
Friday, August 2, 2019

The Green Sea Turtle

The Green Sea Turtle is one of only 7 species of sea turtle, with all being in danger of becoming extinct. It is one of the largest sea turtles and has the highest migratory area. This report will cover from its physical description through to the specific role that it plays in the environment, as well as solutions to bring the creature to a least concern of extinction. Animal Profile: The Green Sea Turtle’s carapace (shell) has a mottled brown top, with it’s under shell a creamy white and this shell is often covered in algal growth. Its flesh is a light green and its head is relatively small, when compared to its body. Contrasting to the other sea turtles, it can’t put its head into its shell. The turtle’s front members are flipper-like, which propel it through the water at great speeds when needed. When hatchlings emerge from their eggs, they will weigh about 1 ounce, with the carapace only 2 inches long. Sub-adults will have a weight of approximately 200-350 pounds and will grow over 2 and a half feet long. Whereas the fully grown adult can weigh up to 400 pound (317. kg) and its carapace will expand to 5 feet long. The Green Sea Turtle is a reptile, and it comes from the family of Cheloniidae. The average lifetime expectancy for the Green Sea Turtle usually lasts more than 80 years in the wild, and it takes over 25 years for them to reach sexual maturity. One of the only differences between the 2 sexes, is that the males have longer and thicker tails than the females, and they also have one single mating claw, on the back of the fore flippers.

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