Friday, December 27, 2019
Nature Vs Nurture And Nurture - 1777 Words
Some believe that morality is an evolutionary anomaly, while some believe that morality is formed by the environment around you. Since the beginning of time, psychologists have argued over whether morality is formed and cultivated through nature or nurture. This psychological anomaly is why I am writing this paper. Ever since I have enrolled in, and taken, a psychology class during my junior year, I have questioned whether every little emotion and action is because of nature or nurture. No topic is more widely explored and researched than morality. It cannot be scientifically or psychologically proven or tested, making any claim highly controversial. This idea, of nature vs nurture, that I had previously researched my senior year of high†¦show more content†¦That’s when I had realized a person like this would be right before my eyes on from 12:45 until 2, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Yes, that’s right. I had from that point on become set on interviewing my psycho logy professor, Jason Whetten. I had finally gotten the nerve to ask him, in person obviously, after class. As terrifying as it seemed, I quickly realized that I had nothing to worry about. To my relief, he said he would be very willing to do an interview regarding my essay topic. I then let out a mental sigh of relief. As I walked into his office to talk to him, I instantly became nervous. Thoughts rushed through my head: â€Å"What Do I Say?†, â€Å"Do I Record This?†, â€Å"What Do I Ask?†. I eventually walked in, sat in the chair, and everything seemed to fly by. He also wasn’t scary at all, surprisingly. I trusted his viewpoint and opinion upon the subject because of his vast knowledge and experience within the field. His comments and statements had helped with my assurance upon the topic. He had stated that there’s a â€Å"major theory for morality which comes from Kolberg. In this theory he talks about how a person’s morality changes as we get older. When were younger it s all about what s right and wrong and focused on the rewards and punishments. When we are teenagers, it s all about social status and what makes us look the best in front of our friends, or even what the social rules are. When we become older, our morality is based upon the world ar ound us†(Whetten, J.).Show MoreRelatedNature Vs. Nurture : Nurture1405 Words  | 6 PagesDecember 2015 Nature vs. Nurture Very few people know that the nature vs. nurture debate actually began early on with famous Greek philosophers such as Plato and Descartes. These two theorized that certain things were inborn and occurred naturally regardless of environmental factors (Cherry 1). Most people began to witness this debate in 1896 when the phrase â€Å"Nature vs. Nurture†was coined by English polymath, Francis Galton (â€Å"Nature vs. Nurture†Origins 1). At this point the nature vs. nurture debate grewRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture : Nurture901 Words  | 4 Pagestime the proverbial nature vs. nurture question has sparked quite a debate. I hold the belief that nature vs. nurture is a zero-sum game. We essentially enter this existence, a lump of clay that needs molding in order to take form. So, I believe my creative abilities can be attributed to the sum of our genetic predisposition, the nurture of our mind, and the dynamic of both nature and nurture, with nurture being the predominant influencing factor. In psychology, nature refers to the inheritedRead MoreNature Vs Nurture : Is The Nature Or Nurture?1300 Words  | 6 PagesAoS 3: Student Directed Research Investigation Unit 1 Psychology - Megan Rodrigues RESEARCH QUESTION How is the nature vs nurture debate related to a consideration of the mental disorder, schizophrenia? INTRODUCTION Schizophrenia is categorized by thoughts or experiences that seem abnormal with reality, disorganized speech or behaviour and decreased participation in regular daily activities. Difficulty with memory and concentration are sometimes also present. The two hit hypothesis generally refersRead MoreNature Vs Nurture : Nature And Nurture1821 Words  | 8 PagesNature and nurture are usually seen as very different things, but they are actually somewhat similar and even integrated. There is a huge debate over which holds more influence over how people develop and whether they behave based on genes or their environment. In Sincero’s article Nature and Nurture Debate she discusses arguments for both sides, saying behavior may be completely in a person’s genes, or it could come from experience and influence. Many people believe â€Å"that the criminal acts, tendencyRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture : Nature And Nurture844 Words  | 4 Pagesis referred to as nature vs. nurture. It poses a question that many theorists have contested. Do human personalities and behaviors relate to our genetic makeup, or are we directly influenced by the environment and people that we are subjected to? What is more important, genes or environment? While some theorists take either one side over the other, some believe that both nature and nurture play an active role in human development. What is the nature side of the debate? Nature mainly refers to geneticRead MoreNature And Nurture : Nature Vs. Nurture1780 Words  | 8 PagesAs Nature Made Him: Nature vs. Nurture Human behavior is determined by both biological and environmental factors. Psychologists are interested in learning which of these factors is a greater influence on human behavior and identity. Although psychologists today generally agree that both nature and nurture play a role in conditioning behavior, there is still disagreement about the part that each of the factors have in determining behavior. The nature versus nurture debate focuses around the extentRead MoreNature Vs Nurture : Nature Or Nurture874 Words  | 4 Pages Nature or Nurture. Nature may be all of the genes and hereditary factors with which influence them to become who they are such as physical appearances and personality characteristics. Nurturing impacts people’s lives as well as how they are raised and all the environmental factors. In combination, these qualities can be the true identity of oneself. Many people may argue that nurture appears to a play huge factor in the two, but others may think otherwise. Not having both as a characteristic canRead MoreNature Vs Nurture : Nature And Nurture1821 Words  | 8 Pages Nature and nurture are usually seen as very different things, but they are actually somewhat similar and even integrated. There is a huge debate over which holds more influence over how people develop and whether they behave based on genes or their environment. In Sincero’s article Nature and Nurture Debate she discusses arguments for both sides, saying behavior may be completely in a person’s genes , or it could come from experience and influence. Many people believe â€Å"that the criminal acts, tendencyRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture : Nature Versus Nurture1337 Words  | 6 PagesNature vs. Nurture There are many different ways that behavior can be explained, especially on the terms of nature vs. nurture. Aggression is a behavior that has been extensively analyzed in a complex manner and the causes of it can be explained many different ways. Aggression can be defined as hostile or destructive behavior that can cause injury or destructive outlook especially when caused by frustration. Nature can be defined as aspects of behavior that have been inherited or are genetic, whileRead MoreNature Vs Nurture : Nature Versus Nurture882 Words  | 4 Pagestheir parents. Meaning they think Nature is a big part in their life and why they are who they are. The genes in each cell in us humans determine the different traits that we have, more dominantly on the physical connections like eye color, hair color, ear size, height, and other traits. However, it is still not known whether the more abstract attributes like personality, intelligence, sexual orientation, likes and dislikes are gene -coded in our DNA. The nurture theory has experiments showing a child’s
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Paperless Auditing - 2619 Words
Paperless auditing is a very important issue facing the accounting profession today. Several firms throughout the world are faced with the decision to go paperless and many are in the early stages of becoming a paperless office. It is important for a company to go at this task full force or the benefits will be significantly reduced. When the decision has been made to go to a paperless office, several issues present themselves for the firm. These issues include the level and how to implement a paperless system, what audit issues need to be addressed in the conversion and use, and what are the pros and cons of this system. So with all this talk about going paperless, what exactly does it mean? There are various definitions of†¦show more content†¦This also allows more the one auditor to be working on the same engagement. The software allows the user to see the immediate affect of a journal entry on the various bases of accounting. A nice feature of this program is the f act that it will calculate several preliminary analytical procedures for you automatically. GoSystems also has the uniqueness of being able to consolidate up to 75 different entities. So if you are a bigger business you are also able to utilize this software. This software is an integrated software package so you can use FileCabinet CS with GoSystems to effectively store your files in an organized fashion. You can also link it with GoSystems tax to save time during the busy tax season and not having to re-key in all the information into a tax program. Overall GoSystems has several unique features that might be right for either a small or large company. Prosystem fx Engagement is the final program that we will highlight. According to the CCH Groups website, Prosystem allows multiple users to be working on the same engagement at the same time. It has a check out procedure where the user checks out only the materials he/she needs to complete their section of the audit. One uniq ue feature of Prosystem is that it assigns teams of employees rather then individuals to the binders. This allows quicker set-up and makes the audit flow faster and more smoothly because individuals do not have to be added oneShow MoreRelatedSystem Integration and Validation970 Words  | 4 Pagesand Validation Computer technology has advanced enough to help auditors find more efficient ways to audit. By using different auditing techniques and utilizing audit productivity software auditors can find errors in a business computer system faster and easier. Using this type of computer technology improves Audit documentation and processes. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Daffodils Appreciation Essay Example For Students
Daffodils Appreciation Essay In the poem `Daffodils`, Wordsworth eloquently uses figurative language, imagery, and personification to describe a scenic display of daffodils. It is through his description of, feelings behind, and reaction to the daffodils that craftily reveal the true meanings of this text. In the first verse Wordsworth describes himself to wander `lonely as a cloud`. He identifies himself as a solitary creature alone in a void of privacy. In the next line he sees the daffodils, describing them as a crowd (`A host of golden daffodils`). Wordsworth went from being alone to the total opposite, completely surrounded and overwhelmed by a presence (the daffodils). We can also find impact in the several meanings of the word `host` used in line 4. The word `host` can also mean: `crowd,` `swarm,` `congregation` and `mass.` Wordsworths usage of the word `host` creates images of community and strength in numbers. Wordsworth overwhelms us with collective images in verse 2, relating the daffodils to stars, describing them as stretching `in never-ending line` and also expressing that he sees `ten thousand at a glance`. In the last line of verse 1 he personifies the daffodils to be `fluttering and dancing in the breeze`. We can elaborate on Wordsworths many collective images through this line. Frequently, communities or groups of people have trouble working together, but through Wordsworths personification of the daffodils, also seen in line 12 where the daffodils are `tossing their heads in sprightly dance,` we recognize that the daffodils are working together in unison with no trouble at all. Their `dance` is in complete coordination. In verse 3, Wordsworth compares the daffodils to another natural image, waves. `The waves beside them danced; but they Outdid the sparkling waves in glee`. He personifies both the daffodils and the waves to `dance,` again suggesting the ability of both to work as one, but here we also see that Wordsworth decides that the daffodils make much more of an impression on him than the waves. Both objects work in unison, but the difference between the two is that when Wordsworth looks at the waves he only sees one object. When he looks at the daffodils he sees `ten thousand` objects! The waves lack strength in numbers, which is the one aspect of the daffodils which impresses Wordsworth the most; the fact that these `ten thousand` separate things can unite and `dance` so beautifully together. The manner in which Wordsworth arranges each line in verses 1 and 2 places emphasis on the significance that the daffodils are working communally. Each verse has six lines, and in the first five lines of verses 1 and 2, Wordsworth hits us with these collective images. But in the last lines of each verse, lines 6 and 12, Wordsworth effectively impresses upon us the image of the daffodils moving as one. It is not by coincidence that Wordsworth creates so many images of community and then hits us over the head with images of working together in verses 1 and 2. Wordsworth has something important to say about individualism versus community, suggesting that there is definite beauty in communities or large groups (a.k.a. society), that have co-operation. And notice, Wordsworth has to venture outside of society and into nature to be able to find this beauty. Appreciating and reflecting on these newfound feelings is the next step. In the last two lines of verse 3 Wordsworth describes his behaviour, `I gazed and gazed but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought`. This demonstrates that at first he is not in a state of realization, but when it finally `hits` him, he is brought `wealth,` which can be understood to signify an important lesson or realization. It `hits` Wordsworth when he is lying on his couch. He explains the process of coming to this realization. `For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude`. Notice, Wordsworth is back to `wandering` again. He is alone, and again in that void of privacy where he can get lost in thought. And it is only in this `mood` that the daffodils `flash upon that inward eye`. Wordsworth describes the `inward eye` as `the bliss of solitude`. .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d , .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d .postImageUrl , .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d , .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d:hover , .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d:visited , .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d:active { border:0!important; } .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d:active , .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u78113f26195fbe1b417b448e0dbd6f4d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Wilfred Owen Poetry EssayThrough this we can interpret the `inward eye` to signify Wordsworths reflection of the solitary individual upon himself. But here, Wordsworth describes the solitude as blissful because being alone made him able to gain this perspective. And finally, in the last two lines of the poem, Wordsworth describes what happens when in his blissful solitude, he thinks of the daffodils. `And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils`. Wordsworth ends his poem with another usage of personification. It is only through this distanced perspective, that of being in `blissful solitude,` when he is able to really appreciate and reflect on the impact the daffodils have on him.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Play Othello Was Written Be William Shakespeare In The Latter Year
The play Othello was written be William Shakespeare in the latter years of Shakespeare's career. Shakespeare composed, revised, and acted in many theatrical performances throughout his life, he also owned the Globe theater where many of his works were performed. The work Othello was based on a story by Giraldi Cinthios, Tale of a Moor, which was a mellow drama about a moor and his doubts about his wife's fidelity. In Shakespeare's play the moor (Othello) is convinced by his jealous aid (Iago) that his wife (Desdemona) is not being faithful. Iago's jealousy is motivated by his anger as a result of not being appointed Othello's Lieutenant, when he learns that Cassio a Florentine has be promoted instead he vows to seek revenge against Othello. Throughout Shakespeare's Othello various forms iof irony are used. In the first acts of the play verbal irony is most prominent. Verbal irony is when a character says something but actually means the opposite. Iago does this several times, most likely because of the demeanor of his character. In the first act Iago tells Roderigo that "He is for him"(Act 1. Scene 2, Ln 75). This statement is verbal irony because Iago is not actually "for" Roderigo he is only using him as part of his scheme. Verbal irony is also present in the second act where Iago tells Othello that he is a faithful servant" (Act 2, Scene , Ln ). The ironic aspect of this statement is that Iago is definitely not a faithful servant to Othello, he is trying to destroy his life. Dramatic irony also plays a major role in the play Othello. Dramatic irony is when a character states something which is actually the opposite of what is true; however, the character does not know that. In the first act Othello addresses Iago as "honest Iago" (Act 1, Scene 3, Ln. 336). This is dramatic irony because Iago is in no way honest, he has been and will continue to lie to Othello throughout the play; however, Othello has not yet figured that out. Dramatic irony is also seen when Othello calls Desdemona a "whore" (Act 4, Scene 2, Ln. 83). Desdemona is not really a whore but Othello has been lead astray by lies from Iago and is oblivious to the truth. Situational Irony is arguably the most complicated and well hidden aspect of irony in the play. Situational irony is when something spontaneous or unexpected happens in the story. In the first act Iago insults Brabantio by making the comparison between a villain and a senator. (Act 1, Scene 1, Ln. 132-133). One would not expect Iago to insult Brabantio because Brabantio plays a key part in Iago's plan to destroy Othello. Another situation that is quite ironic is when Desdemona goes and kneels before Iago and asks for his help (Act , Scene ,Ln. ). This is unexpected because there are so many other character who Desdemona could and should have trusted more than Iago, such as her husband Othello. This situation could also be interpreted as dramatic irony because Iago was trusted by Othello and Desdemona and neither of them had any idea of his devious plans. Shakespeare's Othello is arguably the best performed play he ever wrote. This is most likely a direct result of the irony in this play. The ironies of the play make it seem more realistic because life itself has many ironies. The ironies in Shakespeare's Othello definitely make it one of the greatest tragedies ever written.
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