'Oresteia' and the 'Roman Forum' is now revealed as a panzer man with a Meinkampf look. But she doesn't simply stop at her own complicity. 'Every woman,' she announces 'loves a Fascist/The b oot in the face, the brute/Brute heart of ...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Online Education Essay
Every parent’s dream is to influence their children with life skills that will guide them to success in the future. In most cases, parents usually work full time jobs to achieve extra income to save for their children college costs. A college education could very well be that â€Å"cherry on top of the ice cream†for parents, and give them a moment to relax and finally take a breather. Today we find young adults with jobs working as hard their parents once did. This made it difficult to balance both work and school for them. In some instances, parents are usually the child’s first role model and teach them to set the standard for a good foundation of direction and determination. Students have been finding different methods to make it work by balancing out their work and school schedules. For example, working various schedules has been difficult, to include, morning, midday or twilight shifts just to add school, in their schedule. The burden in juggling work, school and personal time resulted in school taking a back seat and leaving no room to attend a traditional classroom. Distance learning has opened the door to the education community, businesses and private companies in many ways to assist those by introducing classroom instruction via online. Online education has boomed the past few years and has given individuals the chance to further their education. Priorities have once again changed, and the percentage of online courses taken has risen. Nonetheless, there is still argument whether a learner can obtain the information online, vice receiving proper classroom education. The goal of this paper is to address the benefits of distance learning are to identify the values, soundness and impact of online education. The future of online education has already impacted us in some way. Can one recall ever reading anything off your computer, smart phone or tablet? That is right! Believe it or not one has been educating themselves via the internet already. The tools are there and why not take advantage of a higher education with a college and/or university. In the article, Tom Snyder stated that, â€Å"lifelong learning must now be a part of everyone’s career plan†. I could not agree more with that statement. Web-based programs are on a rise and to educate oneself in an online environment is a significant benefit. There is always online training that your job requires one to complete for career advancement, without having a web based education one will not be able to get the required training needed for promotion. Online education is similar to what web-based training has to offer. It has the same goal in pushing out the information to such student, and it primarily depends on what the student is willing to learn. For students to have success while taking an online course, they should be determine and motivated. Even though online education is a self paced class, one can get overwhelmed and fall behind quickly. Instructors are answering questions online when students may have a problem. They will have to become more involved with the students by interacting on a one on one basis vice the classroom setting. The traditional classroom will always be there, and some may prefer it, but online learning has many benefits that cannot get passed up. In the Marine Corps, its main focal point is to be tactfully and technically proficient in their everyday duties. In the article, Samuel Ellis captures the big picture and identifies importance of being vigilant around your surroundings and what to do during an incident involving an active shooter. A key point that Brad Plumer wrote in February was that, â€Å"there have been 43 mass shootings in 25 states over the past four years – or nearly one per month†. The Marine Corps took notice, and it was not too long that something had to get done. Marine net is a distance learning tool that allows Marines, civilian employees and contractors the ability to gain and attain information via online education. According to Pete Russett, director of Mission Assurance Branch, â€Å"The shooting at Fort Hood and other similar tragedies led to this training†. Although this requisite requires your full attention to improve your experience on procedures for active shooters, it also assures that we can be familiar with the procedures of an active shooter. To train the number of Marines and civilians in a short amount of time would have taken long in a face to face classroom. However, Marine net bridged that gap and has established the ability to push out information and instruct everyone in a timely manner. Some may refer to online education as â€Å"false education†by not receiving the proper education in a tradition classroom. The article, Online Education May Transform Higher Ed, Brian Burnsed wanted to let the reader know that online education is happening throughout all colleges and universities and not leaving anytime soon. There were interesting facts that shook the online education movement. For example, change is constant and never-ending with innovations making it easier for students to access the internet for online courses. According to Matthew Tabor’s article, Louis Soares said, â€Å"A disruptive innovation always starts out at a lower quality,†he says. â€Å"[But], if you take that for-profit energy out of higher education, online [education] would not have grown the way it has in the last 10 years. †There has been an increase of student enrollment for online programs at these institutes. In the past, one was able to receive an associates and/or bachelors degree at smaller institutions that were strictly online courses. The bigger named universities and colleges have taken notice and started to implement newer online programs for potential students. This strategy ensured that students were, in fact, choosing these recognized institutes for online education. In Brian Burnsheds’ article, Richard Garrett, managing director at research firm, said, â€Å"We’re at the beginning of elite schools starting to take online seriously†. The increase of mobile technology has jumped start the revolution of online education. Students are far more familiar with computers that ever before. There are many changes that would have to be developed to create an online program that assists the instructor and teaches the student at the same time. Will there have to be personnel changes? Would the institute hire online only Professors? These are some of the factors to creating an effective online program, but the need of online education has increased and must be solved. At the end of the day, there are more positives than negatives for adding more online courses; it is just inevitable that students will take an online course sometime in the near future. Online education has come a long way to make it easier for students to achieve a higher education. It can be time consuming and beneficial at the same time. for the individual that is organized, determined, and motivated to self educate themselves. Many are skeptical that an instructor is not teaching, but just pushing information over the internet to the course. It is the responsibility of the student to ask questions; to improve his online learning experience. The rising demand for online courses will continue to climb and be as effective as or better than a traditional classroom. Though, it can all change with the intentions the institution has with the visualization and authenticity of their online education programs.
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