Monday, May 25, 2020
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Vietnam War Film Genre - 1313 Words
The Vietnam film is a specific sub-genre of the conventional Hollywood war film that arose as a result of the 1960s counter culture. According to Elliot Stegall’s article Ideological, Dystopic, and Antimythopoetic Formations of Masculinity in the Vietnam War Film many American war films depicted the glorification of war and emphasized the concept of American masculinity (Stegall). Previous to the Vietnam period, Hollywood war films stuck to contemporary tropes. These films often re-enact the idea of good versus evil in which the male hero of the film triumphantly fights for their country against a vilified enemy; thus reinforcing the American ideology of conquering the frontier (Schweitzer 67). The hollywood war films are often enjoyable†¦show more content†¦In Rich Schweitzer’s article Born to Kill: S. Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket as Historical Representation of America’s Experience in Vietnam , he comments on the military’s concern with: à ¢â‚¬Å"how to inculcate civilians reared in a western tradition, which emphasized the sanctity of life, with a willingness to kill†(Schweitzer 64). Schweitzer’s observation is most prominently debated in the beginning of the film. Split into three segments, the film illustrates the phases of re-birth, life, and death. The opening sequence depicts re-birth through the physical stripping of the individual identity. As the hair of the recruits is shaved off while the men wear the same dull blue capes, their faces begin to blur together into one unified identity. This is then furthered when the recruits are forced to say an oath to their rifles during the beginning of their military training on Parris Island. The scene is shot from one point perspective and displaying prominent symmetry in the composition. The room is stark and clinical. The recruits are all dressed in white which is a colour often associated with innocence. The men lay on their bunks in a head to toe forma tion which parallels with the scene of the mass Vietnamese grave in which the bodies are laid in the same manner and covered in white Lime powder. However, the putrid green colour is reminiscent of death or rather the process of dying which is contrasted by the violent red of the floor.Show MoreRelatedThe Second Golden Era Of The Film Industry1258 Words  | 6 PagesThe second golden era of the film industry, new hollywood, came about from 1969 through 1980. As the 1960’s started off positive and hopeful, there was now many Americans left devastated from the depressing events that occurred after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, such as the Vietnam War. There was also a conflict in the movie scene because Hollywood directors were torn between the old styles of filming and the new techniques. By 1980, this conflict was finally resolved and a new hollywoodRead MoreMovie Analysis : Movie Review : Forrest Gump788 Words  | 4 Pagesnature, Forrest lives anything but a r estricted life. Forrest impresses everyone by some powerful football skills, fighting in Vietnam War, and by creating a business of shrimp fishing. The writer Eric Roth and director Robert Zemeckis successfully portray Forrest Gump as one of the finest film produced in 1990s due to the remarkable acting by the actors, the type of genre, and the extraordinary visual effects. To begin with, actors did a great job portraying the characters. Robin Wright (Jenny) andRead MoreThe Science Fiction Film Genre Essay1683 Words  | 7 PagesScience Fiction Films The science fiction film genre has been around almost as long as movies have, but like the cinema it is still a fairly young art form. This genre came into existence shortly after the invention of the movie camera in 1888 and has endured for over one-hundred years. Science fiction is adaptive; it changes with the times and this trend can be seen in its incorporation of other genres, cultural history and technology. This essay will attempt to define the genre, chronicle the historyRead MoreKore The Fastest Internet System1057 Words  | 5 PagesKorea has the fastest internet system in the world. South Korean culture has evolved throughout the years after the Korean War. It is one of the fastest growing nations in the world after a severe hit back in the 1900s. Many people believe that Korea is still struggling as a third world nation. Additionally, people also see South Korea as a part of Communist North Korea. Throughout history, people viewed South Korea as a weak country that lo st its power and control from Japan, China, and the SovietRead MoreThe Rise Of Zombies On Popular Culture1399 Words  | 6 PagesClassic movie monsters tend to fade in and out of popularity as audiences grow bored and move on to fresher concepts. But there is one that has risen up and does not seem to slow down: zombies. Zombies have gone from being a small subgenre of horror film to a staple of popular culture across various media. This paper will explore the rise of zombies in popular culture and why it continues to remain relevant. Origins When picturing a zombie the image of a undead person looking for its next humanRead MoreMovie Analysis : Forrest Gump1604 Words  | 7 Pageslife, all while creating relationships with people. This 1994 American drama film depicted defining events of the late 20th century in the United States. Forrest Gump has many genres such as comedy, romance, action and drama. The foremost genre surrounding this film is drama, the adversities of the war, and the many obstacles Forest overcomes, is what makes it a drama film. There are four main criteria’s for drama films, conflict of characters or environment, well rounded actors that can play theRead MoreMovie Analysis : The Wild Bunch 2009 Words  | 9 PagesThe differences which indicate a film s story and a film s plot are the â€Å"what and the how†. The Story is â€Å"what†the film is about and the plot is â€Å"how†the writer unfolds the action in the film relating to what the film is about (Goodykoontz Jacobs, 2014, p. 54). In describing The Wild Bunch story into the outlaw’s themed plot of violence, director Sam Peckinpah used dramatic impact quick action cuts coupled with slow motion aesthetic balance to create a mood of chaos throughout the fierce gunRead MoreEssay Dimensions of Night of the Living Dead1606 Words  | 7 PagesImage Ten, as they were later known, led by George Romero, created a horror film unlike any that had come before. Although the horror film had been around for nearly as long as the cinema, Night of the Living Dead was revolutionary in its production, its subtext as understood in historical reference, and its lasting effects on the horror genre. The British Film Institute’s Benjamin Hervey provides an analysis of the film as understood by critical audiences of the day. Although it may been seenRead MoreWar Film Genre: Platon523 Words  | 2 PagesThe war film genre includes films about warfare, including naval, air or land battles. Films in this genre may focus on the battles, prisoners of war, military training, life during wartime or morality and humanitarian issues of warfare. This genre commonly includes works of fiction, works based on historical facts and occasionally works based on alternate-history fiction. According to American Cinema/American Culture, the genre also includes four narrative elements: the suspension of morality duringRead MoreThe War Film Genre538 Words  | 2 PagesThe war film genre includes films about warfare, including naval, air or land battles. Films in this genre may focus on the battles, prisoners of war, military training, life during wartime or morality and humanitarian issues of warfare. This genre commonly includes works of fiction, works based on historical facts and occasionally works based on alte rnate-history fiction. According to American Cinema/American Culture, the genre also includes four narrative elements: the suspension of morality during
Friday, May 15, 2020
Eggplant Domestication History and Genealogy
Eggplant (Solanum melongena), also known as aubergine or brinjal, is a cultivated crop with a mysterious but well-documented past. Eggplant is a member of the Solanaceae family, which includes its American cousins potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers). But unlike the American Solanaceae domesticates, eggplant is believed to have been domesticated in the Old World, likely India, China, Thailand, Burma or someplace else in southeast Asia. Today there are approximately 15-20 different varieties of eggplant, grown primarily in China. Using Eggplants The first use of eggplant was probably medicinal rather than culinary: its flesh still has a bitter after-taste if it is not treated properly, despite centuries of domestication experimentation. Some of the earliest written evidence for the use of eggplant is from the Charaka and Sushruta Samhitas, Ayurvedic texts written about 100 BC that describe the health benefits of eggplant. The domestication process increased the fruit size and weight of eggplants and altered the prickliness, flavor, and flesh and peel color, a centuries-long process which is carefully documented in ancient Chinese literature. The earliest domestic relatives of eggplant described in Chinese documents had small, round, green fruits, while todays cultivars feature an incredible range of colors. The prickliness of the wild eggplant is an adaptation to protect itself from herbivores; the domesticated versions have few or no prickles, a trait selected by humans so that we omnivores can pluck them safely. Eggplants Possible Parents The progenitor plant for S. melongena is still under debate. Some scholars pinpoint S. incarnum, a native of North Africa and the Middle East, that developed first as a garden weed and then was selectively grown and developed in southeast Asia. However, DNA sequencing has provided evidence that S. melongena is likely descended from another African plant S. linnaeanum, and that that plant was dispersed throughout the Middle East and into Asia before becoming domesticated. S. linnaeanum produces small, round green-striped fruit. Other scholars suggest that the true progenitor plant has not been identified yet, but was probably located in the savannas of southeast Asia. The real problem in trying to resolve the domestication history of eggplant is that archaeological evidence supporting any eggplant domestication process is lacking--evidence for eggplant simply hasnt been found in archaeological contexts, and so researchers must rely on a set of data that includes genetics but also a wealth of historical information. Ancient History of the Eggplant Literary references to eggplant occur in Sanskrit literature, with the oldest direct mention dated from the third century AD; a possible reference may date as early as 300 BC. Multiple references have also been found in the vast Chinese literature, the earliest of which is in the document known as the Tong Yue, written by Wang Bao in 59 BC. Wang writes that the one should separate and transplant eggplant seedlings at the time of the Spring equinox. The Rhapsody on Metropolitan of Shu, 1st century BC-1st century AD, also mentions eggplants. Later Chinese documentation records the specific changes that were deliberately wrought by Chinese agronomists in domesticated eggplants: from round and small green fruit to large and long-necked fruit with a purple peel. Illustrations in Chinese botanical references dated between the 7-19th centuries AD document the alterations in eggplants shape and size; interestingly, the search for a better flavor is also documented in Chinese records, as the Chinese botanists endeavored to remove the bitter flavor in the fruits. Eggplant is believed to have been brought to the attention of the Middle East, Africa and the West by Arabic traders along the Silk Road, beginning around the 6th century AD. However, earlier carvings of eggplants have been found in two regions of the Mediterranean: Iassos (within a garland on a Roman sarcophagus, ​the first half of the 2nd century AD) and Phrygia (a fruit carved on a grave stele, 2nd century AD). Yilmaz and colleagues suggest a few samples may have been brought back from Alexander the Greats expedition to India. Sources DoÄŸanlar, Sami. High resolution map of eggplant (Solanum melongena) reveals extensive chromosome rearrangement in domesticated members of the Solanaceae. Amy FraryMarie-Christine Daunay, Volume 198, Issue 2, SpringerLink, July 2014. Isshiki S, Iwata N, and Khan MMR. 2008. ISSR variations in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and related Solanum species. Scientia Horticulturae 117(3):186-190. Li H, Chen H, Zhuang T, and Chen J. 2010. Analysis of genetic variation in eggplant and related Solanum species using sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers. Scientia Horticulturae 125(1):19-24. Liao Y, Sun B-j, Sun G-w, Liu H-c, Li Z-l, Li Z-x, Wang G-p, and Chen R-y. 2009. AFLP and SCAR Markers Associated with Peel Color in Eggplant (Solanum melongena). Agricultural Sciences in China 8(12):1466-1474. Meyer RS, Whitaker BD, Little DP, Wu S-B, Kennelly EJ, Long C-L, and Litt A. 2015. Parallel reductions in phenolic constituents resulting from the domestication of eggplant. Phytochemistry 115:194-206. Portis E, Barchi L, Toppino L, Lanteri S, Acciarri N, Felicioni N, Fusari F, Barbierato V, Cericola F, Valà ¨ G et al. 2014. QTL Mapping in Eggplant Reveals Clusters of Yield-Related Loci and Orthology with the Tomato Genome. PLoS ONE 9(2):e89499. Wang J-X, Gao T-G, and Knapp S. 2008. Ancient Chinese Literature Reveals Pathways of Eggplant Domestication. Annals of Botany 102(6):891-897. Free download Weese TL, and Bohs L. 2010. Eggplant origins: Out of Africa, into the Orient. Taxon 59:49-56. Yilmaz H, Akkemik U, and Karagoz S. 2013. Identification of plant figures on stone statues and sarcophaguses and their symbols: the Hellenistic and Roman periods of the eastern Mediterranean basin in the Istanbul Archaeology Museum. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 13(2):135-145.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Eulogy Essay - 1984 Words
Recently, an extraordinary person offered me the perfect muse to energize my stagnant existence, and therefore, its paramount I have a chat with my mother, Whitney West. Immediately upon arriving at Whispering Breeze, her country estate, I’m escorted out to the veranda by Franà §ois, her butler and since my mother sat alone, she requested I join her for lunch. While we enjoyed the repast, Lady Josà ©phine and Sir Bonaparte, my mother’s, two Doberman pincers, entertained us with an aggressive game of tug of war with a frayed piece of rope and within moments the rope snapped in half. At that point, Sir Bonaparte quickly ran off with his piece of the rope and a furious Lady Josà ©phine chased after him, demanding he relinquish it.†¦show more content†¦She even growled when I told her Tommy would be my mentor during a three year apprenticeship program and she snickered at the notion that I had the potential to be-come an ink icon, because of my freehand techniq ues. Before, I could continue, she contemptuously lambasted me with every negative adjective in her vocabulary and her favorite, ‘foolish’ she used redundantly. Indignantly, I replied, â€Å"Oh, Whitney, it would’ve been ‘foolish’ to turn down Tommy’s gracious offer. Maybe you’re not aware of the Ink Revolution rapidly moving forward. In consequence of it, remarkable artwork no longer has to hang in stuffy museums, out of sight, and viewed by a few. Now, it can promenade down the boulevards, and seen by the multitudes, be-cause, so unlike Michelangelo, who used a brush and paint on a canvas or ceiling, a tat artist uses a tattoo gun and ink on every inch of human skin.†Maybe I should’ve toned it down a bit, since my mother’s face turned a repulsive shade of green just before she shrieked, ‘Alea jacto est’ and promptly left the veranda. After her melodramatic display, I gave up and left. On my drive hom e, her comment, the die is cast, gnawed at me, since it meant her alter-ego Julius Caesar had crossed the Rubicon, the point of no return. And suddenly, I have a flashback of the night myShow MoreRelatedMy Eulogy Essay903 Words  | 4 PagesMy brother is not just someone I share blood with but someone I can rely on and look up to. Patrick, my seventeen-year-old brother, has been by my side since I was a little baby. The earliest memories I have are of Patrick and I running around in our backyard laughing and playing. As he grew older, I began to look up to him. He was everything I aspired to be: intelligent, passionate, and athletic. Patrick always seemed to know what he wanted in life, and I admired how he chased down his goals. ThereRead MoreMy Eulogy Essay2027 Words  | 9 PagesSunday school that morning (I was too shy). My family was taking up the full row of chairs. I was sitting in-between my mother and father, as I always did. 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Assignment On Steeple And Swot Analysis - 1483 Words
Part 3: Critically analyse task 6, 7 and 9 from the workbook Task 6 and 7: STEEPLE and SWOT analysis Strategic analysis tools or strategic frameworks are developed to direct organisational tactics and match faculty abilities with market chances so that the faculty can achieve a strategic planning and a unified set of goals including continuing analysis and evaluation (Tomlinson, 2011). Most institutions can adopt one or more strategic frameworks to drive faculty development by providing critical external and internal factors using STEEPLE and SWOT analysis, respectively to formulate the strategy. However, errors and potential limitations of strategic frameworks can occur, if organisations have inabilities of managerial and administrative such as lack of skill and experience to create an effective strategy (Tomlinson, 2011). According to the STEEPLE analysis framework, this framework is used to categorise and determine the factors of macro environment and external influences that may affect the performance of organisations and future activities in both the short and long term (Grant, 2008). STEEPLE is an acronym for social, technological, economic, environmental, political, legal and ethical considerations so a strategic project team needs to analyse and identify the potential impact of these composing factors such as changes, trends and movements in order to maximise efficiency of the organisation (Jones Murray, 2008). 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Extent to Which Schools’ in Hong-Kong Use English as Languages Excep
Question: What is the extent to which schools in Hong-Kong use English and languages except Chinese as their medium of communication? Answer: Introduction: The under detailed research is based on the study about use of English language by people in Hong-Kong. A particular age bracket has been interviewed and analyzed and were asked questions related to use of English in their personal as well as professional life. The research question here was What is the extent to which schools in Hong-Kong use English and languages except Chinese as their medium of communication? The main aim of the study is to analyze the use of English and other languages in schools of Hong-Kong. I have considered a particular school run in the Hong Kong by propermutual-aidfirmthatwasactually settledupby the mainlanders coming toHong-Kongfollowing the setting of Peoples Republicof China (Davison, 2007).The organization has actually placed very higher values upon theusageof Putonghua as well as this isthe authorizedmediumof communicationfor the ChineseLanguage plus Literatureas well as for whole Chinese Historywithin this school.Because of useof this language in the society of HongKongthe community is oftenexpectedtowards enhancingbeneath the Chinesesovereignty, pattern of the language usewithin this school may alsoprovidefewindicationsof the way in which the circumstances is probabletodevelop within schools in HongKong generally since some coming years.Anextrareasonfor selection of this is thatI actually waspreviously familiar withorganization. Background A person residing and born plus brought up in Hong Kong in China generally grows up with and intent to always speak Chinese both at home plus even at school. Yet some schools even teach English and also Putonghua. Thus people might know three languages say English, Cantonese and Putonghua. Language in reality is merely a process of appropriate human communication which is either spoken otherwise written and also consists of utilization of words within very structured as well as conventional way. Review of Literature: The research is actually based on the study which analyzes use of English language and other languages except Chinese in schools of Hong- Kong. This study would enable the researcher to understand all the facts and details related to linguistic differences among several nations and areas and even sometime amid localities. The research well even help the readers to get the details as well as it would throw light upon the use of English language by people staying in Hong-Kong. Language actually is a process of appropriate communication of human beings either spoken or else written and also consists of use of terms and words within proper structure as well as conservative way (PENNINGTON and YUE, 1994). Thus the study aims to attain all the details related to language and specially use of English language by people in Hong- Kong. Since Hong-Kong is in china and Chinese people are always careful about use of their own Chinese language and even the schools and colleges in the nation use C hinese as basic language for communication, it has really become a necessity to evaluate and analyze the value of English in minds of people staying here. A proper age bracket has also been considered and analyzed plus even they were asked questions related to use of English in their personal as well as professional life. Thisstudy presentsa proper study of roles ofthe Putonghua,English as well as Cantonesein HongKong and the schools here that follow secondary education ideologically dedicatedtopromotion of the Putonghua, as well as also relates it to togeneralissue ofrelative situation of dissimilar languagesinthe Hong Kong.The research also studieshistoryof the languagepolicy withinthe particular school,whereI once worked,as well as presents all the outcomes ofthe questionnaire examination ofpractice plusopinions of present membersofthe staff. Efforts are also taken to promote the English-speaking atmosphere,such asthosetowards promoting English, actually have till avast extentbee n aggravatedbystrong affectiontowardsCantoneseofthe overwhelmingly Cantonese-speaking community. The obtainablepattern of the languages that are similar toones inseveral Hong Kong institutions for education as well as workplaces plus would also be extra difficulttowards changewith no presence of any significant percentage ofthe Non-English speakers in theorganization. Methodology Informationrelated to presentlanguage utilization plus attitudes at school under examination was studied and the details wereobtained upon threeindividual visits.A proper questionnaire also wasdistributedtowards teachingemployees and also 15forms were in reality returned.I even conducted face to face interviewswith principal,and English as well asChinesepanel plus witheachother the teacherof Englishplus oneof the Chinese.This also was done within Englishapart from for aChineseteacher,withwhomI also usedEnglish (Maza, 1957).I even explainedthat informationwasrequiredfor theprojectasa part of my researchbut may eventuallygetpublished within fewform or some other.Informantsalso werelater providedachance towards comment upon drafting of thereport for the research and, though principalhave found interpretation slightly subjective,therealso wereseriously zeroobjections towardsexactstatements. Withexception of Englishpanel, who actually had joinedschool uponreturningfrom the degreestudies w ithin USA,all those were interviewedwere actually known tomethroughmy self time operationalin school. There also was zeroconvenient English panelthat was met totaperecord, yet my feelingfrom three visits wasreliable withstatementsymptomatic of as well as almost completelyEnglishatmosphereexterior certain officialsettings. Data Presentsion Plus Analysis As primaryschool that was run by similarassociation looked likeit operates thePutonghua-mediumscheme allacrossmajority of curriculum,practice within secondary school examined is to persuade other than enforcing the utilization of the language Putonghua.Contractof teachersof Chinese mediumdemand that schools must teachthe students in English language.The first holderof suchpositionwasthePutonghua-speaker through Taiwanwho also had beforehandworkedlikeanacademicwithin theUSA.He also was notat all fluent within Cantonese plus he alsoattempted towards establishing thePutonghua otherwise Englishatmospherewithin the school, teachingstaff were instructed that they must never useCantonese towards talkingto one another in staff room.Fewteachersevenclaimedthat the teacherlikelychoseto talkin Putonghuatowards the membersof employees whothe teacherknewwere extra stronger in talking in English plusto utilizeEnglishwith all thosewho actually were extracomfortablewithin Putonghua.A Chinese teacher speaking was also saidto getresigned just because of the result of the application of the rules.Also in contrast, currentprincipalof the school was also unable to talk inPutonghua while appointed plus wasalso askedby association towards taking lessons.He then claimsto get reasonablyeasy but carries on to build the speechesupon formaltimes in English,that remainsthestronger language of the teacher.Englishotherwise Putonghuaalso isstilllanguages utilizedfor operationslike yearly graduationceremonial.Common announcements at the assembly that also were made within the Cantonese language when I initially joined school as a teacher plus in Putonghua otherwise English while my last year arecurrently madewithin only Putonghua (PENNINGTON and YUE, 1994). In commonlife of school, overwhelminglythe Cantonese-oriented character of the HongKongcommunity haseffortlessly resisted institutionalforceto boost use ofthe Englishas well as Putonghua. Though realprincipals appointmentof theAmericanemigrantatsole stagelikeEnglishpanel made few utilizationof the Englishamong theteacherspredictable,instructionsfully banningthe Cantonesefrom staff roomalso were ignored other than whenprincipal himselfactually walked by.At presenteventhe contractualneedtoteach subjectsof Chinese-mediuminthe language Putonghua iscommonly disregarded.ChinesePanel alsoexplainedthatit actually washardto attainstudentstodisburse attention even while speaking to the students in their own mother-tongueas well as that extensive useof the Putonghua also wasthus impractical.Thoughno factor was mentioned, parental needs may even have counted all against the Putonghua, because I remember considering an interiorschool text suggesting thatthe parentsmay alsopress foruseof the Cantonesewithin its place. Someother teachersbelonging to Chinese and whom I spoke also claimedthat he or shehimselfas well as oneother associate of paneldidutilize Putonghua lengthilyyetthat o thersregularlyemployed the Cantonese.His selfmethod also was toprovide explanations of textbookwithin Putonghua,yet he also allowed studentsto reply to the questions within theCantoneselanguage and also to use Cantonese himselfforexplaining chieflyhardpoints.Healso expectedtoview greater stress upon Putonghua within future yet, like currentprincipal,wasalso against attemptingto impose language. Repliestowards questionnaireactually indicate pattern of the code-switching and was alsoprevalentall through mostofthe Hong Kongs so called schools that wereAnglo-Chinese.Also twoof Englisheducatorsdid, moreover, claimtowards usingEnglishupon few occasions withthe studentsexterior to the class, few thingsIhad also observed apreceding panel doing throughSixth type of studentswhile I also was a staff.Additionally, meetings of the English panel areyet conducted within the English language.Thoughthe panel statedabout this that this must ideallyhappen within any situation,shealso admittedthat esta blishingfactor actually wasactuallypresenceof theMalaysian-Chinesethat is in reality not so fluentin the language named Cantonese. This educator herself, who actually hadbeenwithin the Hong Kong since some nine years,even informed meabout herself that she till nownormallyutilizedEnglishfor every one-on-one interactionwith some other teachersas well as thatthoughshefrom time to time spokewithin the language said as Cantonese withthe learnersshealso preferred to talk in Englishwhile scoldingtheclass asthey maylaugh onherpronunciation of the Cantonese language.Sheeven hadparticular complexitywith extraformalvocabulary within the Cantonese language andwithinfullemployee meetings that were conducted, also asin my time,within Cantonese and then shecannot properly understand but sometimes also askedfor understandingif sheeven thought that a thing waschieflyimportant. Thoughacultural Chinese, shealso was therefore to a vastextent playing similarrole like thewestern teacherswho was also an e xpatriate and even had formerlyperformed within theschool by providingsome occasion forlargeruseof the Englishlanguage as compared to ones that otherwisecould haveoccurred, yet at costof beinganincomplete outsider within theCantonesesociety (Pierson, Fu and Lee, 1980).The status of this teacher actually was semi-foreignerand thus wasunbreakableasshewas never expert in Chinese plus therefore cannot getany advantageof the TVsubtitles or something else for aiding herattainmentof the Cantonese language. Englishatmosphere was not that commonwithin the school but yet teachingstaff were instructed that they must never useCantonese towards talkingto one another in staff room.Fewteachersevenclaimedthat the teacherlikelychoseto talkin Putonghuatowards the membersof employees whothe teacherknewwere extra stronger in talking in English plusto utilizeEnglishwith all thosewho actually were extracomfortablewithin Putonghua (Zhou, 2010). The thorough results of questionnaire are now being presented below in the form of a Table. It mustbenoted thattowards assisting thedistributionof typesthethe EnglishPanel or anyassistantthat has writtenthe individualteachers startingon themas well asthis might even have reservedthe honesty of results,especiallyfrom the time thetotalissueof the language utilizationpredominantlyin classroom is thesensitive one as well assince several of such asked to react already were known to me personally as I have worked in the school for some years in past time. Respondents subject and language background Subjects taught 1. Chinese/ Chinese history-2 2. Economics3. Chemistry4. Geography5 Biology6. English7. Math8. Computer 9. Arts10. PutonghuaLanguage use in specific situation E E(P) E(C) E+C C(E) C C(P) C(P,E) P+E P P(E) P(C,E) P Explaining content of thetextbookaChinese-medium subject 7 1 Explaining content of any text book in English medium subject 3 6 2 1 1 Classroom management in any English medium subject 2 5 2 1 3 Management of classroom in a Chinese medium subject 8 1 Talking to people outside class specially student 1 1 13 Staff meeting that is informal 12 2 1 Panel meeting 4 1 10 Informal interaction within the school a) To Cantonese coworkers 15 b) To Chinese coworkers and visitors 2 1 6 3 KEY 1. C = Cantonese2. E= English3. P= Putonghua Where single symbolseemsin brackets following another like E(C)) it shows normal utilization of first plus subsidiary utilization of second. Where duallanguages areseen in Used normallycolumnthey actually areLinkedwith + like E+ CThe responsesactually indicatedual symptoms that arecommonlylow phase of proficiencywithin thePutonghua as well asavery strong favorite for ongoingtofunction principallywithin theCantonese and also out of the aggregate which is 157 settings, answers also show predominantutilizationof the Cantonese within some110 teachers (Yu and Atkinson, 1988).This outcome might also beslowlyskewed asI havenot yet prepared anyChinese descriptionof questionnaireas well as a minimum two of Chinese panel countingoneof interviewees alsohadnegligibleEnglish, yet thisistill now possiblybroadlyenvoyof employees onawhole.It isevenvital that single of all the teachers of the Chinese who also returned the questionnaire claimedmerely about the capabilitytotalk one-on-one inthe Putonghua language notwith fullfluency. Avery great percentageof teachers also claimed thefluencywithin Englishthat was actually 14 out ofthe 15 who answered plus alsothat these people even felt very comfortablewhile speakingEnglish towards the foreigners that were 13from amongst the15. Contrarily, majoritywhich is 11 from all 15also may bevery happy tospeak and talk and use Englishtowards aChinese that didnever understand the Cantonese;such most probably reflects reality that all their poor authorityof Putonghua createsEnglishdemonstratesalower embarrassing choiceas well as alsolikelymost of replies experience using the Englishthroughtheir Malaysiancoworkers over manyyears.Data uponthis also point,however, beextra full ifquestionnaire may have also askedwhat language people actuallyutilizedwhile speaking in a straight lineto the Chinese who in reality didnever knowCantoneseyet were very proficientin Putonghua as well as English. Therealso were very clear majoritythat preferred to speak and write Englishother than Cantonesewhile talking tosomeWesterner that understood the Cantonese (Tsui and Bunton, 2000).As talkedin introducti on,such might reflect verysimple concern throughasserting selfstatuslikecapableusersof the language named Englishyet other reorganizations might also be important. It isevenvital that single of all the teachers of the Chinese who also returned the questionnaire claimedmerely about the capabilitytotalk one-on-one inthe Putonghua language notwith fullfluency. Avery great percentageof teachers also claimed thefluencywithin Englishthat was actually 14 out ofthe 15 who answered plus alsothat these people even felt very comfortablewhile speakingEnglish towards the foreigners that were 13from amongst the15. Finally,while answering questionsrelated to talking to people inCantonesein presenceof a personwho didnever understand particular language, the vast number ofrespondents actually indicatedthat, to the extent thattheir self proficiencypermittedit, they actually would select alanguageknown by thirdparty.Like Westernersin common often lodged complainaboutEnglish-talkingChinesecolleagueswho oftenfailed to dosuch in any situation. Commentary Regarding spokencommunication and interactions,workingecologies in the Hong Kong could in reality beseparatedto three classes that are, local who have almost eliteutilizationof Cantonese, second is the oldcolonial havingCantoneseusedin the middle ofcolleaguesyet Englishneeded for interactionwith all the superiors; andlastly the international who workingatthe similarlevel carry dissimilarlanguage backgroundsas well as Englishthus becomes natural base for their communication and interaction.Staff within theHong Kong school that was analyzed generallyworking as in a verylocal ecology and surrounding.The meeting ofanynon-Cantonese-talkerasinitial principalof school within thestudy distorted the total situationto old colonialassortment, but through the Putonghua plus English in highphase and situation as well as proper and greater stage. The appointmentlikeordinarypartsof employee of the non-Cantonese talker, whether Westerners otherwise ethnic Chinese also shifted whole ecology into inte rnationalway, for instance, in continuingutilizationof the English language for EnglishPanelsittings and meetings organized thereby. The main evidence and proof from the study demonstrates and shows that rather all this beingareturn towards oldcolonialreplica will never haveany extra effect uponhorizontalinteraction patterns, thatwould merely beshifted considerablythrough introducingverysignificantquantity of the non-Cantonese talkersas commonplacemembersof the employees otherwise staff. Providedall the demographicfacts and details like change within the workforceelementsisnever avery practical probabilityfor mostof the schools or teaching organizations in the Hong Kong or for any other workplaces in the nation (Wang and Ladegaard, 2008). In a nutshell here are all the facts and details related to the use of English language and also some other languages like Cantonese and Putonghua in the school of Hong-Kong and also in other workplaces where people from several backgrounds work together. References Davison, C. (2007). Views From the Chalkface: English Language School-Based Assessment in Hong Kong. Language Assessment Quarterly, 4(1), pp.37-68. Maza, H. (1957). Language Differences and Political Integration*. The Modern Language Journal, 41(8), pp.365-372. PENNINGTON, M. and YUE, F. (1994). English and Chinese in Hong Kong: pre-1997 language attitudes. World Englishes, 13(1), pp.1-20. Pierson, H., Fu, G. and Lee, S. (1980). AN ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LANGUAGE ATTITUDES AND ENGLISH ATTAINMENT OF SECONDARY STUDENTS IN HONG KONG. Language Learning, 30(2), pp.289-305. Tsui, A. and Bunton, D. (2000). The discourse and attitudes of English language teachers in Hong Kong. World Englishes, 19(3), pp.287-303. Wang, L. and Ladegaard, H. (2008). Language Attitudes and Gender in China: Perceptions and Reported Use of Putonghua and Cantonese in the Southern Province of Guangdong. Language Awareness, 17(1), pp.57-77. Yu, V. and Atkinson, P. (1988). An investigation of the language difficulties experienced by Hong Kong secondary school students in English medium schools: II some causal factors. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 9(4), pp.307-322. Zhou, Y. (2010). English Language Learning Strategy Use by Chinese Senior High School Students. English Language Teaching, 3(4).
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Art in the Baroque Period Essay Example For Students
Art in the Baroque Period Essay The Baroque was an art movement that used many different forms of art as propaganda for the church. These art forms include paintings, sculptures, architectural structure, and musical arts as well. The propagandistic art work was in favor of the Catholic Church. This movement originated in Italy in the early 1600s with the Council of Trent and influenced all of Europe. The Catholic Church was against Protestants and the art work during the baroque was response to the protestant reformation. The arts during the baroque period in Italy, that the Catholic Churches would strongly encourage, were to give you an idea about communication of religious themes as well as emotional involvement. The dramatic appeal of the exquisite Baroque architecture and paintings were a way for the Catholic Churches to express power, wealth, and victory to the visitors as a way to impress visitors. Catholic-inspired Baroque art tended to be extensive works of public art, such as monumental wall-paintings and vast frescoes for the ceilings and vaults of palaces and churches, in order to accomplish its propagandist role. Baroque paintings illustrated key elements of Catholic belief, either directly in religious works or indirectly in mythological works of art. In Baroque sculptures, the artist’s typically portrayed their works as larger-than-life size. The sculptures all share a similar sense of dynamic movement, as well as with an active use of the background. Designed to create spectacle and illusion, Baroque architecture had flowing curves opposed to the symmetry of the Renaissance. The domes/roofs were enlarged, and interiors cautiously constructed to create stunning effects of light and shade. The Baroque period brought along its set on specific characteristics that sets it apart from any other art movement. The use of strong contrast between light and dark played a big role to enhance the dramatic effects of many paintings and sculptures, even baroque buildings entail movement with contrasts in light and color. This application of light and dark is referred to as Tennebrism. Artists of this point in time were concerned with the inner workings of the mind and attempted to represent the passions of the soul on the faces they painted and sculpted, the figures in paintings are not types but individuals with their own personalities. The term for that is referred to as Realism. The movement and emotional display were also key elements of the Baroque art movement. The main element of Baroque arts is the devotion to the religious deity. The artists of this time were greatly talented with the use of the baroque elements in their works of art. The artist found it easy to work with what the catholic churches preference or guidelines were. Among the famous artists is painter Michelangelo Merisi, or better known as Caravaggio. Caravaggio is best known for his influence of light and dark, exaggerated smokiness, and high detail in his paintings. His most famous paintings include: The Calling of Saint Matthew(oil painting) and Bacchus. Other famous painters of this period are Artemisia Gentileschi and Elisabetta Sirani. Artemisia Gentileschi is the daughter of a friend to the great Caravaggio and eventually becomes a student of his. Her best known works of art are Judith slaying Holoferes and Judith and Her Maidservant. Elisabetta Sirani is also a student of Caravaggio; her best known works of art include Judith with the Head of Holoferes and the Virgin and Child. The talented Bernini, who was also a marvelous architect, produced his sculpture version of the Statue of David. Looking at the other style of art form the Baroque era, Architecture seems to be the most marveled in the time period in Italy. The Structures have more warped columns, sometimes simply ornamental as opposed to supportive with more curves rather than symmetrical lines. Highly decorative details and ornaments along with optical illusions giving the appearance of movement. The Architecture of the baroque had enormous towers and domes and an abundance of windows. A very unique feature about the baroque architecture was the blending of painting with the structure itself. Mary Cassatt The Bath, 1892 Oil on Canvas, 39 x 26" The Art Institute of Chicago EssayAn architect and sculptor worth noting for innovative designing of a phenomenal additional to St. Peters Basilica is Bernini. Bernini designed this structure to have hundreds of columns topped with sculptures constructed together around a plaza. Bernini began constructing his masterpiece in 1657 and was not able to finish until 10 years later. The design he made had the columns was curved tending to the plaza shape, but also engulfing any viewer or visitor with its colossal size. This addition the church was the Baroque was of showing the Catholic Church was the more pristine, more influential, and most of all more dominant. Not only was Bernini a brilliant architect, he was also an accomplished sculptor. His Baldacchino, inside St. Peters basilica, stands at a massive 66 feet tall. It is Baroque canopy sculpted from bronze over the high altar in the church. The canopy towered over the high altar of St. Peter right in the middle of the great church. Bibliography: Baldacchino Berninis Rome .com. Baldacchino Berninis Rome .com. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2015. Britannica. Carlo Maderno | Biography Italian Architect. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2015. Web. 19 Feb. 2015. Caravaggio. Bio. AE Television Networks, 2015. Web. 19 Feb. 2015. History of Saint Peters Basilica. AE Television Networks, 2014. Web. 19 Feb. 2015. Judith and Her Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes (detail). Judith and Her Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes (detail). Larry Brash, Jan. 2014. Web. 18 Feb. 2015. Morris, Rodderick. Artemisia: Her Passion Was Painting Above All Else.New York Times 18 Nov. 2011: 2. Web. 19 Feb. 2015. Pagel, David. Art Review. Los Angeles Times 29 Nov. 2012: n. pag. Los Angeles Times. Web. 19 Feb. 2015. Sayre, Henry M. 21. The Humanities: Culture, Continuity and Change. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Print.
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